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IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 29(1): 247-256, 2023 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36166543


The interpretation of colors in visualizations is facilitated when the assignments between colors and concepts in the visualizations match human's expectations, implying that the colors can be interpreted in a semantic manner. However, manually creating a dataset of suitable associations between colors and concepts for use in visualizations is costly, as such associations would have to be collected from humans for a large variety of concepts. To address the challenge of collecting this data, we introduce a method to extract color-concept associations automatically from a set of concept images. While the state-of-the-art method extracts associations from data with supervised learning, we developed a self-supervised method based on colorization that does not require the preparation of ground truth color-concept associations. Our key insight is that a set of images of a concept should be sufficient for learning color-concept associations, since humans also learn to associate colors to concepts mainly from past visual input. Thus, we propose to use an automatic colorization method to extract statistical models of the color-concept associations that appear in concept images. Specifically, we take a colorization model pre-trained on ImageNet and fine-tune it on the set of images associated with a given concept, to predict pixel-wise probability distributions in Lab color space for the images. Then, we convert the predicted probability distributions into color ratings for a given color library and aggregate them for all the images of a concept to obtain the final color-concept associations. We evaluate our method using four different evaluation metrics and via a user study. Experiments show that, although the state-of-the-art method based on supervised learning with user-provided ratings is more effective at capturing relative associations, our self-supervised method obtains overall better results according to metrics like Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) and Entropy Difference (ED), which are closer to human perception of color distributions.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 28(12): 4940-4950, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34478371


We propose a partial point cloud completion approach for scenes that are composed of multiple objects. We focus on pairwise scenes where two objects are in close proximity and are contextually related to each other, such as a chair tucked in a desk, a fruit in a basket, a hat on a hook and a flower in a vase. Different from existing point cloud completion methods, which mainly focus on single objects, we design a network that encodes not only the geometry of the individual shapes, but also the spatial relations between different objects. More specifically, we complete missing parts of the objects in a conditional manner, where the partial or completed point cloud of the other object is used as an additional input to help predict missing parts. Based on the idea of conditional completion, we further propose a two-path network, which is guided by a consistency loss between different sequences of completion. Our method can handle difficult cases where the objects heavily occlude each other. Also, it only requires a small set of training data to reconstruct the interaction area compared to existing completion approaches. We evaluate our method qualitatively and quantitatively via ablation studies and in comparison to the state-of-the-art point cloud completion methods.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 28(4): 1758-1772, 2022 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33044933


We introduce a modeling tool which can evolve a set of 3D objects in a functionality-aware manner. Our goal is for the evolution to generate large and diverse sets of plausible 3D objects for data augmentation, constrained modeling, as well as open-ended exploration to possibly inspire new designs. Starting with an initial population of 3D objects belonging to one or more functional categories, we evolve the shapes through part recombination to produce generations of hybrids or crossbreeds between parents from the heterogeneous shape collection. Evolutionary selection of offsprings is guided both by a functional plausibility score derived from functionality analysis of shapes in the initial population and user preference, as in a design gallery. Since cross-category hybridization may result in offsprings not belonging to any of the known functional categories, we develop a means for functionality partial matching to evaluate functional plausibility on partial shapes. We show a variety of plausible hybrid shapes generated by our functionality-aware model evolution, which can complement existing datasets as training data and boost the performance of contemporary data-driven segmentation schemes, especially in challenging cases. Our tool supports constrained modeling, allowing users to restrict or steer the model evolution with functionality labels. At the same time, unexpected yet functional object prototypes can emerge during open-ended exploration owing to structure breaking when evolving a heterogeneous collection.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 28(12): 4304-4318, 2022 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34077360


Rigid registration of partial observations is a fundamental problem in various applied fields. In computer graphics, special attention has been given to the registration between two partial point clouds generated by scanning devices. State-of-the-art registration techniques still struggle when the overlap region between the two point clouds is small, and completely fail if there is no overlap between the scan pairs. In this article, we present a learning-based technique that alleviates this problem, and allows registration between point clouds, presented in arbitrary poses, and having little or even no overlap, a setting that has been referred to as tele-registration. Our technique is based on a novel neural network design that learns a prior of a class of shapes and can complete a partial shape. The key idea is combining the registration and completion tasks in a way that reinforces each other. In particular, we simultaneously train the registration network and completion network using two coupled flows, one that register-and-complete, and one that complete-and-register, and encourage the two flows to produce a consistent result. We show that, compared with each separate flow, this two-flow training leads to robust and reliable tele-registration, and hence to a better point cloud prediction that completes the registered scans. It is also worth mentioning that each of the components in our neural network outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both completion and registration. We further analyze our network with several ablation studies and demonstrate its performance on a large number of partial point clouds, both synthetic and real-world, that have only small or no overlap.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 27(6): 3034-3047, 2021 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33460381


We present a neural optimization model trained with reinforcement learning to solve the coordinate ordering problem for sets of star glyphs. Given a set of star glyphs associated to multiple class labels, we propose to use shape context descriptors to measure the perceptual distance between pairs of glyphs, and use the derived silhouette coefficient to measure the perception of class separability within the entire set. To find the optimal coordinate order for the given set, we train a neural network using reinforcement learning to reward orderings with high silhouette coefficients. The network consists of an encoder and a decoder with an attention mechanism. The encoder employs a recurrent neural network (RNN) to encode input shape and class information, while the decoder together with the attention mechanism employs another RNN to output a sequence with the new coordinate order. In addition, we introduce a neural network to efficiently estimate the similarity between shape context descriptors, which allows to speed up the computation of silhouette coefficients and thus the training of the axis ordering network. Two user studies demonstrate that the orders provided by our method are preferred by users for perceiving class separation. We tested our model on different settings to show its robustness and generalization abilities and demonstrate that it allows to order input sets with unseen data size, data dimension, or number of classes. We also demonstrate that our model can be adapted to coordinate ordering of other types of plots such as RadViz by replacing the proposed shape-aware silhouette coefficient with the corresponding quality metric to guide network training.

Comput Graph ; 90: A4-A6, 2020 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32834191


Image, graphical abstract.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 26(8): 2634-2644, 2020 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30640616


Finding where and what objects to put into an existing scene is a common task for scene synthesis and robot/character motion planning. Existing frameworks require development of hand-crafted features suitable for the task, or full volumetric analysis that could be memory intensive and imprecise. In this paper, we propose a data-driven framework to discover a suitable location and then place the appropriate objects in a scene. Our approach is inspired by computer vision techniques for localizing objects in images: using an all directional depth image (ADD-image) that encodes the 360-degree field of view from samples in the scene, our system regresses the images to the positions where the new object can be located. Given several candidate areas around the host object in the scene, our system predicts the partner object whose geometry fits well to the host object. Our approach is highly parallel and memory efficient, and is especially suitable for handling interactions between large and small objects. We show examples where the system can hang bags on hooks, fit chairs in front of desks, put objects into shelves, insert flowers into vases, and put hangers onto laundry rack.

IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph ; 26(1): 739-748, 2020 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31443021


We present a method for data sampling in scatterplots by jointly optimizing point selection for different views or classes. Our method uses space-filling curves (Z-order curves) that partition a point set into subsets that, when covered each by one sample, provide a sampling or coreset with good approximation guarantees in relation to the original point set. For scatterplot matrices with multiple views, different views provide different space-filling curves, leading to different partitions of the given point set. For multi-class scatterplots, the focus on either per-class distribution or global distribution provides two different partitions of the given point set that need to be considered in the selection of the coreset. For both cases, we convert the coreset selection problem into an Exact Cover Problem (ECP), and demonstrate with quantitative and qualitative evaluations that an approximate solution that solves the ECP efficiently is able to provide high-quality samplings.