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J Microsc ; 279(3): 185-188, 2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31845338


Electron Compton scattering is a technique that gives information on the electron momentum density of states and is used to characterize the ground state electronic structure in solids. Extracting the momentum density of states requires us to assume the so-called 'impulse approximation', which is valid for large energy losses. Here, the robustness of the impulse approximation in the low energy transfer regime is tested and confirmed on amorphous carbon films. Compared to traditional Compton measurements, this provides additional benefits of more efficient data collection and a simplified way to probe valence electrons, which govern solid state bonding. However, a potential complication is the increased background from the plasmon signal. To overcome this, a novel plasmon background subtraction routine is proposed for samples that are resistant to beam damage. LAY DESCRIPTION: Properties of solids depend on their electronic structure which can be studied using electron Compton scattering technique. Here, an electron beam is used to penetrate a very thin sample. During the interaction between the electrons in the beam and electrons in the sample, the former transfer a part of their energy to the latter, resulting in a measurable energy loss of the transmitted beam. The amount of the energy transfer depends on the angle of incidence between the beam and the sample. Typically, the experiments are carried out using high tilt angles and high energy transfer; however, in this work, we show that even smaller angles of incidence are suitable, which improve the signal quality and ease data processing procedures.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 21(9): 095005, 2009 Mar 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21817378


Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS), x-ray absorption spectroscopy and x-ray excited optical luminescence (XEOL) have been used to measure element specific filled and empty electronic states over the Si L(2,3) edge of passivated Si nanocrystals of narrow size distribution (diameter 2.2 ± 0.4 nm). These techniques have been employed to directly measure absorption and luminescence specific to the local Si nanocrystal core. Profound changes occur in the absorption spectrum of the nanocrystals compared with bulk Si, and new features are observed in the nanocrystal RIXS. Clear signatures of core and valence band exciton formation, promoted by the spatial confinement of electrons and holes within the nanocrystals, are observed, together with band narrowing due to quantum confinement. XEOL at 12 K shows an extremely sharp feature at the threshold of orange luminescence (i.e., at ∼1.56 eV (792 nm)) which we attribute to recombination of valence excitons, providing a lower limit to the nanocrystal band gap.