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J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol ; 126: 126050, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38469435


Uniaxial tensile tests are routinely conducted to obtain stress-strain data for forming applications. It is important to understand the deformation behavior of test specimens at plastic strains, temperatures, and strain rates typically encountered in metal forming processes. In this study, the Johnson-Cook (J-C) flow stress model was used to describe the constitutive behavior of ASTM International (ASTM) A 1008 steel specimens during uniaxial tensile tests at three different average strain rates (10-5 s-¹, 10-³ s-¹, and 10-¹ s-¹). The digital image correlation (DIC) technique was used for displacement and strain measurement, and two-dimensional (2D) infrared (IR) imaging was employed for temperature measurement. Separate optimization studies involving relevant finite element (FE) modeling with appropriate measured data yielded optimum values of convective heat transfer coefficients, J-C parameters, and inelastic heat fraction variables. FE modeling employing these optimum parameter values was then used to study the mechanical behavior. While FE predictions matched measured strain localization and thermal field very well in the intermediate- and low-rate experiments, the high-rate test showed narrower strain localization and a sharper temperature peak in the experiment. Possible use of a higher steel thermal conductivity value and/or exclusion of material inhomogeneities may have resulted in discrepancies between computed and measured temperature and strain fields. The study shows that an optimized set of parameters obtained with a controlled test could be reasonably applied for other tests conducted at very different strain rates.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34131368


A rate-dependent self-consistent crystal plasticity model was incorporated with the Marciniak-Kuczynski model in order to study the effects of anisotropy on the forming limits of BCC materials. The computational speed of the model was improved by a factor of 24 when running the simulations for several strain paths in parallel. This speed-up enabled a comprehensive investigation of the forming limits of various BCC textures, such as γ, σ, α, η and ϵ fibers and a uniform (random) texture. These simulations demonstrate that the crystallographic texture has significant (both positive and negative) effects on the resulting forming limit diagrams. For example, the γ fiber texture, which is often sought through thermo-mechanical processing due to a high r-value, had the highest forming limit in the balanced biaxial strain path but the lowest forming limit under the plane strain path among the textures under consideration. A systematic investigation based on the results produced by the current model, referred to as 'VPSC-FLD', suggests that the r-value does not serve as a good measure of forming limit strain. However, model predictions show a degree of correlation between the r-value and the forming limit stress.

Int J Plast ; 752015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32831468


A thermally-activated constitutive model is developed based on dislocation interactions, crystallographic orientations and microstructural evolution to describe the elasto-plastic stress-strain behavior during multi-axial loading. The aim is to contribute to the quantification of complex strain path response in solid solution strengthened alloys. In detail, dislocation/dislocation interactions are incorporated in the model to quantify latent and kinematic hardening phenomena during loading path changes. Dislocation density-based constitutive relations are included to account for dislocation features such as dislocation forests, walls and channels. Moreover specifically, dislocation/solute atom interactions are also considered in order to account for both dynamic and static strain aging as well as static recovery. The model is validated against multiple multi-axial data sets for AA5754-O with changes of loading path and various degrees of pre-strain and time intervals between tests.