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Nat Commun ; 14(1): 2707, 2023 May 23.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37221170


Our knowledge about the fine structure of lightning processes at Jupiter was substantially limited by the time resolution of previous measurements. Recent observations of the Juno mission revealed electromagnetic signals of Jovian rapid whistlers at a cadence of a few lightning discharges per second, comparable to observations of return strokes at Earth. The duration of these discharges was below a few milliseconds and below one millisecond in the case of Jovian dispersed pulses, which were also discovered by Juno. However, it was still uncertain if Jovian lightning processes have the fine structure of steps corresponding to phenomena known from thunderstorms at Earth. Here we show results collected by the Juno Waves instrument during 5 years of measurements at 125-microsecond resolution. We identify radio pulses with typical time separations of one millisecond, which suggest step-like extensions of lightning channels and indicate that Jovian lightning initiation processes are similar to the initiation of intracloud lightning at Earth.

Nat Commun ; 10(1): 2751, 2019 06 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31227707


Intense electromagnetic impulses induced by Jupiter's lightning have been recognised to produce both low-frequency dispersed whistler emissions and non-dispersed radio pulses. Here we report the discovery of electromagnetic pulses associated with Jovian lightning. Detected by the Juno Waves instrument during its polar perijove passes, the dispersed millisecond pulses called Jupiter dispersed pulses (JDPs) provide evidence of low density holes in Jupiter's ionosphere. 445 of these JDP emissions have been observed in snapshots of electric field waveforms. Assuming that the maximum delay occurs in the vicinity of the free space ordinary mode cutoff frequency, we estimate the characteristic plasma densities (5.1 to 250 cm-3) and lengths (0.6 km to 1.3 × 105 km) of plasma irregularities along the line of propagation from lightning to Juno. These irregularities show a direct link to low plasma density holes with ≤250 cm-3 in the nightside ionosphere.

Geophys Res Lett ; 46(2): 571-579, 2019 Jan 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30853732


Observations of Jovian broadband kilometric (bKOM) radiation and ultraviolet (UV) auroras were acquired with the Waves and Juno-UVS instruments for ∼2 hr over the northern and southern polar regions during Juno's perijoves 4, 5, and 6 passes (PJ4, PJ5, and PJ6). During all six time periods, Juno traversed auroral magnetic field lines connecting to the UV main auroral ovals, matching the estimates of bKOM radio source footprints. The localized bKOM radio sources for the PJ4 north pass map to magnetic field lines having distances of 10 to 12 Jovian radii (R J) at the magnetic equator, whereas the extended bKOM radio sources for the other events map to field lines extending to 20-61 R J. We found the peak bKOM intensities during Juno's potential radio source crossings show positive, negative, and no correlations with the UV main oval brightness and color ratio. Only the positive correlations suggest wave-particle energy transport.

Nature ; 558(7708): 87-90, 2018 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29875484


Lightning has been detected on Jupiter by all visiting spacecraft through night-side optical imaging and whistler (lightning-generated radio waves) signatures1-6. Jovian lightning is thought to be generated in the mixed-phase (liquid-ice) region of convective water clouds through a charge-separation process between condensed liquid water and water-ice particles, similar to that of terrestrial (cloud-to-cloud) lightning7-9. Unlike terrestrial lightning, which emits broadly over the radio spectrum up to gigahertz frequencies10,11, lightning on Jupiter has been detected only at kilohertz frequencies, despite a search for signals in the megahertz range 12 . Strong ionospheric attenuation or a lightning discharge much slower than that on Earth have been suggested as possible explanations for this discrepancy13,14. Here we report observations of Jovian lightning sferics (broadband electromagnetic impulses) at 600 megahertz from the Microwave Radiometer 15 onboard the Juno spacecraft. These detections imply that Jovian lightning discharges are not distinct from terrestrial lightning, as previously thought. In the first eight orbits of Juno, we detected 377 lightning sferics from pole to pole. We found lightning to be prevalent in the polar regions, absent near the equator, and most frequent in the northern hemisphere, at latitudes higher than 40 degrees north. Because the distribution of lightning is a proxy for moist convective activity, which is thought to be an important source of outward energy transport from the interior of the planet16,17, increased convection towards the poles could indicate an outward internal heat flux that is preferentially weighted towards the poles9,16,18. The distribution of moist convection is important for understanding the composition, general circulation and energy transport on Jupiter.