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Av. psicol. latinoam ; 41(3): 1-20, 20230905.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530714


La atención es definida como un constructo multidimensional, encargado de regular sobre qué estímulos se dirigirán los recursos perceptivos, filtrando información irrelevante con el fin de favorecer la retención de información durante un período antes de actuar sobre ella. La evaluación computarizada de la atención ha ido cobrando relevancia tanto en la investigación como en las prácticas del quehacer profesional. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: 1) analizar la consistencia interna y la validez concurrente del Test de Atención Infantil 6.0 (tai), versión computarizada; y 2) obtener los valores de referencia preliminares para cada subtest del tai. Los estudios de confiabilidad y validez del tai corresponden a una muestra de 122 escolares de Mendoza (Argentina). Al analizar la consistencia interna se obtuvieron valores satisfactorios para cada uno de los subtests (Test 1, kr 20 = 0.78; Test 2, kr 20 =0.74; Test 3, kr20 = 0.73). Se obtuvieron valores satisfactorios al explorar la estabilidad del instrumento. Al analizar la validez concurrente, los resultados indicaron correlaciones positivas moderadas y significativas (p <0.01) entre el test Caras-R y los subtests 1 y 2 del tai, utiliza-do para evaluar desempeño atencional. Se observaron asociaciones positivas significativas (p <0.01) entre el subtest 3 del tai y el Test de Bloques de Corsi, usado para evaluar memoria de trabajo visoespacial. Estos resultados señalan que el tai, instrumento desarrolla-do para evaluar la atención y memoria de trabajo visuoespacial en escolares, presenta indicadores adecuados de validez y confiabilidad. Se discuten los hallazgos, limitaciones y futuras líneas de investigación.

Attention has been defined as a multidimensional construct, dealing with regulation of which stimuli the perceptual resources are directed to, filtering irrelevant information out to favor the retention of relevant information for a period of time, before acting on it. The computerized evaluation of attention has been gaining relevance both in research and in professional practice. The objectives are: 1) to analyze internal consistency and concurrent validity of the Child Attention Test 6.0 (tai), computerized version 6.0; and, 2) to obtain the preliminary reference values for each of the tai subtests done. The data for the validity and reliability studies of the tai corresponds to a sample of 122 schoolchildren in Mendoza (Argentina). When analyzing the internal consistency, satisfactory values were obtained for each subtest (Test 1, kr 20 = 0.78; Test 2, kr 20 = 0.74; and Test 3, kr 20 = 0.73). Satisfactory values were obtained when exploring the stability of the instrument. For concurrent validity, the results indicate significant moderate positive correlations (p <0.01) between the scores obtained in the Caras-R test and subtests 1 and 2 of the tai, used to evaluate attentional performance. Significant positive associa-tions (p <0.01) were observed between tai subtest 3 and the Corsi Block Test, used to assess visuospatial working memory. These results indicate that the tai, an instrument developed in order to evaluate attention and visuospatial working memory of school children, presents adequate indicators of validity and reliability. The findings, limitations, and future lines of research are discussed

A atenção é definida como um construto multidimensio-nal, responsável por regular quais estímulos os recursos perceptivos irão direcionar, filtrando informações irrelevantes de forma a favorecer a retenção da informação por um período de tempo, antes de agir sobre ela. A avaliação informatizada da atenção vem ganhando relevância tanto na pesquisa quanto na prática profissional. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: 1) analisar a consistência interna e a validade concorrente do Teste de Atenção Infantil 6.0 (tai), versão computadorizada, e 2) obter valores de referência preliminares para cada subteste do tai. Os estudos de confiabilidade e validade do tai correspondem a uma amostra de 122 estudantes de Mendoza (Argentina). Na análise da consistência interna foram obtidos valores satisfatórios para cada um dos subtestes (Teste 1, kr 20 = 0.78; Teste 2, kr20 = 0.74; Teste 3, kr 20 = 0.73). Valores satisfatórios foram obtidos ao explorar a estabilidade do instrumento. Ao analisar a validade concorrente, os resultados indicaram correlações positivas moderadas e significativas (p <0.01) entre o teste Caras-r e os subtestes 1 e 2 do tai, utilizados para avaliar o desempenho atencional. Foram observadas associações positivas significativas (p <0.01) entre o subteste 3 do tai e o Teste em Blocos de Corsi, utilizado para avaliar a memória de trabalho visuoespacial. Esses resultados indicam que o tai, instrumento desenvolvido para avaliar a atenção 3Test de Atención Infantil: análisis de las características psicométricas y valores de referencia preliminaresAvances en Psicología Latinoamericana / Bogotá (Colombia) / Vol. 41(3) / pp. 1-20 / 2023 / ISSNe2145-4515e a memória operacional visuoespacial em estudantes, apresenta indicadores adequados de validade e confiabilidade. As descobertas, limitações e futuras linhas de pesquisa são discutidas.

Humanos , Criança , Comportamento Infantil , Desenvolvimento Infantil
Interdisciplinaria ; 40(1): 433-450, abr. 2023. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430609


Resumen Las atribuciones de los niños y las niñas hacia los comportamientos de retraimiento social suelen estar determinadas por el entorno sociocultural particular en el que se desarrollan e influyen en la forma en que reaccionan a las conductas de sus pares durante las interacciones sociales. El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar dichas atribuciones hacia dos subtipos de retraimiento social (timidez y preferencia por la soledad) referidas por niños y niñas de tres contextos diferentes de Mendoza (Argentina): urbano, urbano-marginado y rural. Se llevó a cabo un estudio con 221 niños y niñas abordando jardines de infantes estatales de cada ámbito (urbano: . = 82, Mmeses= 62.33; urbano-marginado: . = 72, Mmeses= 60.47; rural: . = 67, Mmeses= 63.07). Los escolares fueron entrevistados individualmente con una serie de viñetas gráficas con personajes hipotéticos desplegando conductas sociables, tímidas, solitarias y agresivas frente a las cuales respondieron preguntas sobre sus atribuciones y percepciones en distintos aspectos. Las diferentes pruebas no paramétricas realizadas señalaron que el personaje tímido fue percibido con mayor motivación social y menor intencionalidad en su conducta que el personaje solitario en todos los grupos. No se encontraron diferencias entre los contextos en la atribución de consecuencias sociales negativas para estas conductas, aunque el grupo de escolares rurales reportó mayor preferencia afiliativa y compasión por el personaje tímido en comparación con el grupo urbano. Se discuten estos resultados considerando cómo las expectativas de socialización de cada contexto podrían influir en las percepciones de los escolares hacia el retraimiento social.

Abstract Children's attributions towards withdrawn behaviors are usually determined by the particular social milieu in which they develop and tend to influence their behaviors and reactions. The aim of this work was to compare the attributions towards two subtypes of social withdrawal (shyness and unsociability) referred by children from three different contexts in Mendoza, Argentina: urban, urban-marginalized and rural. Participants were 221 kindergarten children from these contexts (urban: n = 82, Mmonths = 62.33; urban-marginalized: n = 72, Mmonths = 60.47; rural: n = 67, Mmonths = 63.07). Children were individually interviewed with a series of graphic vignettes with hypothetical characters displaying shy and unsociable behaviors, and for comparison purposes were also assessed aggressive and socially competent behaviors. After each vignette, children were asked a series of questions designed to assess their attributions toward each behavior in six dimensions: intentionality, social motivation, affiliative preference, social status, negative impact and sympathy. The results of this study showed that young children in the three contexts were able to distinguish social withdrawal from other types of behaviors (i.e., aggressiveness and sociability). Overall, withdrawn behaviors received more positive attributions (greater affiliative preference, better social position and less negative impact) than aggressive behaviors, although they were also perceived negatively in relation to more socially competent behaviors (the latter were attributed greater affiliative preference and best position within the peer group). Furthermore, it was observed that children from the three contexts made clearly distinctions among the different forms of social withdrawal in terms of intentionality and social motivation. Specifically, they reported that compared with unsociable characters, shy ones are more socially motivated and less intentional in their behavior, evocating greater feelings of compassion. However, some peculiarities can be appreciated in each context. The results indicated that children in the urban group reported greater feelings of sympathy for the shy character in relation to the unsociable, which was not evidenced in the other groups. In addition, children from the rural sample showed a greater preference for interact with the hypothetical shy peer than with the unsociable character and this inclination was also greater when compared with the urban sample. Taken together, these results may suggest that different socialization norms and expectations would evoke different meanings and implications to the socially withdrawn manifestations. It might be possible that in urban contexts children's socialization expectations highlight extraversion and self-affirming behaviors which generate more empathetic reactions in front of passive or fearful manifestations as shyness. On the other hand, rural children may prefer peers who display shy behaviors possibly because it is in line with expectations of social cohesion and modesty that are value in this milieu. Nevertheless, no differences were found between shy and unsociable behaviors in any of the contexts in terms of social position and negative impact that they anticipated for the peer group. These results could provide some support for the idea that social withdrawal tends to be globally perceived as benign at an early age, and especially in the rural context, where it is a frequent and valued behavior. Although it is not possible with the limited variables included in this study to know which are the specific contextual aspects that affect some attributions and through what mechanisms they do so, these findings are an important starting point to continue deepening the socialization processes in urban, urban-marginalized and rural young children. This study is also one of the first to evaluate the knowledge and attributions of Argentinean children from different social context toward social withdrawal and provides new evidence on the differences in the cultural meaning and implications of withdrawn behaviors in early childhood.

Liberabit ; 28(2): 574, 2022.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1538140


Antecedentes: Las creencias parentales, entiéndase sus ideas, conocimientos, valores y atribuciones, son primordiales en el estudio de las relaciones entre padres e hijos. Son procesos cognitivos y afectivos que inciden en las estrategias para promover conductas sociales aceptables o para modificar aquellas no deseables. Objetivo general: Explorar las creencias de los padres y las madres sobre los comportamientos de retraimiento social de sus hijos/as en la ciudad de Mendoza, Argentina. Método: Se optó por una metodología cualitativa, utilizando el enfoque de la Teoría Fundamentada. El muestreo fue no probabilístico e intencional y participaron padres y madres de cinco niños/as de cuatro años que asistían a instituciones educativas de gestión estatal. Se utilizó la entrevista enfocada como instrumento de recolección de datos. Resultados: Categorías emergentes: atribuciones causales internas y externas, atribuciones causales del desarrollo cognitivo y/o socioemocional, estrategias parentales de socialización y caracterizadas por control excesivo y sobreprotección. Conclusiones: Las creencias parentales proveen un marco de referencia que guían las interacciones de sus hijos/as y determinan las oportunidades que les brindan para su desarrollo socioemocional. Palabras clave: creencias parentales; retraimiento social; desarrollo socioemocional; preescolar.

Background: Parental beliefs, namely parents' ideas, knowledge, values, and attributions, are essential in the study of relationships between parents and children. They consist of cognitive and affective processes that influence strategies to promote acceptable social behaviors or to modify those considered undesirable. General Objective: To explore fathers' and mothers' beliefs about their children's social withdrawal behaviors in the city of Mendoza, Argentina. Method: A qualitative methodology and a grounded theory approach were chosen. A non-probability purposive sampling was used. Fathers and mothers of five four-year-old children who attended public educational institutions participated in the study. The focused interview was used as a data collection instrument. Results: Emerging categories: internal and external causal attributions, causal attributions of cognitive and/or social-emotional development, parental socialization strategies characterized by excessive control and overprotection. Conclusions: Parental beliefs provide a frame of reference that guides children's interactions and determines the opportunities parents offer their children for their social-emotional development. Keywords: parental beliefs; social withdrawal; social-emotional development; preschool.

Psychol. av. discip ; 15(1): 13-30, ene.-jun. 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1356668


Resumen El principal objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la validez y confiabilidad de la Escala Revisada de Ansiedad y Depresión Infantil (RCADS). Específicamente, se analizó la validez de contenido, la validez de constructo y la validez de criterio, además de reportar los índices de confiabilidad. La muestra estuvo conformada por 284 escolares, cuyas edades oscilaban entre 8 y 12 años, residentes de la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina. Se emplearon los siguientes instrumentos: Escala Revisada de Ansiedad y Depresión Infantil, el Cuestionario de Depresión Infantil (CDI), y el Cuestionario de Emociones Positivas (CIEP). Para evaluar la validez de contenido se convocaron a 10 jueces expertos, y se encontró un grado de acuerdo aceptable con respecto a la congruencia de los ítems a los factores evaluados. La validez de constructo fue evaluada comparando modelos alternativos de la RCADS, encontrando índices de ajuste adecuados para un modelo de cinco factores y 25 ítems, así como índices aceptables de confiablidad. Por último, se encontraron correlaciones significativas positivas entre las dimensiones del RCADS con el CDI y correlaciones significativas negativas con los factores del CIEP. Se discuten los resultados en función de los antecedentes, y se señalan limitaciones de la presente investigación.

Abstract The main objective of this study was to evaluate the validity and reliability of the Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS). Specifically, content validity, construct validity and criterion validity were assessed, in addition to reporting the reliability index. The sample was composed of 284 schoolchildren whose ages ranged from 8 to 12 years. All of them were from the state of Mendoza, Argentina. The following instruments were used: Revised Child Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Child Depression Questionnaire (CDI), and the Positive Emotions Questionnaire (CIEP). To evaluate content validity, 10 expert judges were summoned, and an acceptable degree of agreement was found regarding the congruence of the items to the evaluated factors. The construct validity was evaluated by comparing alternative models of the RCADS, finding adequate fit indices for a model of five factors and 25 items, as well as an acceptable index of reliability. Finally, significant positive correlations were found between the dimensions of the RCADS with the CDI and significant negative correlations with the factors of the CIEP. The results are discussed based on the previous research, and the weakness of this research are pointed out.

Ansiedade , Psicometria , Comportamento Infantil , Depressão , Cuidado da Criança
Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 38(1): 57-73, ene.-jun. 2019. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1091954


Resumen Los objetivos de este artículo fueron: (a) describir el perfil de Estilo Personal del Terapeuta (EPT) en dos grupos de psicólogos clínicos: uno que trabaja en instituciones de tratamiento de adicciones y otro no abocado específicamente a este campo; (b) comparar el posible efecto del enfoque teórico y los años de experiencia profesional sobre el EPT en cada grupo. Para ello se trabajó con una muestra de 429 psicólogos clínicos de Argentina divididos en dos grupos: Grupo Adicciones (n = 102) y Grupo Clínico (n = 327). Como instrumento se empleó el Cuestionario de Estilo Personal del Terapeuta. A nivel de resultados se obtuvieron diferencias significativas en la función de Involucración (p < .05), donde los terapeutas de adicciones obtuvieron puntajes superiores. Asimismo, se observaron diferencias entre ambos grupos de terapeutas según el enfoque teórico y correlaciones significativas con los años de experiencia profesional.

Abstract: The objectives of this study were: (a) to describe the profile of the Therapist's Personal Style (TPS) in two groups of clinical psychologists: one group working in drug addict institutions and the other group dedicated to general clinical treatment; (b) to compare the possible effect of the theoretical framework and the years of experience on the TPS in each group. For this purpose, a sample of 429 clinical psychologists from Argentina was divided into two groups: Addictions Group (n = 102) and Clinical Group (n = 327). The Therapeutic Personal Style Questionnaire was used as instrument. As a result, there were significant differences in the Engagement function (p < .05), higher among the therapists of drug addict patients. Likewise, differences between both groups of therapists were observed according to the theoretical approach as well as significant correlations with years of professional experience.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Psicologia/tendências , Terapeutas Ocupacionais/psicologia , Testes de Personalidade , Argentina , Psicoterapia , Psicoterapia Interpessoal
Arch. med ; 19(1): 87-98, 20190330.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-999118


Objetivo: caracterizar a una muestra de mujeres parturientas de Mendoza (Argentina), atendiendo a variables personales y contextuales. Materiales y métodos: estudio con enfoque cuantitativo con diseño no experimental-transversal y alcance descriptivo.Muestra no probabilística-intencional, conformada por 73 mujeres que fueron entrevistadas 48 horas después de que habían dado a luz en un hospital público de la ciudad de Mendoza, Argentina. Los datos se recolectaron a través de una escala de factores demográficos y socioeconómicos y un formulario de datos médicos. De ellos se obtuvieron diferentes estadísticos descriptivos. Resultados: se registraron embarazos adolescentes, consumo moderado de alcohol y tabaco durante la gestación,niveles de educación predominantemente bajos, gran índice de desempleo suplidos, en algunos casos, por ayudas económicas gubernamentales y un predominio de la estructura familiar tradicional. El porcentaje de partos por cesárea fue menor al 30% y los valores de edad gestacional, peso, talla, pulso, perímetro cefálico y puntaje Apgar de los recién nacidos resultaron esperables. Conclusiones: a partir de los resultados encontrados se visibiliza la necesidad de implementar acciones políticas que permitan garantizar los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres usuarias del sistema público de salud durante su embarazo, parto y puerperio. Se considera relevante trabajar sobre la prevención del embarazo adolescente, un mayor y mejor registro en las historias clínicas y el mejoramiento de las condiciones edilicias. A su vez, se alienta a continuar con las prácticas actuales que han permitido disminuir la tasa de mortalidad materna y neonatal..(AU)

Objective: characterize a sample of parturient women from Mendoza (Argentina), attending to personal and contextual variables. Materials and methods: it was used a quantitative approach with no experimental-transversal design and descriptive scope. Non-probabilistic-intentional sample, consisting of 73 women who were interviewed 48 hours after they had given birth in a public hospital in the City of Mendoza. The data was collected through a scale of demographic and socioeconomic factors and a medical data form. Different descriptive statistics were obtained. Results: there were some adolescent pregnancies, moderate consumption of alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy, predominantly low education levels, high unemployment rate, in some cases, supplemented by government financial aid and a predominance of the traditional family structure. The percentage of cesarean deliveries was less than 30% and gestational age, weight, height, pulse, head circumference and Apgar score of newborns were expected. Conclusions: actions and policies are required to guarantee the reproductive rights of women who use the public health system during pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium. It is also considered essential to work on the prevention of adolescent pregnancy, a greater and better record in the medical books and the improvement of building conditions. At the same time, it is encouraged to continue with the current practices that have boosted to reduce the maternal and neonatal mortality rate..(AU)

Gravidez , Trabalho de Parto , Saúde Pública , Assistência Perinatal
Res Psychother ; 22(2): 362, 2019 Aug 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32913799


The Personal Style of the Therapist (PST) is an important aspect to assess in the therapeutic process. Previous research has explored therapist's profiles and their differences according to a variety of theoretical orientations, as well as the association between these profiles and personality traits. This study aims to put together these lines of research through a cluster analysis. The specific goals were to describe the profiles of therapists with respect to the functions of the PST and personality traits; and to analyze whether the professionals' profiles and their theoretical orientations were related. The sample was comprised of 546 Argentinian therapists. The Personal Style of the Therapist Questionnaire (PST-Q) and the Big Five Inventory (BFI) were used as measuring instruments. Using the methodology of hierarchical analysis based on a cluster analysis integrating the five factors of the PST, a four-cluster solution was confirmed to be the most satisfactory. Subsequently, a cluster analysis of k-means based on the five factors of each test (PST-Q and BFI) was performed. Finally, the relationship between the clusters and theoretical orientation and years of clinical practice was assessed, rendering positive outcomes. The results are discussed based on previous research studies and the significance of studying the therapist's personal variables and their connection with psychotherapy efficacy.

Psychol. av. discip ; 11(2): 69-84, jul.-dic. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-895996


Resumen El objetivo fue evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de cinco versiones distintas del Cuestionario de Estilo Personal del Terapeuta (ETP-C), el cual indaga cinco funciones de la actividad terapéutica: Atencional (búsqueda de información), Operativa (intervenciones terapéuticas), Instruccional (establecimiento del encuadre terapéutico), Expresiva (grado de expresividad emocional) y de Involucración (compromiso). Para este estudio participaron 471 terapeutas de Argentina, quienes completaron la versión original del ETP-C, compuesta por 36 ítems. Luego se compararon los indicadores de ajuste de los cinco modelos disponibles del cuestionario. Se obtuvo que la versión portuguesa del EPT-C compuesto por 20 ítems, es el que mejores indicadores de ajuste presenta a pesar de que la confiabilidad del mismo no fue satisfactoria. Se discuten implicaciones teóricas y prácticas para la investigación en psicoterapia.

Abstract The objective was to evaluate the psychometric properties of five different versions of the Personal Style Therapist Questionnaire (PST-Q), which evaluate five functions of therapeutic activity: Attentional (seeking information), Operational (therapeutic interventions), Instructional (establishment of the therapeutic setting), Expressive (degree of emotional expressiveness) and Involvement (commitment).471 therapist participate in this study, who completed the original version of the PST-Q, consisting of 36 items. Adjustment indicators of the five models PST-Q available were then compared. As a result, the version of the PST-Q with best adjustment indicator was the Portuguese one made of 20 items, although the reliability was not satisfactory. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed for psychotherapy research.

Psicometria , Psicoterapia , Adaptação Psicológica , Análise Fatorial , Questionário de Saúde do Paciente/classificação , Psicoterapeutas , Terapêutica , Inquéritos e Questionários , Indicadores e Reagentes , Categorias de Trabalhadores
Interdisciplinaria ; 34(1): 39-56, June 2017. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-893317


La atención juega un rol clave en el desempeño escolar de los niños. Numerosas investigaciones han informado que la capacidad atencional se correlaciona positivamente con las competencias de lectura, escritura y habilidades matemáticas en escolares primarios. En este marco surge la necesidad de evaluar las habilidades atencionales de los niños en el ámbito educativo con instrumentos válidos, confiables y adaptados a la población escolar. El propósito del trabajo realizado fue elaborar los datos normativos del Test de Percepción de Semejanzas y Diferencias (CARAS) y sus indicadores de desempeño atencional. Esta prueba es utilizada para evaluar la atención focalizada y sostenida y la aptitud para percibir, rápida y correctamente, semejanzas, diferencias y patrones estimulantes parcialmente ordenados. La investigaciónfue descriptiva y se empleó un diseño no experimental, seccional-transversal. El análisis se hizo con una muestra estandarizada por muestreo aleatorio estratificado de 4.462 alumnos, de establecimientos escolares públicos de nivel primario del Gran Mendoza (República Argentina) de 7 a 12 años de edad. Como resultado se obtuvieron puntuaciones correspondientes al desempeño atencional:eficacia atencional (EA), eficiencia atencional (FA) y rendimiento atencional (RA), en tiempos parciales de evaluación (t1 y t2) y tiempo total (T), según sexo y edad. Luego se determinaron las frecuencias acumuladas que posteriormente fueron transformadas a rangos percentilares. Con este tipo de estudio normativo se pretende brindar en los diferentes indicadores de desempeño atencional, una mayor precisión diagnóstica en la evaluación del mecanismo atencional en niños.

Attention plays a key role in school performance of children. Different studies have reported that the attentional capacity is positively correlated with the skills of reading, writing and math in primary school. In the teaching-learning process, a child uses different forms of attention. In one task, the child selects relevant information and inhibits the others. Perhaps, should divide his attention and switch his focus of attention between two or more sources of information, holding -intentionally- these activities for a specified time. In this context, it is important evaluate the attentional abilities of children in education with valid, reliable and adapted instruments to the school population. The main perceptual-attentional skills used in assessing attentional tasks are: perception of differences, visual discrimination, visual integration and perceptual speed. These tasks can be characterized as simple, yet include a lot of tests, which requires a relatively large time to be realized. In this way become continuous performance tasks in which the subject must locate significant stimulus to a wider set of stimuli acting distracting way. The purpose of this work was the development of normative data of performance indicators in Perception Test Similarities and Differences or FACES. This test is used to evaluate the focused and sustained attention and the ability to perceive, quickly and correctly, similarities, differences and partially ordered stimulating patterns. As a main feature, the CARAS, has 60 blocks stimuli each composed of three schematic drawings of faces (with elementary strokes representing the mouth, eyes, eyebrows and hair), one of which is different. The task is to determine the different side and cross it off. The research was descriptive and cross-sectional non-experimental design was used. The analysis was performed on a standardized sample stratified random sample of 4.462 students between 7 and 12 years of public primary schools of Mendoza (República Argentina). As a result are obtained performance attentional scores: attentional efficacy (AE), attentional efficiency (AE) and attentional yield (AY) in partial evaluation time (t1 and t2) and total time (T), for each sex and age. These attentional assessment indicators are proposed by the authors in previous work. Mathematical expressions derived from these indicators, emerged from the chronological review of the progress made in this assessment tool and the need to know more accurately the capabilities of the subjects tested. In this context, the term attentional performance is introduced as an inclusive concept of attentional efficiency, attentional efficiency and attentional yield of a subject in visual search tasks. Attentional efficiency allows to evaluate the accuracy with which a child discriminate stimuli within a series of similar stimuli; attentional efficiency (AF) is defined as the cognitive ability to regulate and optimize the attentional mechanism to select and maintain attention for an extended period of time, using minimal resources of time available. Moreover, attentional yield (AY) is the product resulting from the level of effectiveness and efficiency obtained in selection and sustained attentional task. Then, the cumulative frequencies, which were subsequently transformed to percentile ranks, were determined. With this kind of normative study is to provide, in different attentional performance indicators, greater diagnostic accuracy in assessing attentional mechanism in children. The attentional capacity is key to proper cognitive functioning, thus its evaluation is relevant for the purposes of precise diagnosis and adequate psycho-educational intervention programs that interrupt the cycle of failure and frustration helping to increase the feeling of self-efficacy in the school.

Int J Psychol Res (Medellin) ; 10(2): 34-45, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32612763


The present study set out to evaluate the effectiveness of a group cognitive intervention aimed at promoting executive functions in children at social risk. The quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest design included a control group. The sample was made up of 178 children (52% boys), aged 6-10. The children were evaluated by means of a battery of neuropsychological EF tests and a teacher-rated behavioral EF scale. The intervention program included 30 group cognitive stimulation sessions that increased in difficulty and were embedded into school curricula. Trained children performed better in terms of cognitive flexibility, planning, metacognition and inhibitory control, as compared to their baseline values and to children in the control group. This study provides new evidence of the effectiveness of cognitive interventions for children and of children's capability to transfer cognitive improvements to daily school activities.

El presente trabajo se propuso evaluar la efectividad de una intervención cognitiva grupal destinada a promover las funciones ejecutivas en niños en riesgo social. Se utilizó un diseño cuasi-experimental pretest-postest con grupo control. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 178 niños argentinos (52% varones) de 6 a 10 anos de edad. Se empleó una batería de tests neuropsicológicos y una escala de funcionamiento ejecutivo versión docente. La intervención incluyo 30 sesiones grupales, de dificultad creciente y se insertó dentro de la curricular escolar. Los niños entrenados evidenciaron un mejor desempeño en flexibilidad cognitiva, planificación, meta cognición y control inhibitorio en comparación con su desempeño basal y sus controles. Estos resultados aportan nueva evidencia sobre la efectividad de las intervenciones cognitivas infantiles y su capacidad para transferir las mejoras cognitivas a las actividades cotidianas de los niños en el ámbito escolar.

Rev. CES psicol ; 9(2): 68-79, jul.-dic. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-956529


Resumen La iluminación es una de las características físicas más críticas en un espacio de aprendizaje. El objetivo del presente trabajo es evaluar mediante dos instancias experimentales el desempeño atencional en una tarea de detección de detalles monocromáticos en aulas bajo diferentes condiciones de iluminación, contemplando las variables de temperatura de color correlacionada (TCC: 6500 ºK - 4000 ºK) e iluminancia horizontal (Eh: 300 lx - 500 lx). El diseño experimental empleado fue un experimento intra-sujetos y la muestra estuvo compuesta por 34 alumnos entre 8 y 9 años. Se administró el Test CARAS-R para evaluar eficacia (EA), eficiencia (FA) y rendimiento atencional (RA). Los resultados evidencian diferencias en la FA (Z= -2.470; p= .013) y RA (Z= -2.385; p= 0.16) de los niños, según las condiciones de TCC. No se registraron diferencias en atención en función de Eh. Promover diseños de acondicionamientos lumínicos eficientes en las aulas es un modo de favorecer el desempeño cognitivo de sus ocupantes.

Abstract Lighting is one of the most critical physical characteristics in a learning space. This paper aims to evaluate by two experimental instances attentional performance in a detection task related to monochrome details in classrooms under different lighting conditions, considering correlated color temperature variables (CCT: 6500 ° K - 4000 ° K) and horizontal illuminance (Ehor: 300 lx - 500 lx). The experimental design was a within-subject design experiment and the sample consisted of 34 students between 8 and 9 years old. CARAS-R Test was administered to assess efficacy (EA), efficiency (FA) and attentional performance. In attentional efficiency (Z = 2470, p = .013) and attentional performance (Z = 2385, p = 0.16) of children, significant differences in the conditions of CCT were observed. No differences in Ehor occurred. It was found that providing efficient lighting designs in the classroom may promote its occupants cognitive performance.

Codas ; 28(3): 314-8, 2016 May 31.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27253226


Using a pretest and posttest comparison group design, this 20 weeks study investigated the effects of a phonological awareness training program (PATP) on attention efficiency (AE) in 57 children (age = 5 to 6 years) at risk. The experimental group received the PATP (EG; n=30). We obtained pretest and posttest measures of phonological awareness and AE. The ANOVA showed significant interaction effects of the PATP and time on phonological awareness and AE. For both groups, posttest AE score means were higher than pretest score means. Pretest measures showed that the AE score mean for the EG was lower than that for the Control Group (CG; n=31); whereas posttest data showed no between group differences. Contrast analysis showed that the EG gained a greater level of phonological awareness ability and AE over CG. Our results indicate that children's attention efficiency not only improved as they developed, but also increased by means of a PATP.

Atenção/fisiologia , Percepção Auditiva/fisiologia , Conscientização/fisiologia , Fonética , Transtornos da Articulação/terapia , Criança , Pré-Escolar , Humanos , Ensaios Clínicos Controlados não Aleatórios como Assunto , Resultado do Tratamento , Percepção Visual/fisiologia
Interdisciplinaria ; 31(2): 213-225, dic. 2014. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-131470


En el ámbito educativo, las conductas problemas y los desórdenes atencionales son factores de riesgo que afectan el rendimiento académico y social del niño. La importancia del desarrollo de los procesos de aprendizaje genera la necesidad de evaluar las habilidades atencionales de los niños en el ámbito educativo con instrumentos válidos, confiables y adaptados a la población escolar. Desde la Neuropsicología del Desarrollo se proponen nuevos indicadores para la evaluación atencional a través del Test CARAS denominados: eficiencia atencional y rendimiento atencional. Esta prueba es utilizada para evaluar la atención focalizada y sostenida y la aptitud para percibir, rápida y correctamente, semejanzas, diferencias y patrones estimulantes parcialmente ordenados. Las expresiones matemáticas derivadas de los indicadores propuestos surgen de la revisión cronológica de los avances producidos en este instrumento de evaluación y la necesidad de conocer con mayor precisión las capacidades de los sujetos evaluados. Los indicadores propuestos han evidenciado en la prueba piloto con 48 sujetos una mayor representatividad de las habilidades atencionales y sus fluctuaciones, a partir del estudio de éstas en diferentes tiempos de evaluación. El trabajo que se informa permite introducir el término desempeño atencional como resultante de integrar los conceptos de eficacia atencional (EA), eficiencia atencional (FA) y rendimiento atencional (RA) en tareas de búsqueda visual. Con este tipo de estudio se pretende brindar una modalidad de análisis que contemple los diferentes aspectos que intervienen en tareas de búsqueda visual utilizadas para evaluar el desempeño atencional.(AU)

In the educational field the behavior problems and attentional disorders are risk factors, which affect the academic performance of the child. In the teaching-learning process, a child uses different forms of attention. In one task, the child selects relevant information and inhibits the others. Perhaps, should divide his attention and switch his focus of attention between two or more sources of information, holding -intentionally- these activities for a specified time. The importance of the development of learning processes requires the evaluation of the childrens attentional abilities in the educational field as valid and reliable instruments adapted to the school population. This work, focused from the Development Neuropsychology approach, proposes two new indices called attentional efficiency and attentional yield for the evaluation of attention through the Perception of Differences Test - CARAS. As a main feature, the CARAS, has 60 blocks stimuli each composed of three schematic drawings of faces (with elementary strokes representing the mouth, eyes, eyebrows and hair), one of which is different. The task is to determine the different side and cross it off. These proposed indicators arise with new modes of administration of the Test CARAS and the need for greater accuracy in evaluating attentional. Attentional efficiency is defined (AF) as the cognitive ability to regulate and optimize the attentional mechanism to select and maintain attention for an extended period of time, using minimal resources of time available. Moreover, attentional yield (AY) is the product resulting from the level of effectiveness and efficiency obtained in selection and sustained attentional task. Mathematical expressions derived from the proposed indicators, arising from the chronological review of developments since the original technique to methods and scores currently used today. We believe that the progress made in this work have enriched the analysis in the evaluation of attention and use of the CARAS Test. Although, attentional efficiency, produced advances in the interpretation of the results, new developments in the application of the test methods, that is, analyzing the execution after 3 minutes, have proposed new challenges. Currently with these contributions not only have the chance to meet attentional efficacy (AE) in a period of focused attention mainly, but also its attentional efficiency (AF) and attentional yield (AY) in periods of sustained attention (after three minutes until completion of the task). The proposed indicators have been evident in the pilot test with 48 children greater representation of attentional skills and fluctuations, from the study of different evaluation times. The pilot test was conducted in the institution primary school, located in the city of Mendoza (Argentina). This paper presents the limitation of being a pilot study on a small sample of students. However, it served to apply in real cases the proposed concepts. These results come from children in urban public schools so the interpretation of the results must be contextualized. It must also recognize the importance of further assessments for adequate attentional diagnosis. Currently being developed complementary to regional scale attentional efficacy (AE) with attentional efficiency indicators (AF) and attentional yield (AY) from a random sample of 5000 students in first through seventh grade belonging to marginal - urban and urban primary schools state of Mendoza. This work allows introducing the term attentional performance as the result of integrating the concepts of attentional efficiency (AE), attentional efficiency (AF) and attentional yield (AY) in visual search tasks. With this type of study is to provide a form of analysis, which considers the different aspects involved in visual search tasks used to assess attentional performance.(AU)

Interdisciplinaria ; 31(2): 213-225, dic. 2014. graf, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-734357


En el ámbito educativo, las conductas problemas y los desórdenes atencionales son factores de riesgo que afectan el rendimiento académico y social del niño. La importancia del desarrollo de los procesos de aprendizaje genera la necesidad de evaluar las habilidades atencionales de los niños en el ámbito educativo con instrumentos válidos, confiables y adaptados a la población escolar. Desde la Neuropsicología del Desarrollo se proponen nuevos indicadores para la evaluación atencional a través del Test CARAS denominados: eficiencia atencional y rendimiento atencional. Esta prueba es utilizada para evaluar la atención focalizada y sostenida y la aptitud para percibir, rápida y correctamente, semejanzas, diferencias y patrones estimulantes parcialmente ordenados. Las expresiones matemáticas derivadas de los indicadores propuestos surgen de la revisión cronológica de los avances producidos en este instrumento de evaluación y la necesidad de conocer con mayor precisión las capacidades de los sujetos evaluados. Los indicadores propuestos han evidenciado en la prueba piloto con 48 sujetos una mayor representatividad de las habilidades atencionales y sus fluctuaciones, a partir del estudio de éstas en diferentes tiempos de evaluación. El trabajo que se informa permite introducir el término desempeño atencional como resultante de integrar los conceptos de eficacia atencional (EA), eficiencia atencional (FA) y rendimiento atencional (RA) en tareas de búsqueda visual. Con este tipo de estudio se pretende brindar una modalidad de análisis que contemple los diferentes aspectos que intervienen en tareas de búsqueda visual utilizadas para evaluar el desempeño atencional.

In the educational field the behavior problems and attentional disorders are risk factors, which affect the academic performance of the child. In the teaching-learning process, a child uses different forms of attention. In one task, the child selects relevant information and inhibits the others. Perhaps, should divide his attention and switch his focus of attention between two or more sources of information, holding -intentionally- these activities for a specified time. The importance of the development of learning processes requires the evaluation of the children's attentional abilities in the educational field as valid and reliable instruments adapted to the school population. This work, focused from the Development Neuropsychology approach, proposes two new indices called attentional efficiency and attentional yield for the evaluation of attention through the Perception of Differences Test - CARAS. As a main feature, the CARAS, has 60 blocks stimuli each composed of three schematic drawings of faces (with elementary strokes representing the mouth, eyes, eyebrows and hair), one of which is different. The task is to determine the different side and cross it off. These proposed indicators arise with new modes of administration of the Test CARAS and the need for greater accuracy in evaluating attentional. Attentional efficiency is defined (AF) as the cognitive ability to regulate and optimize the attentional mechanism to select and maintain attention for an extended period of time, using minimal resources of time available. Moreover, attentional yield (AY) is the product resulting from the level of effectiveness and efficiency obtained in selection and sustained attentional task. Mathematical expressions derived from the proposed indicators, arising from the chronological review of developments since the original technique to methods and scores currently used today. We believe that the progress made in this work have enriched the analysis in the evaluation of attention and use of the CARAS Test. Although, attentional efficiency, produced advances in the interpretation of the results, new developments in the application of the test methods, that is, analyzing the execution after 3 minutes, have proposed new challenges. Currently with these contributions not only have the chance to meet attentional efficacy (AE) in a period of focused attention mainly, but also its attentional efficiency (AF) and attentional yield (AY) in periods of sustained attention (after three minutes until completion of the task). The proposed indicators have been evident in the pilot test with 48 children greater representation of attentional skills and fluctuations, from the study of different evaluation times. The pilot test was conducted in the institution primary school, located in the city of Mendoza (Argentina). This paper presents the limitation of being a pilot study on a small sample of students. However, it served to apply in real cases the proposed concepts. These results come from children in urban public schools so the interpretation of the results must be contextualized. It must also recognize the importance of further assessments for adequate attentional diagnosis. Currently being developed complementary to regional scale attentional efficacy (AE) with attentional efficiency indicators (AF) and attentional yield (AY) from a random sample of 5000 students in first through seventh grade belonging to marginal - urban and urban primary schools state of Mendoza. This work allows introducing the term attentional performance as the result of integrating the concepts of attentional efficiency (AE), attentional efficiency (AF) and attentional yield (AY) in visual search tasks. With this type of study is to provide a form of analysis, which considers the different aspects involved in visual search tasks used to assess attentional performance.

Rev. CES psicol ; 6(2): 66-81, jul.-dic. 2013. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-726814


Se presenta un estudio piloto cuyo propósito fue analizar la eficacia de un programa de intervención psico-educativo que promueva la resolución pacífica de los conflictos entre pares en la escuela. Los participantes fueron 117 niños y niñas de 9 a 11 años, de 4to y 5to año de primaria, quienes fueron evaluados según sus relaciones socio-afectivas en el aula, sus estatus grupales (popularidad, rechazo, aislamiento) y sus comportamientos. La intervención psico-educativa se realizó en las aulas durante tres meses en coordinación con los maestros. Los resultados mostraron que el entrenamiento en habilidades socio-cognitivas resultó efectivo para la disminución de las repuestas agresivas a través de la utilización alternativa de otras conductas y la anticipación para resolver conflictos interpersonales.

This pilot research aims firstly, to evaluate the group status (popularity, rejection, and isolation) related to dysfunctional behaviors, and secondly, to analyze the efficiency of an intervention program to promote the peaceful resolution of interpersonal problems. Socio-emotional relationship and behavior of 117 boys /girls aged between 9 to 11 year old of 4th and 5th grade were evaluated. A psycho-educational intervention program was implemented and assessed pre and post intervention. The results showed that the socio-cognitive skills training were effective to reduce the aggressive response through other alternative behaviors and the early decision process to solve peer conflicts.

Rev. colomb. psicol ; 18(2): 121-134, jul.-dic. 2009.
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-561539


En el presente trabajo, de tipo exploratorio-descriptivo, se propuso realizar una modificación del Test de Habilidades Cognitivas de Solución de Problemas Interpersonales para niños (EVHACOSPI), de García Pérez y Magaz Lago. Estas modifcaciones suponen un enfoque centrado en los recursos psicológicos propios de la psicología positiva. En este estudio participaron 30 escolares, con edades entre los 7 y los 9 años, quienes provienen de contextos de vulnerabilidad social. Los resultados señalan que, en la mayoría de los casos, los niños(as) identificaron correctamente las pautas de solución, hallaron difcultades para describirlas y visualizaron consecuencias emocionales positivas. Se concluye que la versión modificada del test podría utilizarse como complemento de la versión original y contribuir a la evaluación y promoción de las habilidades de solución de problemas.

This exploratory and descriptive study presents a modification of the EVHACOSPI test developed by García Pérez and Magaz Lago and intended to evaluate children's interpersonal problem-solving cognitive abilities. These modifications draw upon a Positive Psychology approach which brings together psychological resources. The responses were obtained from a sample of 30 children aged 7-9 from poverty-stricken contexts. The findings suggest that most children were capable of identifying solutions, had dificulties describing them and displayed positive emotional consequences. The study concludes that the modified version of the test can be used as a complement of the original version and can contribute to the evaluation and development of problem-solving abilities.

Criança , Pré-Escolar , Relações Interpessoais , Resolução de Problemas , Psicometria/métodos , Desenvolvimento Infantil , Tomada de Decisões , Emoções , Prevenção Primária
Persona (Lima) ; (12): 29-51, ene.-dic. 2009. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LIPECS | ID: biblio-1109827


Los objetivos del presente trabajo son: a) identificar a escolares entre los 7 y 12 años de edad, de ambos géneros, que presenten disfunción en atención sostenida (DAS), b) explorar la memoria de trabajo y las habilidades cognitivas para la solución de problemas interpersonales en los escolares con DAS, y C) demostrar la efectividad de programas de intervención en los niños participantes.

In this article we focused: a) to identify students, within both gender ranges and between 7 and 12 years old, with sustained attention dysfunction (SAD), b) to explore the working memory and the cognitive skills necessary for interpersonal problem solving in students as SAD, and c) to demonstrate the effectiveness of the intervention programs in these children.

Masculino , Feminino , Humanos , Criança , Estudantes , Memória de Curto Prazo , Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade , Transtornos Cognitivos , Argentina
Interdisciplinaria ; 23(2): 203-231, 2006. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-121570


El propósito de este trabajo es presentar las normas del Test de Percepción de Diferencias (CARAS), el cual explora la focalización atencional y la aptitud perceptiva para discriminar semejanzas y diferencias en patrones estimulares parcialmente ordenados, en una muestra de niños de 7 a 12 años de la Provincia de Mendoza (Argentina) de escuelas urbanas y urbanomarginales. La tarea del niño consiste en localizar los estímulos significativos entre un conjunto más amplio de estímulos que actuarían como distractores, por ello esta técnica es de gran utilidad para detectar disfunciones en el mecanismo de atención selectiva visual. El Test de Percepción de Diferencias (CARAS) se aplicó a una muestra aleatoria de 2.124 niños, conformada por 1.090 varones y 1.034 niñas. Los niños de la muestra concurrían a escuelas primarias urbanas y urbano-marginales del Gran Mendoza y cursaban desde segundo hasta séptimo año de la Enseñanza General Básica (EGB). Se obtuvieron las puntuaciones directas [aciertos - (errores + omisiones)] para cada sexo, edad y ámbito escolar (urbano y urbano-marginal) y luego se determinaron las frecuencias acumulativas, que posteriormente fueron transformadas a rangos percentilares. La evaluación de las habilidades atencionales en niños, mediante la utilización de instrumentos válidos, confiables y adaptados a nuestra población escolar, resulta relevante a los fines de precisar y enriquecer el psicodiagnóstico en tareas de orientación escolar y adecuar programas de intervención psicoeducativos que contribuyan a incrementar el desempeño académico y social del niño(AU)

The purpose of this work is to present the Test on Perception of Differences (CARAS) which aim is to explore attention focus and perceptive attitude to discriminate similarities and differences in partially ordered stimuli patterns. The experience was carried out in the Province of Mendoza (Argentina) with children between 7 and 12 years old, attending city schools at risk for poverty. Test on Perception of Differences was administered to a random simple, composed by 2,124 children, 1,090 boys and 1,034 girls with ages between 7 and 12 years old. These school children attended primary schools at risk for poverty, in the suburbs of Mendoza and were between second and seventh grade in Basic General Learning. Direct scores [success - (failures + omissions)] were obtained within each sex and age range, to later determine accumulative frequencies further transformed into percentile ranges. [ ... ] The application of CARAS Test within a school context aims to obtain a closer deficit diagnosis in focused attention, as well as in problematic stimuli discrimination. Hence, this test evaluates whether the intentional behaviour a child can present in class, is closely connected to correct stimuli discrimination in visual search tasks, which expect an attention selective mechanism. This technique enriches psychodiagnosis in school oriented tasks(AU)

Humanos , Criança , Atenção , Transtornos de Deficit da Atenção e do Comportamento Disruptivo , Percepção Visual , Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade , Argentina , Testes Psicológicos
Interdisciplinaria ; 23(2): 203-231, 2006. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | BINACIS | ID: bin-119204


El propósito de este trabajo es presentar las normas del Test de Percepción de Diferencias (CARAS), el cual explora la focalización atencional y la aptitud perceptiva para discriminar semejanzas y diferencias en patrones estimulares parcialmente ordenados, en una muestra de niños de 7 a 12 años de la Provincia de Mendoza (Argentina) de escuelas urbanas y urbanomarginales. La tarea del niño consiste en localizar los estímulos significativos entre un conjunto más amplio de estímulos que actuarían como distractores, por ello esta técnica es de gran utilidad para detectar disfunciones en el mecanismo de atención selectiva visual. El Test de Percepción de Diferencias (CARAS) se aplicó a una muestra aleatoria de 2.124 niños, conformada por 1.090 varones y 1.034 niñas. Los niños de la muestra concurrían a escuelas primarias urbanas y urbano-marginales del Gran Mendoza y cursaban desde segundo hasta séptimo año de la Enseñanza General Básica (EGB). Se obtuvieron las puntuaciones directas [aciertos - (errores + omisiones)] para cada sexo, edad y ámbito escolar (urbano y urbano-marginal) y luego se determinaron las frecuencias acumulativas, que posteriormente fueron transformadas a rangos percentilares. La evaluación de las habilidades atencionales en niños, mediante la utilización de instrumentos válidos, confiables y adaptados a nuestra población escolar, resulta relevante a los fines de precisar y enriquecer el psicodiagnóstico en tareas de orientación escolar y adecuar programas de intervención psicoeducativos que contribuyan a incrementar el desempeño académico y social del niño(AU)

The purpose of this work is to present the Test on Perception of Differences (CARAS) which aim is to explore attention focus and perceptive attitude to discriminate similarities and differences in partially ordered stimuli patterns. The experience was carried out in the Province of Mendoza (Argentina) with children between 7 and 12 years old, attending city schools at risk for poverty. Test on Perception of Differences was administered to a random simple, composed by 2,124 children, 1,090 boys and 1,034 girls with ages between 7 and 12 years old. These school children attended primary schools at risk for poverty, in the suburbs of Mendoza and were between second and seventh grade in Basic General Learning. Direct scores [success - (failures + omissions)] were obtained within each sex and age range, to later determine accumulative frequencies further transformed into percentile ranges. [ ... ] The application of CARAS Test within a school context aims to obtain a closer deficit diagnosis in focused attention, as well as in problematic stimuli discrimination. Hence, this test evaluates whether the intentional behaviour a child can present in class, is closely connected to correct stimuli discrimination in visual search tasks, which expect an attention selective mechanism. This technique enriches psychodiagnosis in school oriented tasks(AU)

Humanos , Criança , Atenção , Transtornos de Deficit da Atenção e do Comportamento Disruptivo , Percepção Visual , Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade , Argentina , Testes Psicológicos
Interdisciplinaria ; 23(2): 203-231, 2006. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-449220


El propósito de este trabajo es presentar las normas del Test de Percepción de Diferencias (CARAS), el cual explora la focalización atencional y la aptitud perceptiva para discriminar semejanzas y diferencias en patrones estimulares parcialmente ordenados, en una muestra de niños de 7 a 12 años de la Provincia de Mendoza (Argentina) de escuelas urbanas y urbanomarginales. La tarea del niño consiste en localizar los estímulos significativos entre un conjunto más amplio de estímulos que actuarían como distractores, por ello esta técnica es de gran utilidad para detectar disfunciones en el mecanismo de atención selectiva visual. El Test de Percepción de Diferencias (CARAS) se aplicó a una muestra aleatoria de 2.124 niños, conformada por 1.090 varones y 1.034 niñas. Los niños de la muestra concurrían a escuelas primarias urbanas y urbano-marginales del Gran Mendoza y cursaban desde segundo hasta séptimo año de la Enseñanza General Básica (EGB). Se obtuvieron las puntuaciones directas [aciertos - (errores + omisiones)] para cada sexo, edad y ámbito escolar (urbano y urbano-marginal) y luego se determinaron las frecuencias acumulativas, que posteriormente fueron transformadas a rangos percentilares. La evaluación de las habilidades atencionales en niños, mediante la utilización de instrumentos válidos, confiables y adaptados a nuestra población escolar, resulta relevante a los fines de precisar y enriquecer el psicodiagnóstico en tareas de orientación escolar y adecuar programas de intervención psicoeducativos que contribuyan a incrementar el desempeño académico y social del niño

The purpose of this work is to present the Test on Perception of Differences (CARAS) which aim is to explore attention focus and perceptive attitude to discriminate similarities and differences in partially ordered stimuli patterns. The experience was carried out in the Province of Mendoza (Argentina) with children between 7 and 12 years old, attending city schools at risk for poverty. Test on Perception of Differences was administered to a random simple, composed by 2,124 children, 1,090 boys and 1,034 girls with ages between 7 and 12 years old. These school children attended primary schools at risk for poverty, in the suburbs of Mendoza and were between second and seventh grade in Basic General Learning. Direct scores [success - (failures + omissions)] were obtained within each sex and age range, to later determine accumulative frequencies further transformed into percentile ranges. [ ... ] The application of CARAS Test within a school context aims to obtain a closer deficit diagnosis in focused attention, as well as in problematic stimuli discrimination. Hence, this test evaluates whether the intentional behaviour a child can present in class, is closely connected to correct stimuli discrimination in visual search tasks, which expect an attention selective mechanism. This technique enriches psychodiagnosis in school oriented tasks

Humanos , Criança , Atenção , Transtornos de Deficit da Atenção e do Comportamento Disruptivo , Percepção Visual , Argentina , Transtorno do Deficit de Atenção com Hiperatividade , Testes Psicológicos