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Cureus ; 16(8): e67423, 2024 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39310474


Background Efficient management of hospital inventories, particularly pharmaceuticals, is essential for ensuring timely patient care and optimizing resource allocation. Buffer stock is the backup stock, which is kept for providing a supply of drugs when the main stock is consumed and new stock is in the process of procurement. The buffer stock is sometimes kept in excess, which causes unnecessary overutilization of the financial resources. Therefore, the author's team aimed to optimize the inventory control of the buffer stock. This study addressed these challenges by integrating always better control (ABC) and vital, essential, and desirable (VED) analysis to categorize drugs based on consumption patterns and clinical importance to minimize buffer stock and ensure optimum resource allocation. To overcome these challenges, there is a need to integrate financial and clinical factors into inventory management decisions. Methods This study was done at the pharmacy of an apex hospital situated in a rural region of western India. The study aimed at the categorization of drugs that require strict inventory management control. The drugs and consumables used in the month of April 2024 in the hospital pharmacy were considered for the study & inventory control methods were applied.  Results The study discovered that a subgroup of drugs accounted for a significant portion of the pharmacy's budget, with 12.18% categorized as high-value (Category A), 22.07% as moderate-value (Category B), and 65.74% as low-value (Category C) items. ABC analysis showed that Category A drugs consumed 70.1% of the average daily expenditure (ADE) of the pharmacy, while Category B and Category C drugs contributed 19.9% and 9.98% of the ADE, respectively. VED analysis classified drugs into vital (11.34%), essential (58.26%), and desirable (30.39%) categories. The ABC-VED matrix further categorized drugs into subgroups, with class I items constituting 20.62% of the inventory and accounting for 73.82% of the ADE. Class II items comprised 56.69% of the inventory, consuming 22.91% of the ADE, while class III items constituted 22.68% of the inventory and consumed 3.28% of the ADE. Conclusion ABC and VED analysis integration provides a comprehensive framework for optimizing drug inventory management in healthcare facilities. By considering both financial and clinical factors, this approach enables tailored management strategies, minimizing buffer stock, eliminating stockouts, and enhancing patient care. The rural hospital's location is responsible for maintaining the buffer stock level and the reorder level quantity. This study highlighted the role of inventory control techniques in healthcare facilities, particularly in pharmacies, to ensure the availability of essential medications while optimizing resource utilization. By integrating segmentation techniques such as ABC and VED analysis, this study provided valuable insights into categorizing drugs based on their consumption patterns, criticality, and importance in the clinical area.

Saudi J Anaesth ; 18(3): 338-345, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39149748


Background: C-section is usually performed under spinal anesthesia also known as a subarachnoid block (SAB) over general anesthesia. Because of the lesser amount of dose used, there is a lower risk of local anesthetic toxicity and minimal transfer of drugs to the fetus. Obstetric patients have a higher risk of having post-dural puncture headache (PDPH). PDPH occurs due to leakage of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) through the hole created by a spinal needle. There are many elements affecting the frequency of PDPH, these elements can also consist of age, female sex, needle size, and types, pregnancy, preceding records of PDPH, median-paramedian distinction in approach, a puncture level. PDPH is commonly in the form of a frontal, occipital, or retro-orbital headache that starts in 12-72 h after the dural puncture and will increase when standing and decrease when lying down or resting. We aimed to learn about headache frequency between elective and emergency lower segment cesarean section using 26-G Quincke spinal needle in full-term pregnant patients. Objectives: To study the incidence of PDPH using the 26G Quincke spinal needle. To analyze the causal factors/determinants such as adequate preloading of fluids, size of spinal needle, number of pricks, and technique of lumbar puncture effects on the incidence of PDPH. Methodology: This study is a prospective questionnaire-based comparative observational study using the convenience sampling method. The patients were interviewed with a structured questionnaire at the Symbiosis University Hospital and Research Centre, Lavale, Pune. The patients observed for the study were between 20 and 40 of age group, posted for emergency or elective lower segment cesarean section, with body mass index (BMI) less than 14.5 to 24.9 and with ASA I and II grades. Patients with any comorbidities, recurrent headaches, obesity, and spine deformity were excluded. According to the review of the literature and with the help of a formula, the sample size was calculated as 20; 10 patients for elective LSCS, and 10 patients for emergency LSCS. Results: Out of 20 patients, 10 patients were posted for elective LSCS, and the rest 10 patients were for emergency LSCS under spinal anesthesia. The incidence of PDPH was found only in 2 out of 10 emergency LSCS patients, and no patients from elective LSCS cases showed up with the incidence of PDPH.

Saudi J Anaesth ; 18(2): 249-256, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38654854


This review article examines the utility of artificial intelligence (AI) in anesthesia, with a focus on recent developments and future directions in the field. A total of 19,300 articles were available on the given topic after searching in the above mentioned databases, and after choosing the custom range of years from 2015 to 2023 as an inclusion component, only 12,100 remained. 5,720 articles remained after eliminating non-full text. Eighteen papers were identified to meet the inclusion criteria for the review after applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The applications of AI in anesthesia after studying the articles were in favor of the use of AI as it enhanced or equaled human judgment in drug dose decision and reduced mortality by early detection. Two studies tried to formulate prediction models, current techniques, and limitations of AI; ten studies are mainly focused on pain and complications such as hypotension, with a P value of <0.05; three studies tried to formulate patient outcomes with the help of AI; and three studies are mainly focusing on how drug dose delivery is calculated (median: 1.1% ± 0.5) safely and given to the patients with applications of AI. In conclusion, the use of AI in anesthesia has the potential to revolutionize the field and improve patient outcomes. AI algorithms can accurately predict patient outcomes and anesthesia dosing, as well as monitor patients during surgery in real time. These technologies can help anesthesiologists make more informed decisions, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. However, the implementation of AI in anesthesia also presents challenges, such as the need to address issues of bias and privacy. As the field continues to evolve, it will be important to carefully consider the ethical implications of AI in anesthesia and ensure that these technologies are used in a responsible and transparent manner.

BMJ Lead ; 2023 Oct 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37821224


BACKGROUND: There is a popular belief that transformational leadership (TL) and servant leadership (SL) styles are influential in establishing a patient safety (PS) culture and improving the quality of care (QC). However, there are very few review articles investigating this phenomenon. PURPOSE: This study performs a systematic review and meta-analysis to ascertain the influences of TL and SL on PS and QC. METHODS: Published research work indexed in the two popular databases, that is, Scopus and PubMed, was selected based on the inclusion criteria. The systematic review was performed as per Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Data such as country of publication, year, data type, research design, target population, sample size and conclusion were selected from the studies. RESULTS: There are pieces of evidence suggesting a medium to strong effect of TL on PS. At the same time, the effect of TL on QC is not direct but indirect and is mediated through variables such as fostering positive organisational culture and enhancing organisational outcomes such as job satisfaction, leader effectiveness and willingness of nurses to spend some extra effort. A total of 27 studies were selected for final evaluation and 11 reported a relationship between TL and PS. The 'Fisher r-to-z transformed correlation coefficients' ranged from 0.3769 to 0.8673. Similarly, a total of four studies reported the relationship between TL and QC, 'Fisher r-to-z transformed correlation coefficients' ranged from 0.0802 to 0.5101, with most estimates being positive (80%). CONCLUSION: TL has a strong and positive effect on PS but a positive and weak effect on the QC. There is not much evidence to establish SL's influence on PS and QC.

Cureus ; 15(12): e50743, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38234930


Women with diabetes mellitus (DM), a metabolic endocrine illness, may experience a variety of reproductive problems. The age at menopause onset has been extensively studied as a major predictor of women's health in the future; however, its relationship to diabetes in Indian women has received less attention. This literature review looked at the consequences of diabetes in women as well as the association between diabetes and the age at which menopause begins. The average age at menopause onset among women with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) has decreased globally. According to one Indian study, the average menopause age dropped to 45 years for 26% of women with T2DM. In the current review, 10 studies indicated that women with T2DM displayed an imbalanced hormonal profile resulting in an extended anovulatory period. Two investigations highlighted the significance of altered body composition of women with T2DM, thereby suggesting obesity as the primary risk factor of ovarian aging and early climacteric symptoms. T2DM may lower the average age at menopause onset; however, further research on Indian women is necessary. There is a need of studies on T2DM in premenopausal women are needed to demonstrate how the changes in body composition impact the age at which menopause begins. Delaying the onset of menopause in women with T2DM necessitates diet and lifestyle interventions to minimize ovarian aging and hormonal imbalance.

Indian J Community Med ; 45(2): 168-171, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32905074


BACKGROUND: Hospitals are adopting electronic medical records (EMRs) in larger numbers; however, the barrier to derive its full utility is the low acceptance by physicians. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: This study is done with an objective to identify the factors to overcome the barriers preventing the adoption of EMR by physicians. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study is cross sectional in natures and a self-administered questionnaire is developed based on the Technology Acceptance Model. RESULTS: The four identified factors are positive attitude toward EMR, reliability, difficulty to use, and adaptability, these factors together, have explained 62.54 percent variance in the data set. CONCLUSION: The physician's acceptance for EMRs can be improved by focusing on the identified four factors, which are "positive attitude toward electronic medical records," reliability of electronic medical records," "difficulty level of use," and "adaptability of electronic medical records."