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J Hip Preserv Surg ; 4(2): 178-186, 2017 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28630740


Terminal hip flexion contributes to increased strain in peripheral nerves at the level of the hip joint. The effects of hip abduction and femoral version on sciatic nerve biomechanics are not well understood. A decrease in sciatic nerve strain will be observed during terminal hip flexion and hip abduction, independent of femoral version. Six un-embalmed human cadavers were utilized. Three Differential Variable Reluctance Transducers (DVRTs) sensors were placed on the sciatic nerve while the leg was flexed to 70° with a combination of - 10°, 0°, 20° and 40° adduction/abduction. DVRT placement included: (i) under piriformis, (ii) immediately distal to the gemelli/obturator, (iii) four centimeters distal to sensor two. A de-rotational osteotomy to decrease femoral version 10° was performed, and sciatic nerve strain was measured by the same procedure. Data were analyzed with three-way analysis of variance and Bonferroni post-hoc analysis to identify differences in the mean values of sciatic nerve strain between native and decreased version state, hip abduction angle and DVRT sensor location. Significant main effects were observed for femoral version (P = 0.04) and DVRT sensor location (P = 0.01). Sciatic nerve strain decreased during terminal hip flexion and abduction in the decreased version state. An 84.23% decrease in sciatic nerve strain was observed during hip abduction from neutral to 40° in the presence of decreased version at terminal hip flexion. The results obtained from this study confirm the role of decreased femoral version and hip abduction at terminal hip flexion to decrease the strain in the sciatic nerve.