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J Chem Phys ; 156(22): 224112, 2022 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35705399


Charge Transfer (CT) has enjoyed continuous interest due to increasing experimental control over molecular structures, leading to applications in, for example, photovoltaics and hydrogen production. In this paper, we investigate the effect of CT states on the absorption spectrum of linear molecular aggregates using a scattering matrix technique that allows us to deal with arbitrarily large systems. The presented theory performs well for both strong and weak mixing of exciton and CT states, bridging the gap between previously employed methods, which are applicable in only one of these limits. In experimental spectra, the homogeneous linewidth is often too large to resolve all optically allowed transitions individually, resulting in a characteristic two-peak absorption spectrum in both the weak- and strong-coupling regime. Using the scattering matrix technique, we examine the contributions of free and bound states in detail. We conclude that the skewness of the high-frequency peak may be used as a new way to identify the exciton-CT-state coupling strength.

J Chem Phys ; 155(12): 124310, 2021 Sep 28.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34598584


We theoretically investigate the possibility to use single-object spectroscopy to probe size variations of the bacteriochlorophyll aggregates inside chlorosomes. Chlorosomes are the light-harvesting organelles of green sulfur and non-sulfur bacteria. They are known to be the most efficient light-harvesting systems in nature. Key to this efficiency is the organization of bacteriochlorophyll molecules in large self-assembled aggregates that define the secondary structure inside the chlorosomes. Many studies have been reported to elucidate the morphology of these aggregates and the molecular packing inside them. It is widely believed that tubular aggregates play an important role. Because the size (radius and length) of these aggregates affects the optical and excitation energy transport properties, it is of interest to be able to probe these quantities inside chlorosomes. We show that a combination of single-chlorosome linear polarization resolved spectroscopy and single-chlorosome circular dichroism spectroscopy may be used to access the typical size of the tubular aggregates within a chlorosome and, thus, probe possible variations between individual chlorosomes that may result, for instance, from different stages in growth or different growth conditions.

Bacterioclorofilas/análise , Bacterioclorofilas/química , Organelas/química , Análise Espectral , Bactérias/química , Bactérias/citologia
J Chem Phys ; 155(13): 134305, 2021 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34624980


Exciton diffusion plays an important role in many opto-electronic processes and phenomena. Understanding the interplay of intermolecular coupling, static energetic disorder, and dephasing caused by environmental fluctuations (dynamic disorder) is crucial to optimize exciton diffusion under various physical conditions. We report on a systematic analysis of the exciton diffusion constant in linear aggregates using the Haken-Strobl-Reineker model to describe this interplay. We numerically investigate the static-disorder scaling of (i) the diffusion constant in the limit of small dephasing rate, (ii) the dephasing rate at which the diffusion is optimized, and (iii) the value of the diffusion constant at the optimal dephasing rate. Three scaling regimes are found, associated with, respectively, fully delocalized exciton states (finite-size effects), weakly localized states, and strongly localized states. The scaling powers agree well with analytically estimated ones. In particular, in the weakly localized regime, the numerical results corroborate the so-called quantum Goldilocks principle to find the optimal dephasing rate and maximum diffusion constant as a function of static disorder, while in the strong-localization regime, these quantities can be derived fully analytically.

J Chem Phys ; 153(13): 134304, 2020 Oct 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33032400


Structural disorder within self-assembled molecular aggregates may have strong effects on their optical functionality. Such disorder, however, is hard to explore using standard ensemble measurements. In this paper, we report on the characterization of intra-aggregate structural disorder through a linewidth analysis of fluorescence excitation experiments on individual zinc-chlorin (ZnChl) nanotubular molecular aggregates. Recent experiments suggest an anomaly in the linewidths of the two absorption bands that dominate the spectra: the higher-energy bands on average show a smaller linewidth than the lower-energy bands. This anomaly is explored in this paper by analyzing and modeling the correlation of the two linewidths for each aggregate. We exploit a Frenkel exciton model to show that the experimentally observed correlation of linewidths and other statistical properties of the single-aggregate spectra can be explained from small variations of the molecular orientations within individual aggregates.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 10(11): 2715-2724, 2019 Jun 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31059268


Bioinspired, self-assembled nanotubes have been investigated by low-temperature, polarization-resolved single-tube spectroscopy. These assemblies are based on zinc chlorin monomers and are considered as model systems that resemble the secondary structural elements in the natural light-harvesting systems of green (non)sulfur bacteria. Compared to the natural systems, the spectral parameters extracted from the single-nanotube spectra feature distributions with significantly smaller widths, which is ascribed to a tremendous reduction of structural heterogeneity in the artificial systems. Employing quantum chemical molecular modeling the spectra of individual nanotubes can be explained consistently only for a molecular packing model that is fundamentally different from those considered so far for the natural systems. Subsequent theoretical simulations reveal that the remaining spectral variations between single nanotubes can be traced back to small variations of the mutual orientations of the monomer transition dipole moments that are far beyond the resolving power of high-resolution electron microscopy imaging techniques.

J Phys Chem B ; 119(4): 1302-13, 2015 Jan 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25554919


The Light Harvesting 2 (LH2) complex is a vital part of the photosystem of purple bacteria. It is responsible for the absorption of light and transport of the resulting excitations to the reaction center in a highly efficient manner. A general description of the chromophores and the interaction with their local environment is crucial to understand this highly efficient energy transport. Here we include this interaction in an atomistic way using mixed quantum-classical (molecular dynamics) simulations of spectra. In particular, we present the first atomistic simulation of nonlinear optical spectra for LH2 and use it to study the energy transport within the complex. We show that the frequency distributions of the pigments strongly depend on their positions with respect to the protein scaffold and dynamics of their local environment. Furthermore, we show that although the pigments are closely packed the transition frequencies of neighboring pigments are essentially uncorrelated. We present the simulated linear absorption spectra for the LH2 complex and provide a detailed explanation of the states responsible for the observed two-band structure. Finally, we discuss the energy transfer within the complex by analyzing population transfer calculations and 2D spectra for different waiting times. We conclude that the energy transfer from the B800 ring to the B850 ring is mediated by intermediate states that are delocalized over both rings, allowing for a stepwise downhill energy transport.

Complexos de Proteínas Captadores de Luz/química , Simulação de Dinâmica Molecular , Análise Espectral
J Phys Chem B ; 118(23): 6256-64, 2014 Jun 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24820546


We study hydrogen bond dynamics in stereoselectively synthesized polyalcohols by combining linear and two-dimensional (2D) infrared spectroscopy experiments with simulations. We consider two variants of the polyalcohols: the all-syn and all-anti tetrol, which because of their different stereochemistry of the hydroxyl groups form a linear hydrogen-bonded chain that is stable for tens of picoseconds or a system where hydrogen bonds are formed and broken on a picosecond timescale, respectively. The differences in structure and hydrogen bond dynamics gives rise to significant differences in the linear spectra for the two compounds. Furthermore, we show that the stronger hydrogen bonding for the all-syn variant leads to faster fluctuations of the site frequencies than for the all-anti one, which is reflected in the higher degree of homogeneous broadening in the 2D spectra. Because of the different stereochemistry, the coupling in the all-syn molecule is stronger than for the all-anti one, which leads to a faster delocalization of a local excitation. This explains the previously observed pump-frequency independent vibrational lifetime for the all-syn variant, since the excitation loses the memory of the pump frequency before relaxation. For the all-anti form, the coupling is weak and the excitation remains in the initially excited state, maintaining the memory of the pump frequency.

Álcoois/química , Hidrogênio/química , Oxigênio/química , Simulação por Computador , Ligação de Hidrogênio , Modelos Lineares , Modelos Químicos , Espectrofotometria Infravermelho , Vibração
J Phys Chem A ; 117(29): 5970-80, 2013 Jul 25.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23360103


We present a mixed quantum-classical simulation approach to calculate two-dimensional spectra of coupled two-level electronic model systems. We include the change in potential energy of the classical system due to transitions in the quantum system using the Ehrenfest method. We study how this feedback of the quantum system on the classical system influences the shape of two-dimensional spectra. We show that the feedback leads to the expected Stokes shift of the energy levels in the quantum system. This subsequently leads to changes in the population transfer between quantum sites, which in turn influence the intensities of the peaks in two-dimensional spectra. The obtained spectra are compared with spectra calculated using the Hierarchical Equations of Motion method which is exact. While the spectra match perfectly for short waiting times, clear differences are found for longer waiting times. This is attributed to a violation of detailed balance between the quantum states in the Ehrenfest method. The energy of the total quantum-classical system however does obey a Boltzmann distribution, when coupled to a stochastic heat bath.

J Chem Phys ; 132(22): 224503, 2010 Jun 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-20550404


We introduce a sparse-matrix algorithm that allows for the simulation of two-dimensional infrared (2DIR) spectra in systems with many coupled chromophores. We apply the method to bulk water, and our results are based on the recently developed ab initio maps for the vibrational Hamiltonian. Qualitative agreement between theory and experiment is found for the 2DIR spectra without the use of any fitting or scaling parameters in the Hamiltonian. The calculated spectra for bulk water are not so different from those for HOD in D(2)O, which we can understand by considering the spectral diffusion time-correlation functions in both cases. We also calculate the ultrafast anisotropy decay, which is dominated by population transfer, finding very good agreement with experiment. Finally, we determine the vibrational excitation diffusion rate, which is more than two orders of magnitude faster than the diffusion of the water molecules themselves.

J Phys Chem B ; 110(40): 19867-76, 2006 Oct 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17020372


The heterodyned fifth-order Raman response of liquid benzene has been measured and characterized by exploiting the passive-phase stabilization of diffractive optics. This result builds on our previous work with liquid carbon disulfide and extends the spectroscopy to a new liquid for the first time. The all-parallel and Dutch Cross polarization tensor elements are presented for both the experimental results and a finite-field molecular dynamics simulation. The overall response characteristics are similar to those of liquid carbon disulfide: a complete lack of signal along the pump delay, an elongated signal along the probe delay, and a short-lived signal along the time diagonal. Of particular interest is the change in phase between the nuclear and electronic response along the probe delay and diagonal which is not seen in CS2. Good agreement is achieved between the experiment and the finite-field molecular dynamics simulation. The measurement of the low-frequency Raman two-time delay correlation function indicates the intermolecular modes of liquid benzene to be primarily homogeneously broadened and that the liquid loses its nuclear rephasing ability within 300 fs. This rapid loss of nuclear correlations indicates a lack of modal character in the low-frequency motions of liquid benzene. This result is a validation of the general nature of the technique and represents an important step forward with respect to the use of nonlinear spectroscopy to directly access information on the anharmonic motions of liquids.