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J For Econ ; 37(1): 127-161, 2022 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37942211


Understanding greenhouse gas mitigation potential of the U.S. agriculture and forest sectors is critical for evaluating potential pathways to limit global average temperatures from rising more than 2° C. Using the FASOMGHG model, parameterized to reflect varying conditions across shared socioeconomic pathways, we project the greenhouse gas mitigation potential from U.S. agriculture and forestry across a range of carbon price scenarios. Under a moderate price scenario ($20 per ton CO2 with a 3% annual growth rate), cumulative mitigation potential over 2015-2055 varies substantially across SSPs, from 8.3 to 17.7 GtCO2e. Carbon sequestration in forests contributes the majority, 64-71%, of total mitigation across both sectors. We show that under a high income and population growth scenario over 60% of the total projected increase in forest carbon is driven by growth in demand for forest products, while mitigation incentives result in the remainder. This research sheds light on the interactions between alternative socioeconomic narratives and mitigation policy incentives which can help prioritize outreach, investment, and targeted policies for reducing emissions from and storing more carbon in these land use systems.

Food Nutr Res ; 632019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31565041


BACKGROUND: By design, existing scenario-based nutrition economics studies on the financial benefits of healthy dietary behaviors generally report uncertainty in inputs and wide ranges of outcome estimates. OBJECTIVES: This modeling exercise aimed to establish precision in prediction of the potential healthcare cost savings that would follow a reduction in the incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) consistent with an increase in adherence to a Mediterranean-style diet (MedDiet). DESIGN: Using a Monte Carlo simulation model on a cost-of-illness analysis assessing MedDiet adherence, CVD incidence reduction, and healthcare cost savings in the United States and Canada, short- and long-term cost savings that are likely to accrue to the American and Canadian healthcare systems were estimated using 20 and 80% increases in MedDiet adherence scenarios. RESULTS: Increasing percentage of population adhering to a MedDiet by 20% beyond the current adherence level produced annual savings in CVD-related costs of US$8.2 billion (95% confidence interval [CI], $7.5-$8.8 billion) in the United States and Can$0.32 billion (95% CI, $0.29-$0.34 billion) in Canada. An 80% increase in adherence resulted in savings equal to US$31 billion (95% CI, $28.6-$33.3 billion) and Can$1.2 billion (95% CI, $1.11-$1.30 billion) in each respective country. CONCLUSION: Computational techniques with stochastic parameter inputs, such as the Monte Carlo simulation, could be an effective way of incorporating variability of modeling parameters in nutrition economics studies for improved precision in estimating the monetary value of healthy eating habits.

J For Econ ; 34(3-4): 205-231, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32280189


In recent decades, the carbon sink provided by the U.S. forest sector has offset a sizable portion of domestic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In the future, the magnitude of this sink has important implications not only for projected U.S. net GHG emissions under a reference case but also for the cost of achieving a given mitigation target. The larger the contribution of the forest sector towards reducing net GHG emissions, the less mitigation is needed from other sectors. Conversely, if the forest sector begins to contribute a smaller sink, or even becomes a net source, mitigation requirements from other sectors may need to become more stringent and costlier to achieve economy wide emissions targets. There is acknowledged uncertainty in estimates of the carbon sink provided by the U.S. forest sector, attributable to large ranges in the projections of, among other things, future economic conditions, population growth, policy implementation, and technological advancement. We examined these drivers in the context of an economic model of the agricultural and forestry sectors, to demonstrate the importance of cross-sector interactions on projections of emissions and carbon sequestration. Using this model, we compared detailed scenarios that differ in their assumptions of demand for agriculture and forestry products, trade, rates of (sub)urbanization, and limits on timber harvest on protected lands. We found that a scenario assuming higher demand and more trade for forest products resulted in increased forest growth and larger net GHG sequestration, while a scenario featuring higher agricultural demand, ceteris paribus led to forest land conversion and increased anthropogenic emissions. Importantly, when high demand scenarios are implemented conjunctively, agricultural sector emissions under a high income-growth world with increased livestock-product demand are fully displaced by substantial GHG sequestration from the forest sector with increased forest product demand. This finding highlights the potential limitations of single-sector modeling approaches that ignore important interaction effects between sectors.

Methods Rep RTI Press ; 20182018 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32211618


The Forestry and Agriculture Sector Optimization Model with Greenhouse Gases (FASOMGHG) has historically relied on regional average costs of land conversion to simulate land use change across cropland, pasture, rangeland, and forestry. This assumption limits the accuracy of the land conversion estimates by not recognizing spatial heterogeneity in land quality and conversion costs. Using data from Nielsen et al. (2014), we obtained the afforestation cost per county, then estimated nonparametric regional marginal cost functions for land converting to forestry. These afforestation costs were then incorporated into FASOMGHG. Three different assumptions for land moving into the forest sector (constant average conversion cost, static rising marginal costs, and dynamic rising marginal cost) were run in order to assess the implications of alternative land conversion cost assumptions on key outcomes, such as projected forest area and cropland use, carbon sequestration, and forest product output.

Food Nutr Res ; 59: 27541, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26111965


BACKGROUND: The Mediterranean-style diet (MedDiet) is an established healthy-eating behavior that has consistently been shown to favorably impact cardiovascular health, thus likely improving quality of life and reducing costs associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD). Data on the economic benefits of MedDiet intakes are, however, scarce. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to estimate the annual healthcare and societal cost savings that would accrue to the Canadian and American public, independently, as a result of a reduction in the incidence of CVD following adherence to a MedDiet. DESIGN: A variation in cost-of-illness analysis entailing three stages of estimations was developed to 1) identify the proportion of individuals who are likely to adopt a MedDiet in North America, 2) assess the impact of the MedDiet intake on CVD incidence reduction, and 3) impute the potential savings in costs associated with healthcare and productivity following the estimated CVD reduction. To account for the uncertainty factor, a sensitivity analysis of four scenarios, including ideal, optimistic, pessimistic, and very-pessimistic assumptions, was implemented within each of these stages. RESULTS: Significant improvements in CVD-related costs were evident with varying MedDiet adoption and CVD reduction rates. Specifically, CAD $41.9 million to 2.5 billion in Canada and US $1.0-62.8 billion in the United States were estimated to accrue as total annual savings in economic costs, given the 'very-pessimistic' through 'ideal' scenarios. CONCLUSIONS: Closer adherence to dietary behaviors that are consistent with the principles of the MedDiet is expected to contribute to a reduction in the monetary burdens of CVD in Canada, the United States, and possibly other parts of the world.