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J Res Natl Inst Stand Technol ; 114(4): 2-214, 2009.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27504222


This paper describes a detailed computational model of the interaction between an atomic force microscope probe tip and a sample surface. The model provides analyses of dynamic behaviors of the tip to estimate the probe deflections due to surface intermittent contact and the resulting dimensional biases and uncertainties. Probe tip and cantilever beam responses to intermittent contact between the probe tip and sample surface are computed using the finite element method. Intermittent contacts with a wall and a horizontal surface are computed and modeled, respectively. Using a 75 nm Critical Dimension (CD) tip as an example, the responses of the probe to interaction forces between the sample surface and the probe tip are shown in both time and frequency domains. In particular, interaction forces between the tip and both a vertical wall and a horizontal surface of a silicon sample are modeled using Lennard-Jones theory. The Snap-in and Snap-out of the probe tip in surface scanning are calculated and shown in the time domain. Based on the given tip-sample interaction force model, the calculation includes the compliance of the probe and dynamic forces generated by an excitation. Cantilever and probe tip deflections versus interaction forces in the time domain can be derived for both vertical contact with a plateau and horizontal contact with a side wall. Dynamic analysis using the finite element method and Lennard-Jones model provide a unique means to analyze the interaction of the probe and sample, including calculation of the deflection and the gap between the probe tip and the measured sample surface.

Scanning ; 30(1): 47-55, 2008.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18200506


It is difficult to predict the measurement bias arising from the compliance of the atomic force microscope (AFM) probe. The issue becomes particularly important in this situation where nanometer uncertainties are sought for measurements with dimensional probes composed of flexible carbon nanotubes mounted on AFM cantilevers. We have developed a finite element model for simulating the mechanical behavior of AFM cantilevers with carbon nanotubes attached. Spring constants of both the nanotube and cantilever in two directions are calculated using the finite element method with known Young's moduli of both silicon and multiwall nanotube as input data. Compliance of the nanotube-attached AFM probe tip may be calculated from the set of spring constants. This paper presents static models that together provide a basis to estimate uncertainties in linewidth measurement using nanotubes. In particular, the interaction between a multiwall nanotube tip and a silicon sample is modeled using the Lennard-Jones theory. Snap-in and snap-out of the probe tip in a scanning mode are calculated by integrating the compliance of the probe and the sample-tip interacting force model. Cantilever and probe tip deflections and points of contact are derived for both horizontal scanning of a plateau and vertically scanning of a wall. The finite element method and the Lennard-Jones model provide a means to analyze the interaction of the probe and sample and measurement uncertainty, including actual deflection and the gap between the probe tip and the measured sample surface.
