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Front Microbiol ; 11: 575882, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33072039


The stringent response is characterized by the synthesis of the alarmone (p)ppGpp. The phenotypic consequences resulting from (p)ppGpp accumulation vary among species, and for several pathogenic bacteria, it has been shown that the activation of the stringent response strongly affects biofilm formation and maintenance. In Staphylococcus aureus, (p)ppGpp can be synthesized by the RelA/SpoT homolog Rel upon amino acid deprivation or by the two small alarmone synthetases RelP and RelQ under cell wall stress. We found that relP and relQ increase biofilm formation under cell wall stress conditions induced by a subinhibitory vancomycin concentration. However, the effect of (p)ppGpp on biofilm formation is independent of the regulators CodY and Agr. Biofilms formed by the strain HG001 or its (p)ppGpp-defective mutants are mainly composed of extracellular DNA and proteins. Furthermore, the induction of the RelPQ-mediated stringent response contributes to biofilm-related antibiotic tolerance. The proposed (p)ppGpp-inhibiting peptide DJK-5 shows bactericidal and biofilm-inhibitory activity. However, a non-(p)ppGpp-producing strain is even more vulnerable to DJK-5. This strongly argues against the assumption that DJK-5 acts via (p)ppGpp inhibition. In summary, RelP and RelQ play a major role in biofilm formation and maintenance under cell wall stress conditions.

Front Microbiol ; 10: 1742, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31440214


In this study, we aimed to elucidate a prolonged outbreak of extensively drug-resistant (XDR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa, at two adjacent hospitals over a time course of 4 years. Since all strains exhibited a similar antibiotic susceptibility pattern and carried the carbapenemase gene blaVIM, a monoclonal outbreak was assumed. To shed light on the intra-hospital evolution of these strains over time, whole genome sequence (WGS) analysis of 100 clinical and environmental outbreak strains was employed. Phylogenetic analysis of the core genome revealed the outbreak to be polyclonal, rather than monoclonal as initially suggested. The vast majority of strains fell into one of two major clusters, composed of 27 and 59 strains, and their accessory genome each revealed over 400 and 600 accessory genes, respectively, thus indicating an unexpectedly high structural diversity among phylogenetically clustered strains. Further analyses focused on the cluster with 59 strains, representing the hospital from which both clinical and environmental strains were available. Our investigation clearly shows both accumulation and loss of genes occur very frequently over time, as reflected by analysis of protein enrichment as well as functional enrichment. In addition, we investigated adaptation through single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Among the genes affected by SNPs, there are a multidrug efflux pump (mexZ) and a mercury detoxification operon (merR) with deleterious mutations, potentially leading to loss of repression with resistance against antibiotics and disinfectants. Our results not only confirm WGS to be a powerful tool for epidemiologic analyses, but also provide insights into molecular evolution during an XDR P. aeruginosa hospital outbreak. Genome mutation unveiled a striking genetic plasticity on an unexpectedly high level, mostly driven by horizontal gene transfer. Our study adds valuable information to the molecular understanding of "real-world" Intra-hospital P. aeruginosa evolution and is a step forward toward more personalized medicine in infection control.