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J Diabetes Metab Disord ; 20(2): 1415-1427, 2021 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34900793


OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of rectal administration of buttermilk processed with medicinal plants on gut microbial composition and thereby on weight in obese individuals. METHODS: With ethics committee approval, 16 obese individuals in the age group 20-50 years (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) were recruited who received a course of 15-enemas over 15-days. Of these, 1st, 8th and 15th enemas were of sesame-oil administered after food, while other enemas were of buttermilk processed with medicinal plants administered before food. Outcome variables viz. anthropometry, body composition, blood glucose, insulin and lipid profile were evaluated on day 0, 16 and 45. Also, microbial composition of buttermilk preparation and faecal samples of patients collected on day 0, 16 and 45 were studied with the help of 16S rRNA gene sequencing. RESULTS: The circumferential measures and skinfold-thickness showed a decrease on day 16, which remained lower as compared to baseline till day 45. A gradual decrease in blood-glucose was seen, which was statistically significant on day 45, while insulin levels increased on day 16 and fell to baseline on day 45. There was an overall increase in bacterial diversity on day 16 that settled back to its original composition by day 45. CONCLUSION: Our findings suggest that buttermilk administration per rectum is effective for a specific period and may have to be repeated for sustained benefits. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s40200-021-00879-z.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 8(3): 194-199, 2017.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28318812


BACKGROUND: Snehapana is the essential step prior to Vamana and Virechana (therapeutic vomiting and purgation). But it was found that 10-15% patients are reluctant towards Snehapana hence may deprive the benefits of Shodhana. These inconveniences made us think about effective alternative to counter drawbacks of Snehapana. On the basis of literature review and pilot study, it was confirmed that, Anuvasana Basti can be administered as an alternative for Snehapana. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate samyak snigdha lakshana achieved by administration of Anuvasana Basti and to evaluate outcomes of Vamana and Virechana. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Specially designed basti pouches were used according to doses. In group A, constant dose of processed sesame oil (120 ml) and rock salt (500 mg) was used. In group B, the dose was escalating started with 120 ml and 500 mg with 25 ml and 100 mg increase in sesame oil and rock salt respectively for maximum seven days. RESULTS: Patients from group B showed better results than group A i.e. 29 patients showed symptoms of proper oleation. Mridu koshtha required minimum dose and duration for getting proper symptoms of oleation. Outcome of Vamana and Virechana were also very promising. CONCLUSIONS: Hence it can be concluded that Anuvasana Basti in escalating dose can be used as an alternative for Snehapana.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 5(4): 246-50, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25624700


Oral administration of medicated fats (oil or ghee) is termed as Snehapana. It is an essential step before Vamana (therapeutic emesis) and Virechana (therapeutic purgation). Ayurveda physicians often experience a poor compliance in 10-15% patients for oral administration of medicated fats especially in escalating doses. Incomplete Snehapana sometimes creates a problem for a physician to prepare the patient for these processes. These inconveniences made us think about effective alternatives to counter drawbacks and improve acceptance of Snehapana. The present study was planned to assess the efficacy of Anuvasana Basti (oil enema) in escalating doses as an alternative for Snehapana. Anuvasana Basti of medicated sesame oil with rock salt was administered in 10 patients for three to seven days till they showed signs and symptoms of complete Snehana. The symptoms of Snehana like semisolid or loose stools, feeling exhausted without much exertion, lightness of body and oiliness of skin were observed. Though the Snehana symptoms varied in intensity, they were similar as they are produced after oral administration of fats. This trend suggests Anuvasana Basti in escalating dose is an alternative for Snehapana before administration of Shodhana therapy like Vamana or Virechana.