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Niger J Clin Pract ; 25(5): 589-596, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35593600


Background and Aims: : This study aims to evaluate the implication of peer-assisted learning model adopted in students' clinical skills training from the perspective of tutees and tutors at the end of a peer-tutored clinical skills program and peer tutors themselves. Subjects and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Faculty of Medicine, Bursa Uludag in between January and March 2018. Following the clinical skills training, a questionnaire designed to assess the views of tutees and peer tutors was filled out on a voluntary basis by 159 tutees and 43 tutors. The statistical analysis of the collected and processed data was analyzed by using IBM SPSS 23.0 statistical program. The statistical significance level was maintained as α = 0.05. Results: According to the Likert scale, satisfaction with the tutors and the educational environment was high in general. The 2nd term tutees provided more negative feedback compared to other terms. Among all the terms, the most positive answers were provided by the 3rd term students. Although the tutors found themselves fully skilled in communication with colleagues, there were striking differences between the tutors in the 5th and 6th terms of providing a good role model for pre-clinical terms students. Conclusion: Considering peer assisted learning (PAL)'s positive responses from this study, the adoption of PAL has been started to be used as a supplementary teaching method for the clinical skills training at the Faculty of Medicine, Bursa Uludag University. PAL is considered a successful education model since it is cost-efficient for undergraduate medical training and improves the professional skills of both teacher and learner students. It can be availed of as an alternative method in medical faculties where especially the number of academic members is insufficient.

Educação de Graduação em Medicina , Estudantes de Medicina , Estudos Transversais , Currículo , Humanos , Aprendizagem , Grupo Associado , Ensino
Int. j. morphol ; 34(2): 671-678, June 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-787053


The aim of the present study is to determine the frequency of the occurrence of supraorbital foramen/notch (SOF/N) in the skulls of the people who lived in the modern era and the late Byzantine era, to determine the symmetry and the asymmetry between the two halves of the skulls by measuring the linear distance to various landmarks, to check the consistency between the location of the SOF/N and the golden ratio by calculating the ratio between linear distances and to evaluate the differences between the skulls from both historical periods. In the study, the frequency of the occurrence of the supraorbital notch in the skulls from the Byzantine era was found to be 26.60 % on the right and 13.30 % on the left while it was 14.30 % on the right and 9.52 % on the left in the skulls belonging to modern humans. In the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era, the average distance between SOF/N and the sagittal axis passing along the lateral orbital wall was found to be 34.81±2.51 mm and 32.99±2.81 mm respectively on the right and the left while it was 33.14±2.19 mm and 33.39±2.06 mm in the skulls belonging to modern era. The average distance between the SOF/N and the sagittal plane passing along the midline of the skull was found to be 24.55±2.79 mm and 21.57±2.44 mm on the right and the left respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era while it was 0.04±3.30 mm and 20.96±2.37 mm in the skulls belonging to the modern era. The average distance between the SOF/N and sagittal plane passing along the medial orbital wall was found to be 23.78±3.60 mm and 23.81±3.20 mm on the right and the left respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era while it was found to be 22.23±3.29 mm and 23.97±1.93 mm in the skulls belonging to the modern era. The average value of the distance between the sagittal planes passing along the lateral and medial sides of the orbit and the ratios between the distance from SOF/N to the sagittal plane passing along the lateral side of the orbit was found to be 1.47±0.21 mm and 1.60±0.08 mm respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era and the modern era. No significant difference was found between this ratio and the golden ratio; the average value of the ratios between the distance from the SOF/N to the sagittal plane passing along the midline of the skull and the distance from the SOF/N to the sagittal plane passing along the lateral side of the orbit was found to be 0.98±0.26 mm and 1.04±0.36 mm respectively in the skulls belonging to the Byzantine era and the modern era. A significant difference was found between this ratio and the golden ratio for both historical periods (modern society and late Byzantine period) (p <0.005). The comparison of the relevant anatomic characteristics of the SOF/N is very important for anthropologists while a broad knowledge on proportional calculations regarding morphometric values and the location are important for reconstructive surgeons and the experts in forensics and pain control.

El objetivo fue determinar la frecuencia del foramen y incisura supraorbitaria (FSO/E) en cráneos de individuos de la era moderna y aquellos de la era bizantina, para determinar la simetría y asimetría entre las dos mitades de cráneos, mediante la medición de la distancia lineal a varios puntos de referencia, para comprobar la coherencia entre la ubicación del FSO/ y la proporción áurea, a través del cálculo de la relación entre las distancias lineales. Además, se evaluaron las diferencias entre los cráneos de periodos históricos. En el estudio, se determinó que la frecuencia registrada de la incisura supraorbitaria en los cráneos de la época bizantina fue del 26,60% en el lado derecho y 13,30 % en el izquierdo; mientras que en cráneos humanos modernos fue de 14,30% en el lado derecho y 9,52 % en el izquierdo. En los cráneos pertenecientes a la época bizantina, la distancia media entre FSO/E y el eje sagital a lo largo de la pared lateral de la órbita fue de 34,81±2,51 mm y 32,99±2,81 mm, a la derecha e izquierda, respectivamente; mientras que en cráneos de la era moderna fue de 33,14±2,19 mm y 33,39±2,06 mm, a la derecha e izquierda, respectivamente. La distancia media entre la FSO/E y el plano sagital que pasa a lo largo de la línea mediana del cráneo, en los cráneos de la época bizantina, fue de 24,55±2,79 mm y 21,57±2,44 mm a la derecha e izquierda, respectivamente; mientras que fue de 0,04±3,30 mm y 20,96±2,37 mm en los cráneos de la era moderna. La distancia media entre la FSO/E y el plano sagital que pasa a lo largo de la pared medial de la órbita, en los cráneos pertenecientes a la época bizantina fue de 23,78±3,60 mm y 23,81±3,20 mm, a la derecha e izquierda, respectivamente; mientras que en los cráneos pertenecientes a la era moderna fue de 22,23±3,29 mm y 23,97±1,93 mm, a la derecha e izquierda, respectivamente. Se determinó que el valor medio de la distancia entre los planos sagitales a lo largo de los márgenes lateral y medial de la órbita y las proporciones entre la distancia desde FSO/E al plano sagital a lo largo del lado lateral de la órbita fueron de 1,47±0,21 mm y 1,60±0,08, respectivamente, en los cráneos pertenecientes a la época bizantina y la era moderna. No encontramos diferencias significativas entre esta relación y la proporción áurea. El valor medio de las relaciones entre la distancia de la FSO/E al plano a lo largo de la línea mediana del cráneo y la distancia de la FSO/E al plano sagital a lo largo de la pared lateral de la órbita fueron de 0,98±0,26 mm y 1,04±0,36 mm, respectivamente, en los cráneos pertenecientes a la era bizantina y la era moderna. No se encontró una diferencia significativa entre esta relación y la proporción áurea en ambos períodos históricos (la sociedad moderna y el periodo bizantino tardío) (p <0,005). La comparación de características anatómicas relevantes para el FSO/E son importantes para los antropólogos, donde un conocimiento integro de cálculos proporcionales con respecto a los valores morfométricos, mientras que para los cirujanos reconstructivos y los expertos en medicina forense es importante su ubicación.

Humanos , História Medieval , História do Século XV , História do Século XIX , História do Século XX , Cefalometria , Assimetria Facial , Osso Frontal/anatomia & histologia , Órbita/anatomia & histologia , Bizâncio
Int. j. morphol ; 34(2): 788-795, June 2016. ilus
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-787070


The aim of this study was to examine the morphometric characteristics of the infraorbital foramen of skulls of people living in modern society and in the late Byzantine period, to ascertain the symmetry or asymmetry of the two halves of the skulls by measuring the linear distance between various landmarks, to evaluate at the conformity between the infraorbital foramen and the golden ratio by calculating the ratios between these linear distances, and to set out the differences or similarities between the skulls of these different periods. It was found in the study that the morphometric characteristics of the infraorbital foramen in skulls of the modern period were 47.05 % circular, 41.17 % oval and 11.76 % atypical (semilunar and triangular) on the right, and 70.58 % circular and 29.41 % oval on the left, while those of the Byzantine period were 46.06 % circular and 53.3% oval on the right, and 50% circular and 50 % oval on the left. It was found that the measurements across the infraorbital foramen of the Byzantine skulls averaged 2.93±1.05 mm and 3.15±1.03 mm on the right side and 2.62±0.97 mm and 3.16±0.68 mm on the left vertically and horizontally respectively, and those of the modern period measured 2.32±0.50 mm and 3.00±0.92 mm on the right and 2.48±0.45 mm and 2.76±0.65 mm on the left vertically and horizontally respectively. The ratio between the distances from the outer orbital wall of the IOF to the sagittal plane and the piriform aperture were 1.46±0.25 mm and 1.40±0.21 mm for left and right respectively for the Byzantine skulls, and 1.24±0.24 mm and 1.29±0.42 mm for the modern skulls. A significant difference was found between the ratio obtained and the golden ratio for each of the periods (modern and Byzantine) (p<0.005). A comparison of anatomical characteristics of the infraorbital foramen of people living at different historical periods is important for anthropologists and knowing morphological types and amassing knowledge on the proportional calculation of location is important for dentistry, maxillofacial surgery and algology.

El objetivo fue examinar las características morfométricas de los forámenes infraorbitarios en cráneos de personas que viven en la sociedad moderna y aquellas que vivieron en el periodo bizantino tardío, para determinar la simetría o asimetría de las dos mitades de los cráneos. Se realizó la medición de la distancia lineal entre varios puntos de referencia, para evaluar la conformidad entre el foramen infraorbitario (FO) y la proporción áurea, mediante el cálculo de la relación entre esas distancias lineales, así como las diferencias y similitudes entre los cráneos de estos períodos. En relación a las características morfométricas, se encontraron en cráneos de la época moderna FO circulares (47,05%), ovalados (41,17 %) y atípicos (semilunar y triangular) en un 11,76 %, del lado derecha, y en el lado izquierdo estos porcentajes correspondieron a circulares (70,58 %) y ovalados (29,41%). Por su parte, los cráneos del período bizantino presentaron FO circulares (46,06 %) y ovalados (53,3 %) del lado derecho, mientras que del lado izquierdo fueron circulares (50 %) y ovalados (50 %). Se encontró que las medidas del FO de los cráneos bizantino tuvo un promedio de 2,93±1,05 mm y 3,15±1,03 mm en el lado derecho, y 2,62±0,97 mm y 3,16±0,68 mm a la izquierda, vertical y horizontal, respectivamente; y en el período moderno midieron 2,32±0,50 mm y 3,00±0,92 mm a la derecha y 2,48±0,45 mm y 2,76±0,65 mm a la izquierda, en medidas verticales y horizontales respectivamente. La relación entre las distancias de la pared orbitaria exterior del FO al plano sagital y la apertura piriforme fue de 1,46±0,25 mm y 1,40±0,21 mm, a izquierda y derecha respectivamente, para los cráneos bizantinos; y 1,24±0,24 mm y 1,29±0,42 mm para los cráneos modernos. Se encontró una diferencia significativa entre la proporción obtenida y la proporción áurea para cada uno de los períodos (moderno y bizantino) (p <0,005). La comparación de las características anatómicas del FO de individuos que vivieron en diferentes períodos históricos es valioso para los antropólogos y los conocimientos sobre el cálculo proporcional de la ubicación del FO son importantes en la odontología, cirugía maxilofacial y el estudio del dolor.

História Medieval , História do Século XV , História do Século XX , História do Século XXI , Maxila/anatomia & histologia , Órbita/anatomia & histologia , Bizâncio
Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci ; 20(8): 1458-66, 2016 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27160115


OBJECTIVE: Anatomical variations of the extrahepatic biliary tree are frequently seen and may cause challenging conditions for surgeons. We aimed to investigate the morphological variations of the gallbladder in patients who underwent cholecystectomy and their effects during and after the surgery, by using a new anatomical classification. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Dissection time, perioperative bleeding, perioperative/postoperative complication rates, the difference between preoperative/postoperative hematocrit and leukocyte levels of 164 symptomatic cholelithiasis patients who underwent laparoscopic cholecystectomy were evaluated. The patients' gallbladders were categorized in "seven" different types regarding their anatomical positions and morphometric relations with the liver's acute margin and fossa of the gallbladder. Relations between these gallbladders types and perioperative/postoperative parameters were also examined. RESULTS: The median time to complete the dissection of the gallbladder from the fossa was 375.5 seconds. The mean length of the fossa was 68.06 ± 15.08 mm, the average size of the gallbladder was 92.10 ± 18.79 mm. A positive correlation was found between dissection time and length of fossa vesica and also in the size of the gallbladder (p = 0.003, p = 0.034). Moreover, a positive correlation was found between the dissection time and the perioperative perforation risk of the gallbladder (p = 0.005). The most common type of gallbladder was type I and III (23.2%). The least common gallbladder type among the patients assessed as part of the study was type VI (6.7%). When the gallbladder types were compared, the perioperative perforation rate of the gallbladder wall was found to be significantly higher in morphological type V (p = 0.014). CONCLUSIONS: The perioperative perforation rate of the gallbladder wall was found significantly higher in morphological type V. To perform a safe cholecystectomy, surgeons should be aware of anatomical variations of the gallbladder and its relations with the liver parenchyma, which are important for surgical strategies.

Colecistectomia Laparoscópica/efeitos adversos , Vesícula Biliar/cirurgia , Fígado , Colecistectomia , Colelitíase , Vesícula Biliar/lesões , Humanos
J Chem Neuroanat ; 52: 44-8, 2013 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23680380


Sepsis is known to affect neuroendocrine circuits: injections of lipopolysaccaride are potent stimulators of oxytocin secretion from the posterior lobe, acute sepsis leads to uterus contractions and spontaneous abort. Here, we report changes in expression and distribution of hypothalamic oxytocin in rats that had been subjected to caecal ligation and puncture which led to acute sepsis. Septic animals showed loss of oxytocin immunostaining in perikarya of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei and an increase of oxytocin positive fibres, suggesting a shift of oxytocin pools into the axonal compartment. Immunostaining of the posterior lobe revealed reduction of oxytocin in septic rats. Magnocellular neurons in supraoptic- and to a lesser extent in paraventricular nuclei showed nuclear immunoreactivity for the protooncogene c-Fos, indicating stimulation of transcriptional activity upon sepsis. Contrary to magnocellular oxytocin immunoreactivity, we observed increased oxytocin immunoreactivity in cell bodies and processes of periventricular nucleus and in perivascular neurons. Oxytocin neurons in other regions of the hypothalamus and the preoptic region did not appear to be affected by acute sepsis. Our findings suggest a differential activation of neurohypophyseal and cerebrospinal fluid contacting oxytocin systems while centrally projecting oxytocin neurons may not be affected. Systemic oxytocin levels may serve as additional diagnostic marker for sepsis.

Ocitocina/metabolismo , Núcleo Hipotalâmico Paraventricular/metabolismo , Sepse/metabolismo , Animais , Hipotálamo/química , Hipotálamo/citologia , Hipotálamo/metabolismo , Masculino , Ocitocina/análise , Núcleo Hipotalâmico Paraventricular/química , Núcleo Hipotalâmico Paraventricular/citologia , Ratos , Ratos Wistar