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Nanotechnology ; 33(8)2021 Nov 30.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34757952


We present a 'top-down' patterning technique based on ion milling performed at low-temperature, for the realization of oxide two-dimensional electron system devices with dimensions down to 160 nm. Using electrical transport and scanning Superconducting QUantum Interference Device measurements we demonstrate that the low-temperature ion milling process does not damage the 2DES properties nor creates oxygen vacancies-related conducting paths in the STO substrate. As opposed to other procedures used to realize oxide 2DES devices, the one we propose gives lateral access to the 2DES along the in-plane directions, finally opening the way to coupling with other materials, including superconductors.

Nat Commun ; 11(1): 3650, 2020 Jul 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32686663


Complex oxides show extreme sensitivity to structural distortions and defects, and the intricate balance of competing interactions which emerge at atomically defined interfaces may give rise to unexpected physics. In the interfaces of non-magnetic complex oxides, one of the most intriguing properties is the emergence of magnetism which is sensitive to chemical defects. Particularly, it is unclear which defects are responsible for the emergent magnetic interfaces. Here, we show direct and clear experimental evidence, supported by theoretical explanation, that the B-site cation stoichiometry is crucial for the creation and control of magnetism at the interface between non-magnetic ABO3-perovskite oxides, LaAlO3 and SrTiO3. We find that consecutive defect formation, driven by atomic charge compensation, establishes the formation of robust perpendicular magnetic moments at the interface. Our observations propose a route to tune these emerging magnetoelectric structures, which are strongly coupled at the polar-nonpolar complex oxide interfaces.

Sci Rep ; 8(1): 15217, 2018 Oct 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30315227


SrRuO3 (SRO) is a perovskite increasingly used in oxide-based electronics both for its intrinsic metallicity, which remains unaltered in thin films and for the ease of deposition on dielectric perovskites like SrTiO3, (STO) to implement SRO/STO microcapacitors and other devices. In order to test the reliability of SRO/STO also as high-current on-chip conductor, when the SRO dimensions are pushed to the nanoscale, here we have measured the electrodynamic properties of arrays of nanoribbons, fabricated by lithography starting from an ultrathin film of SRO deposited on a STO substrate. The nanoribbons are 6 or 4 nm thick, 400, 200 and 100 nm wide and 5 mm long. The measurements have been performed by infrared spectroscopy, a non-contact weakly perturbing technique which also allows one to separately determine the carrier density and their scattering rate or mobility. Far-infrared reflectivity spectra have been analyzed by Rigorous Coupled-Wave Analysis (RCWA) and by an Effective Medium Theory, obtaining consistent results. With the radiation polarized along the nanoribbons, we obtain a carrier density similar to that of a flat film used as reference, which in turn is similar to that of bulk SRO. Moreover, in the nanoribbons the carrier scattering rate is even smaller than in the unpatterned film by about a factor of 2. This shows that the transport properties of SRO deposited on STO remain at least unaltered down to nanometric dimensions, with interesting perspectives for implementing on-chip nano-interconnects in an oxide-based electronics. When excited in the perpendicular direction, the nanoribbons appear instead virtually transparent to the radiation field, as predicted by RCWA.