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Soc Indic Res ; 126: 863-891, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26912945


Survey research on subjective wellbeing in The Netherlands started in the early 1970s. The time series happiness and life satisfaction that have emerged since then are unfortunately based on slightly different survey items of which one part uses verbal response scales and another part uses numerical response scales. The diversity of the survey items and a number of other measurement issues, such as the effects of changes in survey mode, hamper comparison over time and make it difficult to establish whether life became any better over the last forty years. These problems can be tackled using the recently developed Reference Distribution Method with which responses to equivalent but not identical survey questions can be pooled to obtain long, consistent time series. We applied the Reference Distribution method to pool time series of happiness and life satisfaction. We conclude that in the past 40 years the Dutch have become slightly happier and satisfied with their lives.

Soc Indic Res ; 126: 331-358, 2016.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26900210


Happiness and life satisfaction have traditionally been measured using verbal response scales, however, these verbal scales have not kept up with the present trend to use numerical response scales. A switch from a verbal scale to a numerical scale, however, causes a severe problem for trend analyses, due to the incomparability of the old and new measurements. The Reference Distribution Method is a method that has been developed recently to deal with this comparison problem. In this method use is made of a reference distribution based on responses to a numerical scale which is used to decide at which point verbally labelled response options transit from one state to another, for example from 'happy' to 'very happy'. Next, for each wave of the time series in which the verbal scale is used, a population mean is estimated for the beta distribution that fits best to these transition points and the responses in this wave. These estimates are on a level that is comparable to that of the mean of the reference distribution and are appropriate for use in an extended time series based on the responses measured using a verbal and a numerical scale. In this paper we address the question of whether the transition points derived for the general population can be used for demographic categories to produce reliable, extended time series to monitor differences in trends among these categories. We conclude that this is possible and that it is not necessary to derive transition points for each demographic category separately.

Soc Indic Res ; 110(2): 549-557, 2013 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23329860


Happiness is often measured in surveys using responses to a single question with a limited number of response options, such as 'very happy', 'fairly happy' and 'not too happy'. There is much variety in the wording and number of response options used, which limits comparability across surveys. To solve this problem, descriptive statistics of the discrete distribution in the sample are often transformed to a common discrete secondary scale, mostly ranging from 0 to 10. In an earlier publication we proposed a method for estimating statistics of the corresponding continuous distribution in the population (Kalmijn 2010). In the present paper we extend this method to questions using numerical response scales. The application of this 'continuum approach' to results obtained using the often used 1-10 numerical scale can make these comparable to those obtained on the basis of verbal response scales.

Soc Sci Res ; 41(1): 199-202, 2012 Jan.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-23017707


Delhey and Kohler assume that the happiness distribution at the population level is essentially normal, but that this is distorted by the fact that happiness is measured in samples using scales that are discrete and two-sided bounded. This assumption is tested using the probit method and rejected.