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Stand Genomic Sci ; 4(3): 312-21, 2011 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21886858


Halanaerobium praevalens Zeikus et al. 1984 is the type species of the genus Halanaerobium, which in turn is the type genus of the family Halanaerobiaceae. The species is of interest because it is able to reduce a variety of nitro-substituted aromatic compounds at a high rate, and because of its ability to degrade organic pollutants. The strain is also of interest because it functions as a hydrolytic bacterium, fermenting complex organic matter and producing intermediary metabolites for other trophic groups such as sulfate-reducing and methanogenic bacteria. It is further reported as being involved in carbon removal in the Great Salt Lake, its source of isolation. This is the first completed genome sequence of a representative of the genus Halanaerobium and the second genome sequence from a type strain of the family Halanaerobiaceae. The 2,309,262 bp long genome with its 2,110 protein-coding and 70 RNA genes is a part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.

Stand Genomic Sci ; 4(2): 221-32, 2011 Apr 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21677859


Cellulophaga lytica (Lewin 1969) Johansen et al. 1999 is the type species of the genus Cellulophaga, which belongs to the family Flavobacteriaceae within the phylum 'Bacteroidetes' and was isolated from marine beach mud in Limon, Costa Rica. The species is of biotechnological interest because its members produce a wide range of extracellular enzymes capable of degrading proteins and polysaccharides. After the genome sequence of Cellulophaga algicola this is the second completed genome sequence of a member of the genus Cellulophaga. The 3,765,936 bp long genome with its 3,303 protein-coding and 55 RNA genes consists of one circular chromosome and is a part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.

Stand Genomic Sci ; 4(1): 100-10, 2011 Feb 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21475592


Desulfobulbus propionicus Widdel 1981 is the type species of the genus Desulfobulbus, which belongs to the family Desulfobulbaceae. The species is of interest because of its great implication in the sulfur cycle in aquatic sediments, its large substrate spectrum and a broad versatility in using various fermentation pathways. The species was the first example of a pure culture known to disproportionate elemental sulfur to sulfate and sulfide. This is the first completed genome sequence of a member of the genus Desulfobulbus and the third published genome sequence from a member of the family Desulfobulbaceae. The 3,851,869 bp long genome with its 3,351 protein-coding and 57 RNA genes is a part of the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea project.