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J Appl Crystallogr ; 57(Pt 2): 266-275, 2024 Apr 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38596734


In cellulo crystallization is a rare event in nature. Recent advances that have made use of heterologous overexpression can promote the intracellular formation of protein crystals, but new tools are required to detect and characterize these targets in the complex cell environment. The present work makes use of Mask R-CNN, a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based instance segmentation method, for the identification of either single or multi-shaped crystals growing in living insect cells, using conventional bright field images. The algorithm can be rapidly adapted to recognize different targets, with the aim of extracting relevant information to support a semi-automated screening pipeline, in order to aid the development of the intracellular protein crystallization approach.

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35130147


Minimum cost lifted multicut problem is a generalization of the multicut problem and is a means to optimizing a decomposition of a graph w.r.t. both positive and negative edge costs. Its main advantage is that multicut-based formulations do not require the number of components given a priori; instead, it is deduced from the solution. However, the standard multicut cost function is limited to pairwise relationships between nodes, while several important applications either require or can benefit from a higher-order cost function, i.e. hyper-edges. In this paper, we propose a pseudo-boolean formulation for a multiple model fitting problem. It is based on a formulation of any-order minimum cost lifted multicuts, which allows to partition an undirected graph with pairwise connectivity such as to minimize costs defined over any set of hyper-edges. As the proposed formulation is NP-hard and the branch-and-bound algorithm is too slow in practice, we propose an efficient local search algorithm for inference into resulting problems. We demonstrate versatility and effectiveness of our approach in several applications: geometric multiple model fitting, homography and motion estimation, motion segmentation.