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Front Vet Sci ; 9: 989670, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36439340


The fishing cat (Prionailurus viverrinus) is a vulnerable wild felid that is currently under threat from habitat destruction and other human activities. The zoo provides insurance to ensure the survival of the fishing cat population. Creating a biobank of fishing cats is a critical component of recent zoo strategies for securely stocking cell samples for long-term survival. Here, our goal was to compare cell biobanking techniques (tissue collection, primary culture, and reprogramming) and tissue sources (ear skin, abdominal skin, testis) from captive (n = 6)/natural (n = 6) vs. living (n = 8)/postmortem (n = 4) fishing cats. First, we show that dermal fibroblasts from the medial border of the helix of the ear pinna and abdominal tissues of living fishing cats can be obtained, whereas postmortem animals provided far fewer fibroblasts from the ears than from the testes. Furthermore, we can extract putative adult spermatogonial stem cells from the postmortem fishing cat's testes. The main barrier to expanding adult fibroblasts was early senescence, which can be overcome by overexpressing reprogramming factors through felid-specific transfection programs, though we demonstrated that reaching iPSC state from adult fibroblasts of fishing cats was ineffective with current virus-free mammal-based induction approaches. Taken together, the success of isolating and expanding primary cells is dependent on a number of factors, including tissue sources, tissue handling, and nature of limited replicative lifespan of the adult fibroblasts. This study provides recommendations for tissue collection and culture procedures for zoological research to facilitate the preservation of cells from both postmortem and living felids.

Vet World ; 15(5): 1246-1255, 2022 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35765477


Background and Aim: As the number of wild Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) continues to decline, maintaining healthy populations under human care is vital. Male fertility assessment is essential for understanding the reproductive status, which can help to uncover underlying problems and improve the rate of pregnancy success. The objectives of this study in Asian elephants were as follows: (1) To investigate the semen characteristics; (2) to compare the relative seminal vesicle size and semen characteristics; (3) to compare the semen characteristics between good-motile (>60% progressive motility) and poor-motile (<60% progressive motility) ejaculates; and (4) to investigate the pregnancy success rate after artificial insemination (AI) with combined chilled and frozen semen. Materials and Methods: In total, 153 ejaculates were collected by manual rectal stimulation from 25 bulls. The volume, pH, sperm concentration, progressive motility, viability, morphology, and membrane integrity were investigated in each ejaculate. Assessment of accessory sex glands was conducted using transrectal ultrasonography to compare the relative seminal vesicle size and semen characteristics, and the bulls were divided into two groups according to the size of the ampulla (<7 or ≥7 cm2). For the comparison of good and poor-motile ejaculates and semen characteristics, the samples were divided into two groups: Good-motile (>60% progressive motility) and poor-motile (<60% progressive motility) ejaculates. Semen ejaculates for AI were collected from three bulls. The estrous cycles of four females were monitored using an enzyme immunoassay. Seven AI attempts were conducted using frozen and/or chilled semen by endoscopic visualization. AI was repeated 1 day before the luteinizing hormone surge, on the day of the surge, and 1 day after the surge. Pregnancy was confirmed by monitoring the serum progesterone profile and the abdomen and mammary glands changes. Results: From 153 ejaculates, the mean±standard error values of progressive motility, semen volume, sperm concentration, pH, and viability were 40.18%±2.28%, 40.94±3.86 mL, 1,205.58±62.26×106 sperm/mL, 7.50±0.10, and 56.17%±1.96%, respectively. Comparing ampulla size and semen characteristics revealed that the bulls with ampullae of ≥7 cm2 yielded significantly larger volume ejaculates. However, there were no significant differences in sperm motility and concentration. The comparison of semen characteristics between good- and poor-motile ejaculates revealed that the former had significantly higher pH, viability, normal acrosomes, intact membranes, and normal head and tail morphology but often had a significantly lower volume and sperm concentration. From seven AI attempts in four females, one female had a confirmed pregnancy (14.3% pregnancy rate), and delivered a healthy live female baby weighing 128 kg at 21 months and 12 days of gestation. The baby is now 3 years old and in a healthy condition, with normally developing growth and behavior. Conclusion: The semen characteristics of Asian elephants can be used as the baseline reference for further applications. The ampullae size indicates semen quantity but not quality. Our success in producing an elephant calf from AI using frozen and chilled semen demonstrated that AI can be used as an alternative approach for the breeding management of Asian elephants. However, the semen of Asian elephants is of poor quality, especially in terms of membrane integrity; thus, the improvement in semen quality through intensive and careful management of elephant health and fertility remains a challenge for the future. Furthermore, a sperm bank should be established to develop sperm cryopreservation, which will be invaluable for improving the genetic diversity of the Asian elephant.