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Uganda health inf. dig ; (1): 37-1997.
Artigo em Inglês | AIM (África) | ID: biblio-1273239


The MRC program on AIDS in Uganda seeks to identify; prospectively; the determinants of HIV-1 infection and disease progression in rural Uganda and evaluate preventive strategies. The program is based at the Uganda Virus Research Institute; and initial field work has been conducted in the Kyamulibwa subcounty in Masaka District. The research approach combines ethno demographic and epidemiologic follow-up of a clinical subcohort. A key objective of the initial phase of the study is identification of the risk behaviours associated with HIV infection and the distribution of these factors in the Ugandan population. Particular emphasis has been placed on the role of sexually transmitted diseases as a risk factor and methods to control such infection in a rural area. Also under study is the interaction between HIV and the major endemic diseases in rural Uganda-malaria and tuberculosis. The prevention component of the study has focused on assessment of the cultural determinants of sexual behaviour and obstacles to behaviour changes. In addition; individual and focus group discussions are providing information on how households deal with infected members and community ability to cope with increased morbidity and dependency burdens. The program's support component includes HIV testing; counselling; community-based health care; education; and water source protection. Projected is establishment of a primary laboratory for the isolation and characteization of HIV strains in Uganda and evaluation of the efficacy of HIV vaccines when available. The study has identified an HIV-q seroprevalence rate of 4.9for all ages and 8.5for adults; with higher rates recorded among the poorest population segments. Source: Seminar Proceedings on Socio-Cultural Determinants of Morbidity and Mortality in Developing Countries: The Role of Longitudinal Studies; Senegal; October 7-11; 1991. 10;[2]p/POPLINE