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Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39255107


This paper presents a novel end-to-end framework for closed-form computation and visualization of critical point uncertainty in 2D uncertain scalar fields. Critical points are fundamental topological descriptors used in the visualization and analysis of scalar fields. The uncertainty inherent in data (e.g., observational and experimental data, approximations in simulations, and compression), however, creates uncertainty regarding critical point positions. Uncertainty in critical point positions, therefore, cannot be ignored, given their impact on downstream data analysis tasks. In this work, we study uncertainty in critical points as a function of uncertainty in data modeled with probability distributions. Although Monte Carlo (MC) sampling techniques have been used in prior studies to quantify critical point uncertainty, they are often expensive and are infrequently used in production-quality visualization software. We, therefore, propose a new end-to-end framework to address these challenges that comprises a threefold contribution. First, we derive the critical point uncertainty in closed form, which is more accurate and efficient than the conventional MC sampling methods. Specifically, we provide the closed-form and semianalytical (a mix of closed-form and MC methods) solutions for parametric (e.g., uniform, Epanechnikov) and nonparametric models (e.g., histograms) with finite support. Second, we accelerate critical point probability computations using a parallel implementation with the VTK-m library, which is platform portable. Finally, we demonstrate the integration of our implementation with the ParaView software system to demonstrate near-real-time results for real datasets.

Parallel Comput ; 40(10): 589-610, 2014 Dec 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26139953


We introduce a region template abstraction and framework for the efficient storage, management and processing of common data types in analysis of large datasets of high resolution images on clusters of hybrid computing nodes. The region template abstraction provides a generic container template for common data structures, such as points, arrays, regions, and object sets, within a spatial and temporal bounding box. It allows for different data management strategies and I/O implementations, while providing a homogeneous, unified interface to applications for data storage and retrieval. A region template application is represented as a hierarchical dataflow in which each computing stage may be represented as another dataflow of finer-grain tasks. The execution of the application is coordinated by a runtime system that implements optimizations for hybrid machines, including performance-aware scheduling for maximizing the utilization of computing devices and techniques to reduce the impact of data transfers between CPUs and GPUs. An experimental evaluation on a state-of-the-art hybrid cluster using a microscopy imaging application shows that the abstraction adds negligible overhead (about 3%) and achieves good scalability and high data transfer rates. Optimizations in a high speed disk based storage implementation of the abstraction to support asynchronous data transfers and computation result in an application performance gain of about 1.13×. Finally, a processing rate of 11,730 4K×4K tiles per minute was achieved for the microscopy imaging application on a cluster with 100 nodes (300 GPUs and 1,200 CPU cores). This computation rate enables studies with very large datasets.

Int J High Perform Comput Appl ; 27(3): 263-272, 2013 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28496298


Analysis of large sensor datasets for structural and functional features has applications in many domains, including weather and climate modeling, characterization of subsurface reservoirs, and biomedicine. The vast amount of data obtained from state-of-the-art sensors and the computational cost of analysis operations create a barrier to such analyses. In this paper, we describe middleware system support to take advantage of large clusters of hybrid CPU-GPU nodes to address the data and compute-intensive requirements of feature-based analyses in large spatio-temporal datasets.

Proc IPDPS (Conf) ; 2013: 103-114, 2013 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25419546


Analysis of large pathology image datasets offers significant opportunities for the investigation of disease morphology, but the resource requirements of analysis pipelines limit the scale of such studies. Motivated by a brain cancer study, we propose and evaluate a parallel image analysis application pipeline for high throughput computation of large datasets of high resolution pathology tissue images on distributed CPU-GPU platforms. To achieve efficient execution on these hybrid systems, we have built runtime support that allows us to express the cancer image analysis application as a hierarchical data processing pipeline. The application is implemented as a coarse-grain pipeline of stages, where each stage may be further partitioned into another pipeline of fine-grain operations. The fine-grain operations are efficiently managed and scheduled for computation on CPUs and GPUs using performance aware scheduling techniques along with several optimizations, including architecture aware process placement, data locality conscious task assignment, data prefetching, and asynchronous data copy. These optimizations are employed to maximize the utilization of the aggregate computing power of CPUs and GPUs and minimize data copy overheads. Our experimental evaluation shows that the cooperative use of CPUs and GPUs achieves significant improvements on top of GPU-only versions (up to 1.6×) and that the execution of the application as a set of fine-grain operations provides more opportunities for runtime optimizations and attains better performance than coarser-grain, monolithic implementations used in other works. An implementation of the cancer image analysis pipeline using the runtime support was able to process an image dataset consisting of 36,848 4Kx4K-pixel image tiles (about 1.8TB uncompressed) in less than 4 minutes (150 tiles/second) on 100 nodes of a state-of-the-art hybrid cluster system.