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Vertex ; 34(160, abr.-jun.): 7-19, 2023 07 10.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37562390


Objectives: The study was aimed at measuring the impact of training on forensic case formulation in mental health and to provide more evidence on the reliability of the TEC-F. Method: Nine psychiatrists and six psychologists from various Latin American countries participated in a quasi-pedagogical experiment. The quality of formulations was independently and blindly measured pre- and post-intervention with the TEC-F and the assignment of two standard vignettes was also randomly manipulated. Quality mean differences and instrument reliability indicators were calculated. Results: The values of intraclass correlation coefficients were 0.92; 0.94; 0.83; 0.93 and 0.95 and the values of Cronbach's alpha coefficient were 0.83; 0.94; 0.63; 0.77 and 0.93, for the dimensions transparency, specificity, communication, reasoning and for the total TEC-F respectively. The results of the 19-day test-retest were excellent. The mean TEC-F total quality pre-course was 31.4 and the mean post-course, 38.4 (p = 0.003 and p = 0.001 for group test and paired test respectively). Conclusions: The pedagogical intervention produced a significant improvement in the quality of the expert's formulations. The study added evidence supporting the TEC-F reliability.

OBJETIVOS: El estudio se propuso medir el impacto de un entrenamiento sobre formulación pericial del caso forense en salud mental y extender evidencias relacionadas con la confiabilidad de la TEC-F. MÉTODO: Nueve psiquiatras y seis psicólogos de diversos países latinoamericanos participaron de un cuasi-experimento pedagógico. Se midió independientemente y a ciegas la calidad de las formulaciones con la TEC-F pre y post intervención y también se manipuló aleatoriamente la asignación de dos viñetas estándares. Se calcularon diferencias de medias e indicadores de confiabilidad del instrumento. RESULTADOS: Los valores de coeficientes de correlación intraclase fueron 0,92; 0,94; 0,83; 0,93 y 0,95 y los valores del coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach fueron 0,83; 0,94; 0,63; 0,77 y 0,93, para las dimensiones transparencia, especificidad, comunicación, fundamentación y para el total TEC-F respectivamente. Los resultados del test-retest a 19 días fueron excelentes. La media de calidad total TEC-F precurso fue 31,4 y la media post curso, 38,4 (p = 0,003 y p = 0,001 para prueba grupal y para prueba apareada respectivamente). CONCLUSIONES: La intervención pedagógica produjo una significativa mejoría en la calidad de las formulaciones periciales. El estudio adicionó evidencias sosteniendo la confiabilidad de la TEC-F.

Saúde Mental , Violência , Estudos Retrospectivos
Vertex ; 33(156): 25-34, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35856780


OBJECTIVES: The "Guide to understand and assess the quality of the case formulation in forensic mental health - TECF" is tested in order to contribute to the development of the forensic reports. METHOD: Twelve mental health professionals of different Latin American traditions assessed with the TECF the quality of ten international forensic reports, both psychological and psychiatric. The guide includes the manual that describes the dimensions, criteria and guidelines to assess the quality of the forensic case formulation. RESULTS: Internal consistency indicators were in a rank of 0.34- 0.81 for the dimensions and 0.85 for the total TECF. The absolute agreement intraclass correlation coefficient among evaluators with similar tradition reached values of 0.72; 0.52; 0.76 and 0.77 for the dimensions and 0.84 for the total. The agreement among evaluators with different traditions was less. CONCLUSIONS: The TECF is a promising instrument to guide the assessment of quality and to stimulate improvement of the forensic reports. Caution is recommended in light of the traditional rating scale method due to the effect that can be produced by the different practices.

Psiquiatria Legal , Transtornos Mentais , Humanos , Saúde Mental