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J Phys Chem Lett ; 14(44): 9935-9942, 2023 Nov 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37903301


Umbrella sampling molecular dynamics simulations are widely used to enhance sampling along the reaction coordinates of chemical reactions. The effect of the artificial bias can be removed using methods such as the dynamic weighted histogram analysis method (DHAM), which in addition to the global free energy profile also provides kinetic information about barrier-crossing rates directly from the Markov matrix. Here we present a binless formulation of DHAM that extends DHAM to high-dimensional and Hamiltonian-based biasing to allow the study of electron transfer (ET) processes, for which enhanced sampling is usually not possible based on simple geometric grounds. We show the capabilities of binless DHAM on examples such as aqueous ferrous-ferric ET and intramolecular ET in the radical anion of benzoquinone-tetrathiafulvalene-benzoquinone (Q-TTF-Q)-. From classical Hamiltonian-based umbrella sampling simulations and electronic coupling values from quantum chemistry calculations, binless DHAM provides ET rates for adiabatic and nonadiabatic ET reactions alike in excellent agreement with experimental results.

J Chem Theory Comput ; 19(17): 5821-5834, 2023 Sep 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37647100


We present the theory for the evaluation of nonadiabatic couplings (NACs) involving resonance states within the complex absorbing potential equation-of-motion coupled-cluster (CAP-EOM-CC) framework implemented within the singles and doubles approximation. Resonance states are embedded in the continuum and undergo rapid decay through autodetachment. In addition, nuclear motion can facilitate transitions between different resonances and between resonances and bound states. These nonadiabatic transitions affect the chemical fate of resonances and have distinct spectroscopic signatures. The NAC vector is a central quantity needed to model such effects. In the CAP-EOM-CC framework, resonance states are treated on the same footing as bound states. Using the example of fumaronitrile, which supports a bound radical anion and several anionic resonances, we analyze the NAC between bound states and pseudocontinuum states, between bound states and resonances, and between two resonances. We find that the NAC between a bound state and a resonance is nearly independent of the CAP strength and thus straightforward to evaluate, whereas the NAC between two resonance states or between a bound state and a pseudocontinuum state is more difficult to evaluate.

J Phys Chem A ; 126(28): 4657-4663, 2022 Jul 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35792893


We present Molecular Vibration Explorer, a freely accessible online database and interactive tool for exploring vibrational spectra and tensorial light-vibration coupling strengths of a large collection of thiolated molecules. The "Gold" version of the database gathers the results from density functional theory calculations on 2800 commercially available thiol compounds linked to a gold atom, with the main motivation to screen the best molecules for THz and mid-infrared to visible upconversion. Additionally, the "Thiol" version of the database contains results for 1900 unbound thiolated compounds. They both provide access to a comprehensive set of computed spectroscopic parameters for all vibrational modes of all molecules in the database. The user can simultaneously investigate infrared absorption, Raman scattering, and vibrational sum- and difference-frequency generation cross sections. Molecules can be screened for various parameters in custom frequency ranges, such as a large Raman cross-section under a specific molecular orientation, or a large orientation-averaged sum-frequency generation (SFG) efficiency. The user can select polarization vectors for the electromagnetic fields, set the orientation of the molecule, and customize parameters for plotting the corresponding IR, Raman, and sum-frequency spectra. We illustrate the capabilities of this tool with selected applications in the field of surface-enhanced spectroscopy.

Science ; 374(6572): 1268-1271, 2021 Dec 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34855505


Coherent interconversion of signals between optical and mechanical domains is enabled by optomechanical interactions. Extreme light-matter coupling produced by confining light to nanoscale mode volumes can then access single mid-infrared (MIR) photon sensitivity. Here, we used the infrared absorption and Raman activity of molecular vibrations in plasmonic nanocavities to demonstrate frequency upconversion. We converted approximately 10-micrometer-wavelength incoming light to visible light by surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) in doubly resonant antennas that enhanced upconversion by more than 1010. We showed 140% amplification of the SERS anti-Stokes emission when an MIR pump was tuned to a molecular vibrational frequency, obtaining lowest detectable powers of 1 to 10 microwatts per square micrometer at room temperature. These results have potential for low-cost and large-scale infrared detectors and spectroscopic techniques.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 11(1): 206-209, 2020 Jan 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31846339


We study the photodissociation induced by ultraviolet excitation of amide bonds in gas-phase protonated peptides. Jointly, mass spectrometry and cold ion spectroscopy provide evidence for a selective nonstatistical dissociation of specific peptide bonds in the spectral region of the formally forbidden n → π* transition of amide groups. Structural analysis reveals that the activation of this transition, peaked at 226 nm, originates from the nonplanar geometry of the bond. In contrast, the statistical dissociation in the electronic ground state appears to be the main outcome of the π → π* excitation of the peptide bonds at 193 nm. We propose a tentative model that explains the difference in the fragmentation mechanisms by the difference in localization of the electronic transitions and the higher amount of vibrational energy released in the electronic excited state upon absorption at 193 nm.