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Front Pediatr ; 9: 723928, 2021.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34805035


Introduction: High oxygen concentrations have been identified as one factor contributing to the pathogenesis of the retinopathia of prematurity, chronic lung disease of the preterm infant and preterm brain injury. Preterm infants also show short- and long-term alterations of the endocrine system. If hyperoxia is one pathogenetic factor has not been investigated yet. With regard to the high prevalence of neurodevelopmental impairments in preterm infants, the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis, the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the hypothalamus-pituitary-somatotropic (HPS) axis are of special interest due to their important role in neurodevelopment. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of hyperoxia on the endocrine system in the neonatal rat by analyzing the activities of the HPT, HPA and HPS axes, respectively. Methods: Three-days old Wistar rats were exposed to hyperoxia (oxygen 80%, 48 h). On postnatal day 5 (P5) and P11, transcript levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), proopiomelanocortin and growth hormone (GH) were analyzed in pituitary sections by in situ hybridization. Serologic quantification of TSH and thyroxine (T4), adrenocorticotropic hormone and GH were performed by Multiplex analysis and Enzyme-linked Immunosorbent Assay. Results: At P5, significantly lower GH levels were observed in pituitaries (mRNA) and in sera of rats exposed to hyperoxia. Serum TSH was significantly elevated without changes in T4. Conclusion: This is the first study demonstrating transient endocrine alterations following hyperoxia in the neonatal rat making oxygen a possible contributor to the pathogenesis of endocrine alterations seen in preterm infants. Considering the detrimental multi-organ effects of hyperoxia on the immature organism, a rational use of therapeutic oxygen in the treatrnent of preterm infants is of utmost importance.

Front Neurol ; 11: 804, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32903382


Introduction: Preterm infants born before 28 weeks of gestation are at high risk of neurodevelopmental impairment in later life. Cerebral white and gray matter injury is associated with adverse outcomes. High oxygen levels, often unavoidable in neonatal intensive care, have been identified as one of the main contributing factors to preterm brain injury. Thus, preventive and therapeutic strategies against hyperoxia-induced brain injury are needed. Erythropoietin (Epo) is a promising and also neuroprotective candidate due to its clinical use in infants as erythropoiesis-stimulating agent. Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of repetitive Epo treatment on the cerebral white matter and long-term motor-cognitive outcome in a neonatal rodent model of hyperoxia-induced brain injury. Methods: Three-day old Wistar rats were exposed to hyperoxia (48 h, 80% oxygen). Four doses of Epo (5,000 IU/kg body weight per day) were applied intraperitoneally from P3-P6 with the first dose at the onset of hyperoxia. Oligodendrocyte maturation and myelination were evaluated via immunohistochemistry and Western blot on P11. Motor-cognitive deficits were assessed in a battery of complex behavior tests (Open Field, Novel Object Recognition, Barnes maze) in adolescent and fully adult animals. Following behavior tests animals underwent post-mortem diffusion tensor imaging to investigate long-lasting microstructural alterations of the white matter. Results: Repetitive treatment with Epo significantly improved myelination deficits following neonatal hyperoxia at P11. Behavioral testing revealed attenuated hyperoxia-induced cognitive deficits in Epo-treated adolescent and adult rats. Conclusion: A multiple Epo dosage regimen protects the developing brain against hyperoxia-induced brain injury by improving myelination and long-term cognitive outcome. Though current clinical studies on short-term outcome of Epo-treated prematurely born children contradict our findings, long-term effects up to adulthood are still lacking. Our data support the essential need for long-term follow-up of preterm infants in current clinical trials.