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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 25(44): 30563-30571, 2023 Nov 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37929817


Raman spectroscopy is applied for non-destructive characterization of strain in crystalline thin films. The analysis makes use of the numerical value of the mode Grüneisen parameter γ, which relates the fractional change in the frequency of a Raman-active vibrational mode and the strain-induced fractional change in the unit cell volume. When in-plane, compressive biaxial strain in aliovalent doped CeO2-films is relieved by partial substrate removal, the films exhibit values of γ for the F2g vibrational mode which are ∼30% of the literature values for bulk ceramics under isostatic stress. This discrepancy has been attributed to a negative contribution from the anelastic (time-dependent) mechanical properties of aliovalent-doped ceria. Here we propose a way to "separate" anelastic and elastic contributions to the F2g mode Grüneisen parameter. Mechanically elastic yttria (Y2O3) films on Ti/SiO2/Si substrate serve as "control". The values of γ calculated from the change in frequency of the ∼375 cm-1 F2g Raman-active mode are close to the literature values for bulk yttria under isostatic stress. This work should serve to provide a protocol for characterization of selective sensitivity to different strain components of doped ceria thin films.

J Appl Crystallogr ; 56(Pt 1): 155-159, 2023 Feb 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36777134


Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource serves a wide scientific community with its variety of X-ray capabilities. Recently, a wiggler X-ray source located at beamline 10-2 has been employed to perform high-resolution rocking curve imaging (RCI) of diamond and silicon crystals. X-ray RCI is invaluable for the development of upcoming cavity-based X-ray sources at SLAC, including the cavity-based X-ray free-electron laser and X-ray laser oscillator. In this paper, the RCI apparatus is described and experimental results are provided to validate its design. Future improvements of the setup are also discussed.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 34(32)2022 Jun 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35609613


Oxidation of cerium metal is a complex process which is strongly affected by the presence of water vapor in the oxidative atmosphere. Here, we explore, by means of infrared reflection-absorption spectroscopy (IRRAS) and Raman scattering spectroscopies, thin oxide films, formed on cerium metal during oxidation, under dry vs ambient (humid) air conditions (∼0.2% and ∼50% relative humidities, respectively) and compare them with a thin film of CeO2deposited on a Si substrate. Complementary analysis of the thin films using x-ray diffraction and focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy enables the correlation between their structure and spectroscopic characterizations. The initial oxidation of cerium metal results in the formation of highly sub-stoichiometric CeO2-x. Under dry air conditions, a major fraction of that oxide reacts with oxygen to form CeO∼2, which is spectroscopically detected by Raman scatteringF2gsymmetry mode and by IRAASF1usymmetry mode, splitted into doubly-degenerate transverse optic and mono-degenerate longitudinally optic (LO) modes. In contrast, under ambient (humid) conditions, the oxide formed is more heterogenous, as the reaction of CeO2-xdiverges towards the dominant formation of Ce(OH)3. Prior to the spectral emergence of Ce(OH)3, hydrogen ions incorporate into the highly sub-stoichiometric oxide, as manifested by Ce-H local vibrational mode detected in the Raman spectrum. The spectroscopic response of the thin oxide layer thus formed is more complex; particularly noted is the absence of the LO mode. It is attributed to the high density of microstructural and compositional defects in the oxide layer, which results in a heterogenous dielectric nature of the thin film, far from being representable by a single phase of CeO∼2.

Chem Soc Rev ; 49(2): 554-592, 2020 Jan 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31872840


Ceria and its solid solutions play a vital role in several industrial processes and devices. These include solar energy-to-fuel conversion, solid oxide fuel and electrolyzer cells, memristors, chemical looping combustion, automotive 3-way catalysts, catalytic surface coatings, supercapacitors and recently, electrostrictive devices. An attractive feature of ceria is the possibility of tuning defect-chemistry to increase the effectiveness of the materials in application areas. Years of study have revealed many features of the long-range, macroscopic characteristics of ceria and its derivatives. In this review we focus on an area of ceria defect chemistry which has received comparatively little attention - defect-induced local distortions and short-range associates. These features are non-periodic in nature and hence not readily detected by conventional X-ray powder diffraction. We compile the relevant literature data obtained by thermodynamic analysis, Raman spectroscopy, and X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy. Each of these techniques provides insight into material behavior without reliance on long-range periodic symmetry. From thermodynamic analyses, association of defects is inferred. From XAFS, an element-specific probe, local structure around selected atomic species is obtained, whereas from Raman spectroscopy, local symmetry breaking and vibrational changes in bonding patterns is detected. We note that, for undoped ceria and its solid solutions, the relationship between short range order and cation-oxygen-vacancy coordination remains a subject of active debate. Beyond collating the sometimes contradictory data in the literature, we strengthen this review by reporting new spectroscopy results and analysis. We contribute to this debate by introducing additional data and analysis, with the expectation that increasing our fundamental understanding of this relationship will lead to an ability to predict and tailor the defect-chemistry of ceria-based materials for practical applications.

Inorg Chem ; 58(11): 7527-7536, 2019 Jun 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31091085


Ceria doped with trivalent dopants exhibits nonclassical electrostriction, strong anelasticity, and room-temperature (RT) mechanical creep. These phenomena, unexpected for a ceramic material with a large Young's modulus, have been attributed to the generation of local strain in the vicinity of the host Ce cations due to symmetry-breaking point defects, including oxygen vacancies. However, understanding why strain is generated at the host rather than at the dopant site, as well as predicting these effects as a function of dopant size and concentration, remains a challenge. We have used the evolutionary-algorithm-based reverse Monte Carlo modeling to reconcile the experimental data of extended X-ray absorption fine structure and X-ray diffraction in a combined model structure. By extracting the details of the radial distribution function (RDF) around the host (Ce) and trivalent dopants (Sm or Y), we find that RDF of the first-nearest neighbor (1NN) of host and dopant cations as well as the second-nearest neighbor (2NN) of the dopant are each best modeled with two separate populations corresponding to short and long interatomic distances. This heterogeneity indicates that fluorite symmetry is not preserved locally, especially for the dopant first-and second-NN sites, appearing at surprisingly low doping fractions (5 mol % Sm and 10 mol % Y). Given that Ce rather than dopant sites act as the source of local strain for electrostriction and RT creep, we conclude that the environment around the dopant does not respond to electrical and mechanical excitations, likely because of its similarity to the double fluorite structure which has poor electrostrictive and anelastic properties. The trends we observe in the RDFs around the Ce sites as a function of dopant size and concentration suggest that the response of these sites can be controlled by the extent of doping: Increasing dopant size to increase strain magnitude at the 1NN shell of Ce and decreasing dopant fraction to decrease strain propagation to the 2NN shell of Ce should produce stronger electrostrictive response and RT creep.

Small ; 10(24): 5151-60, 2014 Dec 29.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25098545


Reproducible molecular junctions can be integrated within standard CMOS technology. Metal-molecule-semiconductor junctions are fabricated by direct Si-C binding of hexadecane or methyl-styrene onto oxide-free H-Si(111) surfaces, with the lateral size of the junctions defined by an etched SiO2 well and with evaporated Pb as the top contact. The current density, J, is highly reproducible with a standard deviation in log(J) of 0.2 over a junction diameter change from 3 to 100 µm. Reproducibility over such a large range indicates that transport is truly across the molecules and does not result from artifacts like edge effects or defects in the molecular monolayer. Device fabrication is tested for two n-Si doping levels. With highly doped Si, transport is dominated by tunneling and reveals sharp conductance onsets at room temperature. Using the temperature dependence of current across medium-doped n-Si, the molecular tunneling barrier can be separated from the Si-Schottky one, which is a 0.47 eV, in agreement with the molecular-modified surface dipole and quite different from the bare Si-H junction. This indicates that Pb evaporation does not cause significant chemical changes to the molecules. The ability to manufacture reliable devices constitutes important progress toward possible future hybrid Si-based molecular electronics.

J Phys Chem Lett ; 4(3): 426-30, 2013 Feb 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26281735


Thermally evaporated Pb preserves the electronic properties of an organic monolayer (ML) on Si and surface passivation of the Si surface itself. The obtained current-voltage characteristics of Pb/ML/Si junctions agree with results obtained with the well-established Hg contact and preserve both the molecule-induced dipole effect on, and length-attenuation of, the current. We rationalize our findings by the lack of interaction between the Pb and the Si substrate. This method is fast, scalable, and compatible with standard semiconductor processing, results in close to 100% yield, and can help the development of large-scale utilization of silicon-organic hybrid electronics. Our experimental data show a dependence of the transport across the molecules on the substrate orientation, expressed in the smaller distance decay parameter with Si(100) than that with Si(111).