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Eur J Pediatr ; 183(7): 2819-2830, 2024 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38581462


Measurement of transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB) is a non-invasive, widely used technique to estimate serum bilirubin (SB). However, its reliability in multiethnic populations during and after phototherapy is still controversial even in covered skin. The aim of this study was to determine the reliability of TcB in covered (cTcB) and exposed (eTcB) skin during and after phototherapy in a multiethnic population of term and preterm neonates according to Neomar's neonatal skin color scale. Prospective, observational study comparing SB and TcB. We determined SB when clinically indicated and, at the same time, measured cTcB under a photo-opaque patch and eTcB next to it with a jaundice meter (Dräger JM-105TM). All dyads TcB-SB were compared, both globally and according to skin color. We obtained data from 200 newborns (color1: 44, color2: 111, color3: 41, color4: 4) and compared 296 dyads TcB/SB. Correlation between cTcB and SB is strong during (0.74-0.83) and after (0.79-0.88) phototherapy, both globally and by color group. The SB-cTcB bias depends on gestational age during phototherapy and on skin color following phototherapy. The correlation between eTcB and SB during phototherapy is not strong (0.54), but becomes so 12 h after discontinuing phototherapy (0.78).  Conclusions: Our study supports the reliability of cTcB to assess SB during and after phototherapy, with differences among skin tones after the treatment. The use of cTcB and Neomar's scale during and mainly after phototherapy may help reduce the number of blood samples required. What is Known: • Controversies exist on the reliability of jaundice meters during and after phototherapy in covered skin. Only a few studies have analyzed their accuracy in multiethnic populations, but none has used a validated neonatal skin color scale. What is New: • We verified correlation between serum and transcutaneous bilirubin in covered skin in a multiethnic population depending on skin color based on our own validated neonatal skin color scale during and after phototherapy.

Bilirrubina , Icterícia Neonatal , Fototerapia , Pigmentação da Pele , Humanos , Bilirrubina/sangue , Bilirrubina/análise , Recém-Nascido , Estudos Prospectivos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Feminino , Fototerapia/métodos , Icterícia Neonatal/terapia , Icterícia Neonatal/sangue , Icterícia Neonatal/diagnóstico , Masculino , Triagem Neonatal/métodos , Recém-Nascido Prematuro , Idade Gestacional
Pediatr. catalan ; 83(4): 155-158, Oct.-Des. 2023. ilus
Artigo em Catalão | IBECS | ID: ibc-229246


Introducció. L’himen és una membrana que envolta i cobreix parcialment l’introit vaginal. La presència d’un himen imperforat pot passar desapercebuda, donar símptomes obstructius de l’aparell genital i del tracte urinari en el període neonatal o presentar-se com a dolor abdominal amb amenorrea en l’adolescència, com a clínica més freqüent. Cas clínic. Presentem el cas d’una pacient de dos mesos amb diagnòstic d’himen imperforat, amb una fístula preauricular esquerra i una hèrnia umbilical concomitant. Davant de la manca de simptomatologia, s’adopta una conducta expectant fins als quatre anys; amb la persistència de l’hèrnia umbilical, s’indica la cirurgia correctora dels tres defectes, que es duu a terme sense incidències. Posteriorment, la pacient presenta una evolució correcta sense recidives. Comentari. L’obstrucció vaginal congènita sol detectar-se clínicament en la pubertat i és diagnosticada de forma poc freqüent durant el període de lactant. L’himen imperforat és la malformació congènita vaginal i l’anomalia obstructiva de l’aparell reproductor femení més freqüent, però no és l’única; per aquest motiu, és important fer un correcte diagnòstic diferencial de les masses vaginals, per donar el millor tractament dirigit i evitar una morbimortalitat més alta dels pacients. (AU)

Introducción. El himen es una membrana que rodea y cubre parcialmente el introito vaginal. La presencia de un himen imperforado puede pasar desapercibida, dar síntomas obstructivos del aparato genital y del tracto urinario en el período neonatal o presentarse como dolor abdominal con amenorrea en la adolescencia, como clínica más frecuente. Caso clínico. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de dos meses con diagnóstico de himen imperforado, con una fístula preauricular izquierda y una hernia umbilical concomitante. Ante la ausencia de sintomatología, se adopta una conducta expectante hasta los cuatro años; con la persistencia de la hernia umbilical se indica la cirugía correctora de los tres defectos, que se lleva a cabo sin incidencias. Posteriormente, la paciente presenta una correcta evolución sin recidivas. Comentario. La obstrucción vaginal congénita suele detectarse clínicamente en la pubertad y es diagnosticada de forma poco frecuente durante el período de lactante. El himen imperforado es la malformación congénita vaginal y la anomalía obstructiva del aparato reproductor femenino más frecuente, pero no es la única; por este motivo, es importante la realización de un correcto diagnóstico diferencial de las masas vaginales para dar el mejor tratamiento dirigido y evitar una mayor morbimortalidad en los pacientes. (AU)

Introduction. The hymen is a membrane that surrounds and partially covers the vaginal entrance. The presence of an imperforate hymen may go unnoticed, give obstructive symptoms of the genital tract and urinary tract in the neonatal period, or most commonly present as abdominal pain with amenorrhea in adolescence. Case report. We present a two-month-old girl diagnosed with imperforate hymen, with a left preauricular fistula and a concomitant umbilical hernia. In the absence of symptoms, conservative management was followed until four years of age, when with the persistence of the umbilical hernia corrective surgery of the three defects was performed without complications. Comments. Congenital vaginal obstruction usually occurs clinically during puberty and is rarely diagnosed during infancy. Imperforate hymen is the most common congenital vaginal malformation and obstructive anomaly of the female reproductive tract, although not the only one; for this reason, it is important to make a correct differential diagnosis of a vaginal mass in children to optimize management. (AU)

Humanos , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Lactente , Pré-Escolar , Pediatria , Hímen/anormalidades , Hímen/patologia , Hímen/cirurgia , Doenças Vaginais
Med. clín (Ed. impr.) ; 160(7): 289-297, abril 2023. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-218090


Antecedentes: La dependencia de opioides está causando una epidemia en Estados Unidos, pero, a diferencia de la de los años setenta, parece más relacionada con los opioides de prescripción que con la heroína.ObjetivosEl objetivo de este estudio es evaluar si esta nueva epidemia ha llegado ya a nuestro medio y ver si hay cambios en el consumo y en las características de los consumidores.Pacientes y métodosEstudio transversal retrospectivo. Se incluyeron 1.140 pacientes entre el periodo 2012 y 2019, 633 de los cuales fueron primeras visitas a Centros de Atención y Seguimiento a las drogadicciones (CAS), 502 corresponden a visitas en urgencias por problemas relacionados con sobredosis o abstinencia de heroína o de opioides con receta, y los 5 restantes son recién nacidos de madres adictas a la heroína. Se analizaron los datos demográficos y las características de las sustancias de abuso, comparándose entre períodos parciales.ResultadosSe produjo una disminución global de las primeras visitas de pacientes a los CAS que referían adicción a la heroína (p=0,001), mientras que los adictos a los opioides de farmacia se han mantenido estables. Ha habido un aumento irregular del total de urgencias, consultas por sobredosis y por abstinencia, tanto de heroína como de opioides con receta (p=0,062, p=0,166 y p=0,005, respectivamente). Las urgencias relacionadas con opioides han sido menos frecuentes que las relacionadas con heroína. Los pacientes europeos no españoles han aumentado respecto los españoles.ConclusiónNo se ha producido un aumento preocupante del abuso de heroína ni de opioides con receta en nuestro medio. (AU)

Background: Opioid dependence is causing an epidemic in the US, but unlike the 1970s it seems more related to prescription opioids than heroin.ObjectivesThe objective of this study is to assess whether this new epidemic has already reached our environment and to see if there are changes in consumption and in the characteristics of consumers.Patients and methodsRetrospective cross-sectional study. 1,140 patients were included between 2012 and 2019, 633 of whom were first visits to Drug Addiction Care and (CAS) Monitoring Centers, 502 corresponding to emergency room visits for problems related to overdose or withdrawal of heroin or opioids with prescription, and the remaining 5 are newborns of mothers addicted to heroin. Demographic data and characteristics of the substances of abuse were analyzed, comparing between partial periods.ResultsThere was a global decrease in the first visits of patients to the CAS who reported heroin addiction (P=.001), while those addicted to pharmacy opioids have remained stable. There has been an irregular increase in total emergency visits, overdose consultations, and withdrawal consultations, both for heroin and prescription opioids (P=.062, P=.166 and P=.005, respectively). Opioid-related emergencies have been less frequent than for heroin. Non-Spanish European patients have increased compared to Spanish patients.ConclusionThere has been no worrying increase in heroin or prescription opioid abuse in our setting. (AU)

Humanos , Analgésicos Opioides/uso terapêutico , Preparações Farmacêuticas , Heroína , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Opioides/tratamento farmacológico , Estudos Transversais
Pediatr. catalan ; 83(1): 7-12, Ene-Mar. 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Artigo em Catalão | IBECS | ID: ibc-218823


Fonament: L’anquiloglòssia pot provocar el deslletamentprecoç. La realització d’una frenotomia podria augmentarla taxa de lactància materna exclusiva a l’alta de la maternitat. Objectiu: Descriure les diferències en el tipus d’alimentacióa l’alta de la maternitat entre els nounats amb anquiloglòssia i els que no en tenen, i entre els nounats amb anquiloglòssia tractada i els no tractats. Mètode: Estudi de cohorts prospectiu de tots els nadonsnascuts a la unitat neonatal l’any 2018 (n=1.392). Es vanexcloure 7 pacients que es van traslladar abans de l’alta.Es va oferir una frenotomia a tots els pacients amb anquiloglòssia (451). Es va determinar quantes frenotomies esvan fer (422/451), si la lactància materna va millorar acurt termini, i es van comparar les taxes de lactància materna entre els nounats amb anquiloglòssia i sense. Resultats: La taxa de lactància materna a l’alta va ser mésalta en els nounats amb anquiloglòssia tractada que en elsno tractats (393/422 vs 22/29, 93,1% vs 75,9%, respectivament, p <0,001). Conclusions: La frenotomia podria ajudar a augmentar lataxa de lactància materna a l’alta dels nounats amb anquiloglòssia.(AU)

Fundamento: La anquiloglosia puede provocar el destete precoz. Larealización de una frenotomía podría aumentar la tasa de lactanciamaterna al alta de la maternidad. Objetivo: Describir las diferencias en el tipo de alimentación al altade la maternidad entre los neonatos con anquiloglosia frente a losque no la sufren y entre los neonatos con anquiloglosia tratada ylos no tratados. Método. Estudio de cohorte prospectivo de todos los neonatos nacidos en la unidad neonatal el año 2018 (n=1.392). Se excluyeron7 pacientes que se trasladaron antes del alta. Se ofreció una frenotomía a todos los pacientes con anquiloglosia (451). Se determinó cuántas frenotomías se realizaron (422/451) y si la lactanciamaterna mejoró a corto plazo, y se compararon las tasas de lactancia materna entre los neonatos con y sin anquiloglosia. Resultados: La tasa de lactancia materna al alta fue mayor en losneonatos con anquiloglosia tratada que en los no tratados(393/422 frente a 22/29, 93,1% frente a 75,9%, respectivamente, p <0,001).Conclusiones. La frenotomía podría ayudar a aumentar la tasa delactancia materna al alta de los neonatos con anquiloglosia.(AU)

Background: Ankyloglossia may lead to an early abandonment ofbreastfeeding. Performing a frenotomy could increase the breastfeeding rate at discharge from the maternity ward. Objective: The aim of our study was to describe differences in thetype of feeding at discharge from the maternity ward, betweentongue-tied and non tongue-tied neonates, and between treatedand untreated tongue-tied neonates. Method: This prospective cohort study included all the neonatesborn at a neonatal unit in 2018 (n=1392). We excluded 7 patientswho were transferred before discharge. We offered a frenotomy toall tongue-tied patients (451). We determined how many frenotomies we performed (422/451), whether breastfeeding improved inthe short term, and compared the breastfeeding rates betweentreated and untreated tongue-tied and non-tongue-tied neonates. Results: The breastfeeding rate at discharge was higher amongtreated tongue-tied infants than in untreated neonates (393/422vs. 22/29, 93.1% vs. 75.9%, respectively, p <0.001).Conclusions: Frenotomy could help increase the breastfeeding rateat discharge among tongue-tied neonates.(AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Recém-Nascido , Poder Familiar , Aleitamento Materno , Desmame , Anquiloglossia , 24439 , Epidemiologia Descritiva , Pediatria
Med Clin (Barc) ; 160(7): 289-297, 2023 04 06.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35931570


BACKGROUND: Opioid dependence is causing an epidemic in the US, but unlike the 1970s it seems more related to prescription opioids than heroin. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to assess whether this new epidemic has already reached our environment and to see if there are changes in consumption and in the characteristics of consumers. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Retrospective cross-sectional study. 1,140 patients were included between 2012 and 2019, 633 of whom were first visits to Drug Addiction Care and (CAS) Monitoring Centers, 502 corresponding to emergency room visits for problems related to overdose or withdrawal of heroin or opioids with prescription, and the remaining 5 are newborns of mothers addicted to heroin. Demographic data and characteristics of the substances of abuse were analyzed, comparing between partial periods. RESULTS: There was a global decrease in the first visits of patients to the CAS who reported heroin addiction (P=.001), while those addicted to pharmacy opioids have remained stable. There has been an irregular increase in total emergency visits, overdose consultations, and withdrawal consultations, both for heroin and prescription opioids (P=.062, P=.166 and P=.005, respectively). Opioid-related emergencies have been less frequent than for heroin. Non-Spanish European patients have increased compared to Spanish patients. CONCLUSION: There has been no worrying increase in heroin or prescription opioid abuse in our setting.

Overdose de Drogas , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Opioides , Recém-Nascido , Humanos , Analgésicos Opioides/uso terapêutico , Heroína , Estudos Transversais , Estudos Retrospectivos , Grupos Populacionais , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Opioides/epidemiologia , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Opioides/tratamento farmacológico , Overdose de Drogas/epidemiologia
Eur J Pediatr ; 181(11): 3923-3929, 2022 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36076107


It is necessary to treat neonatal pain because it may have short- and long-term adverse effects. Frenotomy is a painful procedure where sucking, a common strategy to relieve pain, cannot be used because the technique is performed on the tongue. In a previous randomized clinical trial, we demonstrated that inhaled lavender essential oil (LEO) reduced the signs of pain during neonatal frenotomy. We aimed to find out whether inhaled vanilla essential oil (VEO) is more effective in reducing pain during frenotomy than LEO. Randomized clinical trial with neonates who underwent a frenotomy for type 3 tongue-ties between May and October 2021. Pain was assessed using pre and post-procedure heart rate (HR) and oxygen saturation (SatO2), crying time, and NIPS score. Neonates were randomized into "experimental" and "control" group. In both groups, we performed swaddling, administered oral sucrose, and let the newborn suck for 2 min. We placed a gauze pad with one drop of LEO (control group) or of VEO (experimental group) under the neonate's nose for 2 min prior to and during the frenotomy. We enrolled 142 neonates (71 per group). Both groups showed similar NIPS scores (2.02 vs 2.38) and crying times (15.3 vs 18.7 s). We observed no differences in HR increase or in SatO2 decrease between both groups. We observed no side effects in either of the groups. CONCLUSIONS: We observed no appreciable difference between LEO and VEO; therefore, we cannot conclude which of them was more effective in treating pain in neonates who underwent a frenotomy. TRIAL REGISTRATION:  This clinical trial is registered with www. CLINICALTRIALS: gov with NCT04867824. WHAT IS KNOWN: • Pain management is one of the most important goals of neonatal care as it can have long-term neurodevelopmental effects. • Lavender essential oil can help relieve pain due to its sedative, antispasmodic, and anticolic properties. WHAT IS NEW: • Lavender and vanilla essential oils are safe, beneficial, easy to use, and cheap in relieving pain in neonates who undergo a frenotomy for type 3 tongue-ties.

Anquiloglossia , Lavandula , Óleos Voláteis , Vanilla , Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Analgésicos , Aleitamento Materno/efeitos adversos , Hipnóticos e Sedativos , Freio Lingual/cirurgia , Óleos Voláteis/uso terapêutico , Dor/etiologia , Parassimpatolíticos , Sacarose
World J Pediatr ; 18(6): 398-403, 2022 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35377106


BACKGROUND: Neonatal pain may affect long-term neurodevelopment and must be treated. Frenotomy is a painful procedure wherein a common strategy to relieve pain (sucking) cannot be used because the technique is performed on the tongue. Lavender essential oil (LEO) has sedative and antispasmodic properties and has been successfully used to treat pain during heel puncture and vaccination. Our aim was to demonstrate if the use of inhaled LEO is effective in reducing pain during frenotomy in healthy, full-term neonates. METHODS: We conducted a randomized clinical trial in neonates who underwent a frenotomy between August 2020 and April 2021. We assessed pain using pre and post-procedure heart rate and oxygen saturation, crying time and Neonatal Infant Pain Scale (NIPS) score. Patients with type 3 tongue tie were randomized into the "experimental group" and "control group". In both groups, we performed swaddling, administered oral sucrose, and let the newborn suck for two minutes. In the experimental group, we also placed a gauze pad with one drop of LEO under the neonate's nose for two minutes prior to and during the frenotomy. RESULTS: We enrolled 142 patients (71 per group). The experimental group showed significantly lower NIPS scores (1.88 vs 2.92) and cried almost half the amount of time (14.8 vs. 24.6 seconds, P = 0.006). Comparing with the control group, we observed no side effects in either of the groups. CONCLUSIONS: We observed a significant decrease in crying time and lower NIPS scores in the neonates who received inhaled LEO and underwent a frenotomy for type 3 tongue-ties. Thus, we recommend using inhaled LEO during neonatal frenotomies.

Anquiloglossia , Lavandula , Óleos Voláteis , Analgésicos , Anquiloglossia/complicações , Aleitamento Materno , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Freio Lingual/cirurgia , Óleos Voláteis/uso terapêutico , Dor/etiologia
Transfus Med Hemother ; 48(4): 259-262, 2021 Aug.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34539322


INTRODUCTION: Neonatal neutropenia is often secondary to sepsis, low birth weight, pregnancy-induced maternal hypertension, and other conditions. CASE REPORT: We report a case of asymptomatic isoimmune neutropenia in a pair of preterm twins. Genotyping confirmed that the mother was negative for HNA-1a, 1b, and 1c, consistent with an FcγRIIIb deficiency. The father was 1(a+b+c-) and the neonates were 1(a-b+c-). A strongly positive result was observed in the granulocyte immunofluorescence test against paternal neutrophils (IgG antibodies). IgG anti-CD16b isoantibodies were detected in the mother's breast milk. Neutropenia resolved after 28 days without requiring any specific treatments. DISCUSSION: Even though neonatal alloimmune neutropenia (NAN) is usually benign and self-limiting, some patients pre-sent with delayed separation of the umbilical cord, mild skin infections, omphalitis, or severe infections like pneumonia, sepsis, and meningitis. Thus, it is important to rule out NAN in case of neonatal neutropenia.

Med. clín (Ed. impr.) ; 157(4): 159-163, agosto 2021. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-211582


Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia del abuso de drogas entre nuestras gestantes y las características de sus embarazos, partos y recién nacidos.MétodosEstudio observacional retrospectivo de los neonatos nacidos entre el 1 de enero de 2009 y el 31 de diciembre de 2017 en nuestro centro, hijos de madres consumidoras, y comparación con nuestro estudio de 2002-2008.ResultadosEl consumo de heroína está disminuyendo, mientras que el de cannabis y metanfetamina están aumentando. Observamos una disminución del síndrome de abstinencia asociado al consumo de metadona y benzodiacepinas y un aumento de las madres consumidoras de benzodiacepinas y cannabis que dan el pecho. Los hijos de madres que consumen heroína y cocaína son dados de alta al domicilio materno con menos frecuencia. Observamos un predominio del consumo entre las mujeres españolas excepto en las metanfetaminas, donde la mayoría son filipinas. (AU)

Objectives: To determine the prevalence of substance abuse among our pregnant women and the characteristics of their pregnancies, deliveries and new-born infants.MethodsRetrospective observational study of infants born between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2017 in our centre to substance-abusing mothers and compared with our 2002-2008 study.ResultsHeroin use is decreasing, while cannabis and methamphetamine use are increasing. We observed a decrease in withdrawal associated with methadone and benzodiazepine use and an increase in breastfeeding in benzodiazepine and cannabis users. The infants of mothers who use heroin and cocaine are discharged to the mother's home less often. We observed a predominance of substance abuse among Spanish women except for methamphetamines, where the majority of users are Filipino. (AU)

Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Cocaína , Metadona , Metanfetamina/efeitos adversos , Complicações na Gravidez/induzido quimicamente , Complicações na Gravidez/epidemiologia , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias/epidemiologia , Recém-Nascido , Gravidez
Pediatr. catalan ; 81(1): 14-16, ene.-mar. 2021. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | IBECS | ID: ibc-202629


INTRODUCCIÓ: Un cefalohematoma és una col·lecció de sang sota el periosti del crani secundària a un traumatisme del part. Afecta entre l'1% I el 2% dels nadons nascuts per un part vaginal I entre el 3% I el 4% dels nascuts mitjançant un part instrumentat. Solen ser benignes I autolimitats, I es resolen espontàniament al cap d'unes setmanes, però alguns casos poden anar acompanyats d'anèmia, hiperbilirubinèmia o fractura cranial, complicar-se amb una calcificació o, rarament, infectar-se. CAS CLINIC: Nounat a terme de 9 dies de vida amb un cefalohematoma present des del naixement que va augmentar de mida després de tenir febre I infectar-se per Escherichia coli, suposadament per l'extensió d'una bacterièmia, I que es va acompanyar d'una meningitis asèptica (pleocitosi) que es va considerar secundària a una osteomielitis per contigüitat. El pacient es va tractar amb antibiòtics I desbridament quirúrgic, I no va tenir seqüeles. COMENTARIS: Cal tenir present que els cefalohematomes, tot I que habitualment tenen un curs autolimitat I una bona evolució, són un lloc potencial d'infecció, I que cal sospitar I descartar la infecció en un pacient amb febre I l'existència prèvia d'un cefalohematoma. S'han descrit casos de meningitis associats a cefalohematoma, però, fins on sabem, només un de meningitis asèptica com el descrit I que es va considerar, a diferència del que presentem, secundària a un retard en la recollida del líquid cefaloraquidi després d'iniciada l'antibioteràpia

INTRODUCCIÓN: Un cefalohematoma es una colección de sangre debajo del periostio del cráneo secundaria a un traumatismo del parto. Afecta a entre el 1% y el 2% de los neonatos nacidos mediante un parto vaginal y a entre el 3% y el 4% de los nacidos mediante un parto instrumentado. Suelen ser benignos, autolimitados y resolverse espontáneamente en semanas, pero en algunos casos se pueden acompañar de anemia, hiperbilirrubinemia o fractura craneal, complicarse con una calcificación o, raramente, infectarse. CASO CLÍNICO: Recién nacido a término de 9 días de vida con un cefalohematoma presente desde el nacimiento que aumentó de tamaño tres haber tenido fiebre e infectarse por Escherichia coli, supuestamente por la extensión de una bacteriemia, y que se acompañó de una meningitis aséptica (pleocitosis) que se consideró secundaria a una osteomielitis por contigüidad. El paciente se trató con antibióticos y desbridamiento quirúrgico y no tuvo secuelas. COMENTARIOS: Debemos tener en cuenta que los cefalohematomas, a pesar de que habitualmente tienen un curso autolimitado y una buena evolución, son un lugar potencial de infección, y que hay que sospechar y descartar la infección en un paciente con fiebre y la existencia de un cefalohematoma previo. Se han descrito algunos casos de meningitis asociados a cefalohematoma, pero hasta donde sabemos solo uno de meningitis aséptica como el descrito y que se consideró, a diferencia del que presentamos, secundaria a un retraso en la recogida del líquido cefalorraquídeo tras el inicio de la antibioterapia

INTRODUCTION: A cephalohematoma is a collection of blood below the periosteum of the skull due to birth trauma. It affects 1-2% of spontaneous vaginal deliveries and 3-4% of instrument-assisted deliveries. It is usually a self-limiting, benign condition which resorbs within weeks. A small proportion of cases can be accompanied by anemia, hyperbilirubinemia or a skull fracture, or be complicated by calcification or rarely by infection. CASE REPORT: 9-day-old full term neonate with a cephalohematoma present at birth that enlarged after the cephalohematoma got infected by Escherichia coli during a septic episode. Aseptic meningitis (pleocytosis) was assumed to be due to contiguous osteomyelitis. The patient was successfully treated with antibiotics and surgical debridement and showed no sequelae. COMMENTS: Clinicians should be aware that even though cephalohematomas are usually a benign, self-limiting condition, they are a potential site of infection. Infection must be suspected and ruled out in a patient with fever and a pre-existing cephalohematoma. A few cases of meningitis accompanying an infected cephalohematoma have been reported, although, to our knowledge, there is only one report of an associated aseptic meningitis. In contrast to the patient we present, in the other reported case lumbar puncture was performed 24 hours after onset of antibiotic treatment, which was suggested as the reason for the cerebrospinal fluid to be sterile

Humanos , Masculino , Recém-Nascido , Hematoma Epidural Craniano/diagnóstico por imagem , Hematoma Epidural Craniano/terapia , Meningite devida a Escherichia coli/etiologia , Infecções por Escherichia coli/etiologia , Forceps Obstétrico/efeitos adversos , Meningite devida a Escherichia coli/tratamento farmacológico , Infecções por Escherichia coli/tratamento farmacológico , Hematoma Epidural Craniano/etiologia , Antibacterianos/uso terapêutico , Desbridamento/métodos , Crânio/diagnóstico por imagem , Tomografia Computadorizada por Raios X , Sucção/métodos , Cefotaxima/uso terapêutico
Eur J Pediatr ; 180(2): 607-616, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33409587


Measurement of transcutaneous bilirubin (TcB) is widely used to estimate serum bilirubin (SB). However, its reliability depending on skin tone is still controversial. Ethnic classification does not correlate well with skin tone. We aimed to determine the reliability of transcutaneous bilirubin in a multiethnic population based on skin color according to our neonatal skin color scale. We conducted a prospective, observational study comparing SB and TcB among different skin colors. With the blood sample routinely obtained at 48-72 h for the screening of inborn errors of metabolism, we determined SB and TcB with a jaundice meter. We obtained data from 1359 newborns (color 1 337, color 2 750, color 3 249, color 4 23) and analyzed 1549 dyads SB/TcB. Correlation between TcB and serum bilirubin was very good (R2 = 0.908-0.956), globally and by color group, with slight differences between darker and lighter skin colors. Bland-Altman plots showed different mean bias depending on skin color. Conclusions: Our study not only supports the reliability of TcB to assess SB regardless of skin color, but also supports the fact that TcB tends to overestimate SB in a higher degree in dark-skinned neonates. This may help reduce the number of blood samples for newborns. What is Known: • Jaundice meters are extensively used to diagnose neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, although controversies exist on their reliability depending on skin color. • Only a few studies have analyzed their accuracy in multiethnic populations, but none has used a validated neonatal skin color scale. What is New: • We verified correlation between serum and transcutaneous bilirubin in a multiethnic population depending on skin color after classifying our neonates into color groups with our own validated neonatal skin color scale.

Hiperbilirrubinemia Neonatal , Icterícia Neonatal , Bilirrubina , Humanos , Hiperbilirrubinemia Neonatal/diagnóstico , Recém-Nascido , Icterícia Neonatal/diagnóstico , Triagem Neonatal , Estudos Prospectivos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Pele , Pigmentação da Pele
Med Clin (Barc) ; 157(4): 159-163, 2021 08 27.
Artigo em Inglês, Espanhol | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32838987


OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of substance abuse among our pregnant women and the characteristics of their pregnancies, deliveries and new-born infants. METHODS: Retrospective observational study of infants born between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2017 in our centre to substance-abusing mothers and compared with our 2002-2008 study. RESULTS: Heroin use is decreasing, while cannabis and methamphetamine use are increasing. We observed a decrease in withdrawal associated with methadone and benzodiazepine use and an increase in breastfeeding in benzodiazepine and cannabis users. The infants of mothers who use heroin and cocaine are discharged to the mother's home less often. We observed a predominance of substance abuse among Spanish women except for methamphetamines, where the majority of users are Filipino. CONCLUSIONS: The increase in cannabis use and the decrease in heroin and cocaine use have improved gestational control. Methamphetamine use is associated with serious social risks.

Cocaína , Metanfetamina , Complicações na Gravidez , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias , Feminino , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Metadona , Metanfetamina/efeitos adversos , Gravidez , Complicações na Gravidez/induzido quimicamente , Complicações na Gravidez/epidemiologia , Transtornos Relacionados ao Uso de Substâncias/epidemiologia
Eur J Pediatr ; 180(3): 751-757, 2021 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32803423


Ankyloglossia, or tongue-tie, is a congenital anomaly in which a short lingual frenulum or a highly attached genioglossus muscle restricts tongue movement. The reported prevalence of neonatal ankyloglossia varies between less than 1 and 12.1% depending upon the study population and criteria used to define and grade ankyloglossia. Our hypothesis was that ankyloglossia had a higher prevalence among our newborn population than previously reported. We conducted an observational, transversal cross-sectional study which included all neonates born in our center between January 1 and December 31, 2018, and actively assessed for tongue-tie. We considered "clinically significant" or "symptomatic" ankyloglossia using the Hazelbaker tool for appearance and function when the mother experienced nipple pain or bruises, or when the neonate had difficulty latching onto the breast. A total of 1392 neonates were born at our center in 2018. Tongue-tie was identified in 645 infants (46.3%), of which 453 were symptomatic (70.2%). Thus, clinically significant ankyloglossia was present in 32.5% of the neonates born in 2018. Their distribution according to Coryllos's types were as follows: 45 type 1 (7.0%), 230 type 2 (35.6%), 321 type 3 (49.8%), and 42 type 4 (6.5%).Conclusion: The prevalence of symptomatic ankyloglossia in our population is higher (32.5%) than studies have reported to date. Actively assessing for tongue-tie increases its diagnosis. What is Known: • There are four types of tongue-tie according to Coryllos (1, 2, 3, and 4), of which the two anterior types (1 and 2) are the most apparent and easy to diagnose. • The reported prevalence of ankyloglossia generally varies from < 1 to 12.1%, although some recent studies report a higher prevalence. What is New: • We found a prevalence of neonatal ankyloglossia of 46.3%, of which 70.2% was symptomatic (clinically significant ankyloglossia was present in 32.5% of the neonates born in 2018 at our hospital). • Actively assessing for ankyloglossia and posterior tongue-ties, which are likely more often undiagnosed, increases its diagnosis.

Anquiloglossia , Aleitamento Materno , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Lactente , Recém-Nascido , Prevalência , Espanha/epidemiologia , Centros de Atenção Terciária
Eur J Pediatr ; 179(9): 1403-1411, 2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32157460


Ethnic classification does not correlate well with skin tone. As there are no neonatal skin color scales, we aimed to create and validate one of our own. After creating the scale and briefly training our staff, we conducted a prospective, observational study to assess reproducibility and correlation of each scale color with the melanin and erythema indexes and transcutaneous bilirubin. The reliability of our color scale was measured using Kappa agreement (and its 95% confidence interval) and the concordance index by comparing inter-observer classification of neonatal skin color. We also calculated inter-rater agreement with the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). The Kendall tau-b correlation coefficient was used to test the correlation between our color scale and the Mexameter® MX 18. We obtained data from 258 newborns. Inter-observer agreement on color assignment was 83.2%. Median melanin index was significantly different among the 4 color groups, whereas erythema index and transcutaneous bilirubin were not.Conclusions: Our proposed neonatal skin color scale correlates well with the melanin index at 24 h of life, increasing from colors 1 to 4, and the only chromophore different among our four color groups is melanin. Scale color assignment is reproducible. Therefore, it can be used to classify neonatal skin color. Further research is warranted to assess the clinical relevance of these findings. What is known: • Classifying neonates by skin color is difficult because to date there are no skin color scales available based on real skin tone regardless of ethnicity or country of origin. • Skin color differs among individuals from a given ethnic group and depends, among others, on melanin and hemoglobin. What is new: • We created a neonatal skin color scale based on real skin color. • We conducted a study to validate it, and confirmed a good inter-observer agreement in color assignment as well as a good correlation between each color in the scale and the median melanin level.

Eritema , Pigmentação da Pele , Eritema/diagnóstico , Humanos , Recém-Nascido , Variações Dependentes do Observador , Estudos Prospectivos , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Pele