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Ecol Evol ; 14(2): e10925, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38333092


The water chestnut Trapa bispinosa Roxb. has been domesticated in China and has been reported as the only domesticated species of this genus. To understand the origin of T. bispinosa and its evolution pathway, we compared the genetic similarity and seed morphology of domesticated water chestnut T. bispinosa with three wild species T. natans, T. incisa, and T. japonica along with archeological seed samples from the Tianluoshan site (approximately 7000-6300 cal BP) in China. The largest seed size was observed only in the domesticated species, whereas other wild species showed smaller size including T. natans L. genetically close to the domesticated type, and T. incisa was the smallest in size. The volumes of the seed capsule and endosperm were measured using X ray CT scans, showing the ratios of total volumes between T. bispinosa and wild species ranged from 4.2 to 4.5. The ratios of endosperm volume ranged from 3.3 to 3.7. Both measurements showed domesticated species have larger seed volume. Genome size was indirectly estimated by flow cytometry. Domesticated species with larger seed size was estimated as diploid, as were the wild species except for tetraploid species T. japonica. Domesticated species clearly showed the largest edible organs, but it was not a result of ploidy level changes. Maternal lineages traced using complete whole chloroplast sequences, suggested that T. natans is the closest to T. bispinosa, both of which are close to T. japonica. The result was confirmed by PCR genotyping with chloroplast insertion/deletion (cpINDEL) markers developed in the study. T. incisa showed distinct plastid types within the species, and T. japonica showed a unique plastid genotype. Our study concludes the largest volumes for the edible endosperm have been accomplished through nearly 6000 years of artificial selection, but the domestication did not involve ploidy level changes.

Front Plant Sci ; 13: 1017419, 2022.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36352889


Upland rice production is limited by the low phosphorus (P) availability of many highly weathered tropical soils and P deficiency is likely to become increasingly limiting in future drier climates because P mobility decreases sharply with soil moisture. Good seedling root development will be crucial to cope with the combined effects of low P and water availability. Upland rice genebank accession DJ123 was used as a donor for P efficiency and root vigor traits in a cross with inefficient local variety Nerica4 and a set of backcross lines were used to characterize the seedling stage response of upland rice to low P availability and to identify associated QTL in field trials in Japan and Madagascar. Ten QTL were detected for crown root number, root, shoot and total dry weight per plant in a highly P deficient field in Japan using the BC1F3 generation. Of these, qPef9 on chromosome 9 affected multiple traits, increasing root number, root weight and total biomass, whereas a neighboring QTL on chromosome 9 (qPef9-2) increased shoot biomass. Field trials with derived BC1F5 lines in a low-P field in Madagascar confirmed a highly influential region on chromosome 9. However, qPef9-2 appeared more influential than qPef9, as the shoot and root biomass contrast between lines carrying DJ123 or Nerica4 alleles at qPef9-2 was +23.8% and +13.5% compared to +19.2% and +14.4% at qPef9. This advantage increased further during the growing season, leading to 46% higher shoot biomass at the late vegetative stage. Results suggest an introgression between 8.0 and 12.9 Mb on chromosome 9 from P efficient donor DJ123 can improve plant performance under P-limited conditions. The QTL identified here have practical relevance because they were confirmed in the target genetic background of the local variety Nerica4 and can therefore be applied directly to improve its performance.

Plants (Basel) ; 9(2)2020 Feb 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32050528


Two types of perennial wild rice, Australian Oryza rufipogon and a new taxon Jpn2 have been observed in Australia in addition to the annual species Oryza meridionalis. Jpn2 is distinct owing to its larger spikelet size but shares O. meridionalis-like morphological features including a high density of bristle cells on the awn surface. All the morphological traits resemble O. meridionalis except for the larger spikelet size. Because Jpn2 has distinct cytoplasmic genomes, including the chloroplast (cp), cp insertion/deletion/simple sequence repeats were designed to establish marker systems to distinguish wild rice in Australia in different natural populations. It was shown that the new taxon is distinct from Asian O. rufipogon but instead resembles O. meridionalis. In addition, higher diversity was detected in north-eastern Australia. Reproductive barriers among species and Jpn2 tested by cross-hybridization suggested a unique biological relationship of Jpn2 with other species. Insertions of retrotransposable elements in the Jpn2 genome were extracted from raw reads generated using next-generation sequencing. Jpn2 tended to share insertions with other O. meridionalis accessions and with Australian O. rufipogon accessions in particular cases, but not Asian O. rufipogon except for two insertions. One insertion was restricted to Jpn2 in Australia and shared with some O. rufipogon in Thailand.