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Ultrasonography ; 37(3): 261-274, 2018 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-29325241


Central nervous system (CNS) malformations play a role in all fetal malformations. Ultrasonography (US) is the best screening method for identifying fetal CNS malformations. A good echographic study depends on several factors, such as positioning, fetal mobility and growth, the volume of amniotic fluid, the position of the placenta, the maternal wall, the quality of the apparatus, and the sonographer's experience. Although US is the modality of choice for routine prenatal follow-up because of its low cost, wide availability, safety, good sensitivity, and real-time capability, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is promising for the morphological evaluation of fetuses that otherwise would not be appropriately evaluated using US. The aim of this article is to present correlations of fetal MRI findings with US findings for the major CNS malformations.

Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455957


Short-chain fatty acids (SCFA) derive from the fermentation of fibbers ingested in the diet and act as a cell substrate of the colonic mucosa. The object aim of the present study was to evaluate the action of SCFA in colonic wound healing .Sixteen female rats were used, divided into 2 groups of 8 animals each. In the control group (HC) the animals underwent Hartmann procedure and post-operative infusion of isotonic saline solution per rectum for 7 days. In the experimental group (HA) saline solution was replaced by isomolar solution with SCFA. In the animals of the control group, the average bursting pressure of the rectal stump was 128.37 mm Hg, and 137.25 mm Hg in the experimental group (p=0.5693). Histologic evaluation with hematoxicilin and eosin was similar in both groups studied. The collagen densitometry analysis showed a significantly greater concentration of the mature collagen (type I) in the experimental group when compared with the control group (p=0.0094). Greater concentration of total collagen was found in the experimental group when compared to the control group (p=0.0371). It was concluded that rats who underwent intraluminal infusion of SCFA have greater concentration of mature and total collagen in the suture line of the rectal stump, when compared with to the control group.

Os ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC) derivam da fermentação das fibras ingeridas na dieta e atuam como substrato das células da mucosa colônica. O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a ação dos AGCC na cicatrização do cólon. Utilizaram-se 16 ratos fêmea divididos em 2 grupos de 8 animais. No grupo controle (HC) os animais foram submetidos à cirurgia de Hartmann e infusão pós-operatória de solução salina isotônica via retal por 7 dias. No grupo experimento (HA) a solução salina foi substituída por solução isosmolar contendo AGCC. Nos animais do grupo controle, a pressão média de ruptura do segmento distal do cólon foi de 128,37 mmHg, sendo este valor de 137,25 mmHg no grupo experimento (p=0,5693). A avaliação histológica em hematoxilina-eosina foi semelhante nos dois grupos estudados. A densitometria do colágeno demonstrou concentração significativamente maior de colágeno maduro (tipo I) no grupo experimento, quando comparado com o grupo controle (p=0,0094). O colágeno total também foi mais encontrado no grupo experimento, comparado-se com o grupo controle (p=0,0371). Conclui-se que os ratos submetidos à infusão intraluminal de AGCC têm maior concentração de colágeno maduro e total na linha de sutura do coto retal, quando comparados com o grupo controle.