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Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 25(2): 195-198, 1987 Dec.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12886072


In order to test the function of lymphocytes in Naegleria fowleri-infected mice, the in vitro blastogenic response of splenocyte cultures to non-specific mitogens was studied. Concanavalin A and lipopolysaccharide stimulation were used as tests of T cell and B cell function. For the first 14 days following N. fowleri infection, lymphoblastic transformation induced by T-cell mitogen was markedly reduced in comparison to the uninfected control mice. The blastogenic response to B-cell mitogen remained depressed in the infected mice up to 14 days after infection. The fluorescent antibody titers of sera of N. fowleri infected mice were between 1:4 and 1:32. The results suggest that there is a suppression of cell mediated immunity during the acute course of experimental Naegleria meningoencephalitis in mice.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 25(2): 199-206, 1987 Dec.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12886073


The chemotherapeutic efficacy of trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim) in mice experimentally infected with Toxoplasma gondii was evaluated. The average survival days and survival rate of mice infected intraperitoneally with 1 x 10(5) trophozoites and treated with Bactrim were compared with those of untreated group. The hematologic findings of blood samples of experimental mice were observed for comparison of side effects between Bactrim and pyrimethamine (Daraprim), the latter of which has been one of the favorable drugs for the treatment of toxoplasmosis. The results are summarized as follows: Bactrim showed a strong evidence of potent anti-Toxoplasma activity. The survival rate of mice administered with 24 mg of Bactrim per mouse per day for 7 days, was 83.3 percent, and the rate was increased to 100 percent in mice administered with two-fold concentrated dose of the drug. The average numbers of white blood cells (W.B.C.) in the mouse groups treated with Bactrim or Daraprim were more increased than those only infected with T. gondi. The mice treated with Daraprim, however, showed remarkably decreased numbers of W.B.C. as compared with those treated with Bactrim. The average numbers of red blood cells (R.B.C.) and platelets both in the drug-treated and untreated T. gondii-infected mice were decreased as compared with normal mice. The numbers of R.B.C. in Daraprim-treated mice, however, were more decreased than in Bactrim-treated mice. The average levels of hemoglobin both in the drug-treated and untreated T. gondii-infected mice were decreased, compared with normal mice. But there was no difference in the levels of hemoglobin between Bactrim- and Daraprim-treated groups. In conclusion, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole (Bactrim) was proven to be effective and safe for the treatment of murine toxoplasmosis. The efficacy was comparable with pyrimethamine (Daraprim), but bone marrow depression was less severe with Bactrim treatment.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 25(1): 59-68, 1987 Jun.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12886083


An epidemiological survey on Metagonimus yokogawai infection was performed in the eastern coast area of Kangwon province. Formalin-ether concentration technique and Stoll's dilution egg counting method were employed to figure out the prevalence and intensity of M. yokogawai infection and eating habits of inhabitants with raw freshwater fish. The results are summarized as follows: The prevalence rate of M. yokogawai infection was 6.6% among a total of 2,357 examinees; 8.6% (115 out of 1,345) in male and 4.0% (40 out of 1,012) in female. The prevalence rates were different by the streams where the examinees were residing: 17.8% along the area of Ohsip-cheon (stream), 11.8% along Maeup-cheon, 1.7% along Hwasang-cheon, 1.3% along Yeongok-cheon, 0.9% along Namdae-cheon, 0.9% along Sa-cheon and 0% in the other streams (Yongchon-cheon, Kangnung Namdae-cheon and Jusoo-cheon) in decreasing order. By social strata, the positive rate was 8.0% (122 out of 1,521) in general inhabitants and 3.9% (33 out of 836) in school children. By the intensity of infection by means of EPG counts in feces; the light infection (less than 400/EPG) was 74.1%, moderate infection (401-1,000/EPG) 17.3% and heavy infection (more than 1,001/EPG) 8.6%. Twelves out of 50 sweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis) (24%) caught from the streams in eastern coast of Kangwon-Do were infected with metacercariae of M. yokogawai, and the number of larvae detected were 70.7 per fish in average. The metacercarial infection rate in fish were also different by the streams; 100% in Ohsip-cheon of Samcheok-Gun, 14.3% in Sa-cheon, 16.7% in Yeongok-cheon of Myeongju-Gun and 0% in Namdae-cheon of Yangyang-Gun, respectively. Six hundred ninety five (695) out of 1,396 inhabitants and school children (49.8%) were experienced in eating raw freshwater fishes (Plecoglossus altivelis, Tribolodon hakonensis, Coreoperca sp., Moroco sp., Carassius sp. & Cyprinus sp. and Zacco platypus). The data were assayed with the questionnaire collected from the examinees. In summarizing the above results, it is known that the Ohsip-cheon area of Samcheok-Gun is highly infected region, and the other areas of Kangnung Namdae-cheon, Yeongok-cheon and Yangyang Namdae-cheon are very lowly infected or non-infected regions for M. yokogawai infection.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 23(2): 230-235, 1985 Dec.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12888665


The metacercariae of an echinostomatid fluke were detected from a freshwater fish, Odontobutis obscura interrupta caught from the Seom river system, Wonseong-gun, Kangwon-do, and experimenally infected into rats to obtain the adult worms for the species identification. A total of 32 metacercariae was detected from 10 fishes (27.8 percent) out of 36 O. obscura interrupta caught from the river. The average size of metacercariae was 153.4 x 149.0 micrometer. Also, it was uniquely specific that thickened membrane was formed around the metacercarial cyst wall. The rats orally infected with those metacercariae were sacrificed 20 days after infection to get the adult worms. The mean length and width of the adult worms were 0.75 cm and 0.13 cm, respectively. The number of collar spines on circumoral disk was 26 to 28, and the end group spines at lateral sides of the oral sucker were 4 on each side. The echinostomatid flukes observed in this study were all identified as Echinostoma hortense according to the morphologies of the cirrus sac, ovary, vitellaria and testes of the adult worms and the shape of eggs. On the other hand, O. obscura interrupta is one of the fresh-water fish that are preferably eaten raw by the rural inhabitants. Although no human case of E. hortense infection by eating O. obscura interrupta has been experienced yet, the possibility is strongly suggested in this study.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 23(2): 236-240, 1985 Dec.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12888666


A case of Strongyloides stercoralis infection wss experienced in a 73-year old Korean female patient, was hospitalized with relapse of cholecystitis. The patient developed cough and dyspnea 17 days after the admission. On the 27th hospitalized day, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain started. A number of parasitic larvae were incubated at 25 degrees C for 2 days. Typical fork tailed filariform larvae of S. stercoralis (Bavay, 1876) Stiles and Hassall, 1902, were identified after cultivation. There was no improvement of diarrhoea after the medication with mebendazole. After the administration of thiabendazole, however, diarrhoea was stopped. On the 6th day of medication, S. stercoralis larvae were no more detected, and thereafter no larva was observed by repeated stool examinations upto 2 months after chemotherapy. The patient had the history of administration of steroid for articular rheumatism. Therefore this case seems to be a hyperinfection of S. stercoralis due to an autoinfection and to be the first report on the hyperinfected strongyloidiasis in Korea. Related literature was briefly reviewed.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 23(2): 247-252, 1985 Dec.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12888668


In the present study, the effect of primary infection to reinfection with Ascaris suum larvae was experimented in mouse model. Mice were challenged with l,000 infective stage eggs of Ascaris suum. The embryonated eggs were directly introduced into stomach of mice. Reinfection was performed at 50 days after the primary infection with same method as primary infection. Mice were sacrificed 3, 5, 7, 10, 15 and 20 days after infection in both groups respectively. Larvae collected from livers and lungs with Baermann's apparatus were enumerated and measured after sacrifice. Sera of mice were also collected at same time. The results of the experiment were as follows: With antigen prepared from coelomic fluid of adult Ascaris suum and sera collected from mice before reinfection, the production of antibody in experimental mice was confirmed by the gel-diffusion technique. In the livers of reinfected mice, the larvae were recovered up to 10 days after challenge, otherwhile in the primary infected mice, the larvae were observed up to 7 days. The maximum number of larvae were observed in the lungs of primary infected mice on 10 days after inoculation. In the lungs of reinfected mice, maximum number of larvae were recovered on 7 days after, only few larvae were recovered on 10 days after reinfection. As regards the growth of the larvae, the third stage larvae, over 500 micrometer in length, appeared in livers at 5 days after reinfection, but it couldn't be found on 7 days and 10 days after challenge. The third stage larvae continuously developed were observed in lungs of mice from 5 days after reinfection. In conclusion, it was found that development of larvae in livers of immune mice were probably repressed by the immune mechanisms being rised in livers and defence mechanism is also acting by interfering with the process of larval penetration into the lung from the liver.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 23(2): 269-284, 1985 Dec.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12888671


The metabolism of Entamoeba histolytica would be affected by various environmental factors, and alteration of the environment was known to affect the fine structure of E. histolytica. The present study was designed electronmicroscopically to investigate the ultrastructure and enzyme activities in the axenic and conventional strains of E. histolytica. The trophozoites of axenically cultivated HK-9 strain and conventional YS-27 and YS-49 strains of E. histolytica were collected and fixed with 4 percent paraformaldehyde/0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4). After washing them by centrifugation, 1 percent warm agar was added in the sediment. Solidified agar with the trophozoites was cut into 1 mm(3) cubes, and incubated in the various substrates to observe enzyme activities. Then, the specimen was post-fixed with 3 percent glutaraldehyde/0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4) and 1 percent osmium tetroxide/0.1 M cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4), dehydrated in ascending ethanol series and embedded in epoxy resin. These were sectioned on an ultramicrotome and observed with a transmission electron microscope. The procedures for the observation of the fine structure were same as the above, except for the incubation in the substrate. The sections were stained with uranyl scetate and lead citrate. For the observation of the surface of the amoebae, scanning electron microscopy was carried out. The results obtained in the present study are summarized as follows: 1. The fuzzy coat around double-layered plasma membrane of E. histolytica was more irregularly and densely distributed in the conventional strains (YS-27, YS-49 strains) than in the axenic strain (HK-9 strain). 2. The endosomes, button bodies and chromatin material were surrounded by a double-layered nuclear membrane having scattered nuclear pores. The paranuclear body, mono- or double-layered vacuoles, vacuolar membrane whorls, rosette-like cylindrical bodies, aggregation of cylindrical bodies and helical bodies were found in the cytoplasm of the amoebae. Helical bodies and glycogen granules were generally abundant, while a few smooth endoplasmic reticula were observed in the cytoplasm. 3. Alkaline phosphatase activity was mainly demonstrated in the plasma membrane, limiting membranes of vacuoles and smooth endoplasmic reticula. ATPase activity was observed in the nucleus, limiting membranes of vacuoles and vacuolar membrane whorls. 4. Acid phosphatase activity was commonly demonstrated in the limiting membranes an contents of vacuoles, lysosome-like organelles, plasma membrane and the button bodies in the nucleus. The activity was more weakly demonstrated in the HK-9 strain than in the other conventional strains of E. histolytica. No peroxidase activity was observed in the amoeba strains employed in the present study. 5. With a scanning electron microscope, no distinct structural differences were observed between the amoeba strains. All the trophozoite forms of the amoebae showed crater-like depressions and rugged features on the outer surface.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 23(2): 285-292, 1985 Dec.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12888672


The present study has been designed as a basic study on laboratory diagnosis of giardiasis and to demonstrate a more effective method for the detection of Giardia lamblia cyst with the inherent advantages of minimizing both the number of stool examinations required and the interval of stool collections for estimating the real state of prevalence in the shortest time possible. There were 3 subject groups of 75 children each currently residing in an orphanage in Gunsan city, Jeonbuk province from which stool specimens were collected every day, every other day, and every 3 days. The procedure is as follows: Resuspend the fixed sample after fixation with SAF solution. Centrifuge the sediment for 1 min. at 2,000 rpm after straining through gauze into a tube. Divide the sediment into 3 parts and use them for direct fecal smear, formalin-ether concentration (MGL) and zinc sulfate (ZnSO(4)) floatation techniques. The results are summarized as follows: Overall infection rate after 10 trials showed a 60 percent positive indication. The positive rate among children under 4 years old was significantly higher than the rate in children over 4 years old. No significant difference in rate by sex was observed. The results of examinations by direct fecal smear and MGL techniques appeared more accurate than that obtained by ZnSO(4) floatation method as indicated by a higher positive rate. Of all three methods concerned, combinations of two demonstrated a higher positive rate than that shown by any one alone. In three consecutive examinations under varying conditions such as different days, the cyst detection rate by MGL technique indicated 83 percent. In 5 examinations under the same varying conditions, the indicated rate was 94 percent. The interval of stool collection proved to be insignificant for the cyst detection rate. In conclusion, both MGL method and modified fecal direct smear can provide a good cyst detection rate of G. lamblia provided that more than 3 consecutive examinations of stool under varying conditions are carried out.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 23(2): 293-299, 1985 Dec.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12888673


This study is to verify the protective ability against experimental Naegleria meningoencephalitis by immunization with Naegleria fowleri in mice. Naegleria fowleri, strain 0359, and Naegleria gruberi, strain EGB, were used in this study, and cultured in CGVS medium axenically. Inbred BALB/c mice, weighing about 20g, were immunized by three intraperitoneal injection of 1 x 10(6) N. fowleri trophozoites at the interval of one week. This N. fowleri trophozoites antigen was fixed with 5 percent formaldehyde. N. fowleri trophozoites from culture were homogenized with sonicator at 4 degrees C as monitored by phase contrast microscopy, and their membrane and cell content preparations were made for the immunization of mice. Their inoculation dose in volume was equivalent to the 1 x 10(6) trophozoites in each injection for immunization. And N. gruberi trophozoites, which was fixed with 5 percent formaldehyde, were also used for immunization. Mice were inoculated intranasally with 5 x 10(4) N. fowleri trophozoites in a 5 microliter suspension under anesthesia by as intraperitoneal injection of about l mg secobarbiturate. Nervousness, rotation or sluggish behaviour were observed in the mice which were infected with N. fowleri. Necrotic lesion was demonstrated in the anterior portion of brain, especially in the olfactory lobe. The inflammatory cell infiltration with numerous N. fowleri trophozoites was noticed. This pathological changes were more extensive in the control than in the experimental groups. Mice were dead due to experimental primary amoebic meningoencephalitis that developed between 8 days and 23 days after inoculation. Mortality rate of the mice was low in the immunized experimental group. Mean survival time, which is the survival duration of mice from the infection to death, was prolonged significantly in the immunized mice except in the mice immunized with N. fowleri membrane. Even in the mice immunized with N. gruberi, survival time was delayed. In summary, the effectiveness of immunization is demonstrated in terms of protective immunity against Naegleria meningoencephalitis in mice.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 23(1): 1-6, 1985 Jun.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12888680


Five cases infected with Rhabditis sp. were detected in a survey to examine the stool specimen from rural primary school children. A large number of the larvae of Rhabditis sp. detected by the direct cellophane thick smear were cultured by the filter paper method. The examination was carried out in April through June 1980 in Tangjeong-Myon, Ahsan-Gun, and in September 1983 in Sandong-Eup, Yeongwol-Gun. The results obtained in this study were as follows: Prevalence: Out of 925 children, 5(0.54%) children were found to be positive. The number of the detected larvae was 110/0.1 gm of feces in case 1, 35 in case 2, 130 in case 3, 86 in case 4 and 62 in case 5. Larvae: The larvae were prepared by means of the direct fecal smear and measured by a micrometer equipped in the microscope. Twelve(12) through 15-day old larvae in culture were 197.1 micrometer long in average, and the maximum size of the matured stage larvae was 884.0 x 25.9 micrometer. However, the length variation was ranged as 173.0 to 884.0 micrometer. Adults: The size of clubbed adult female was 1,357 micrometer(1,176~1,419) in length and 80 micrometer(79~82) in width. Length of buccal cavity was 33 micrometer. A long cylindrical esophagus (273 micrometer) of the worms with a valved posterior cardiac bulb and with median bulbar swelling was morphologically indicated. Distance from mouth to vulva was occupied 58 percent of body length. Male worm was 1,006 micrometer (890~1,148) in length and 49 micrometer(48~49) wide. Caudal alae of bursa and spicules (75 micrometer in length) were well developed. Eggs: The oval shaped eggs in the female uterus, when cultured, were 66 x 56 micrometer in size, and the eggs laid by the adult could not be detected. So, reproduction might be through to be ovoviviparity. The five cases were re-examined during the period from the 1st to the 3rd week after stool examinations, but Rhabditis sp. were detected again in 4 cases in 1st week. When they were examined in 3rd week, larvae could not be detected. So, it was thought that the infection of Rhabditis sp. to humans was facultative.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 23(1): 151-155, 1985 Jun.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12888696


Female BALB/c mice weighing 18-20 g were immunized by three injections of 1 x 10(6) Naegleria fowleri trophozoites intraperitoneally at the interval of one week 6 times for the pregnant mice and 3 times for the offspring mice. One week after immunization the mice were challenged intranasally with N. fowleri trophozoites 5 x 10(4) under secobarbital anesthesia. Experimental primary amoebic meningoencephalitis developed between day 7 and 16 after infection. All mice were dead due to amoebic meningoencephalitis in all experimental groups except in the offspring born to non-immune mothers. Mean of survival time, which is the duration of survival of mice from infection to death, was delayed in the groups of mice born to immune mothers, immune mice born to immune mothers. Active or passive protective immunity against N. fowleri infection was demonstrated in the immunized mice and mice born to immune mothers. But the effectiveness of immunization was greatly impaired in terms of mortality in the immune mice born to immune mothers when N. fowleri was infected intranasally.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 23(1): 165-172, 1985 Jun.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12888698


Present study aimed to elucidate the immunosuppressive effect of prednisolone on Naegleria fowleri infection in mice. N. fowleri was cultured in CGVS medium (Willert and Le Ray, 1973). White female mice, weighing about 18 g, used for experiments were divided into five groups; untreated control group, prednisolone treated groups (before, during and after infection), and only prednisolone treated group. In the prednisolone treated group, the hormone was injected intramuscularly 5 doses of 10 mg/kg every other day. According to designated time of treatment, each mouse was challenged with 1 x 10(5) N. fowleri intranasally. Changes of body weights, clinical manifestations and number of dead mouse were observed. Brain and lung tissues of dead mice were cultured in the non-nutrient agar (Kasprzak and Mazur, 1972), or stained with hematoxylin-eosin for the examination of histopathological changes. Results of the experiment are summarized as follows: Mortality among the prednisolone treated groups was higher than that in untreated control group, and among the treated groups, the pretreated group showed shorter survival time. Body weights among untreated control mice showed no significant increase, however, treated groups of mice showed the decrease during the administration and recovery of the weights were observed at 2 to 3 days after the completion of treatment. In the treated control groups, the infected mice began to show the pathologic findings 5 days after infection while the untreated mice began to show the findings 8 days after infection. Tissue damages in brain and lung occurred due to virulence of amoeba were more severe among treated mice than that in untreated control group. The above mentioned results suggest that the treatment with prednisolone weaken the resistance of mice against N. fowleri infection, and probably induce more severe primary amoebic meningoencephalitis. Especially severe pathological findings were shown in pre-treated group, compared with untreated group.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 22(1): 116-126, 1984 Jun.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12891041


The present study was designed to elucidate the recent prevalence of the intestinal protozoa and to demonstrate the relationship on prevalence of the surveyed population with their academic career and living conditions. During the period from May to July 1981, total 2,735 fecal specimens were collected from the inhabitants of 11 areas in Gyeong-gi Do (province) near by Seoul City, and 6 areas in Jeonra Bug Do, southwestern part of Korea. The samples were fixed with SAF solution and were examined by formalin-ether sedimentation technique. The results are summarized as follows: Overall positive rate of intestinal protozoa was 11.1 %: Gyeong-gi Do, 10.7 %; Jeonra Bug Do, 11.7 %. Five species of intestinal protozoa were detected: Entamoeba histolytica 0.69 %, Entamoeba coli 5.52 percent, Endolimax nana 2.71 %, Giardia lamblia 2.23 %, Iodamoeba butschlii 0.l8 %. Highest positive rates among the examined areas were recognized: Incheon City of Gyeong-gi Do, 26.7 %; Im-sil Gun(county) of Jeonra Bug Do, 19.9 %. By species, E. nana showed the highest prevalence rate (13.74 %) in Incheon City, and E. histolytica (2.37 %) and E. coli (9.95 %) in Im-sil Gun. Prevalence of E. histolytica in rural areas was higher than in urban areas. No significant difference in the prevalence rate by sex and age was recognized, although the group under 10 years and over 60 years were lower than in other age groups. The highest positive rate of E. histolytica was observed in pauper group and significant linearity of prevalence rate of E. histolytica by monthly income was observed. The inhabitants who used conventional latrine showed higher prevalence, 11.5 %, than the group of inhabitants who used modified privy. Although no significant difference of positive rate was recognized by academic career, but the lowest prevalence rate was observed in college graduates. Over half of the surveyed population, 64.8 % has no experience on anthelmintic practice. Number of anthelmintic application resulted no difference in prevalence. In conclusion, prevalences of intestinal protozoa in Gyeong-gi Do and Jeonra Bug Do decreased remarkably in comparison with those of one decade before. However, economic level, academic career and anthelmintic administration seemed no essential reasons for such declination.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 21(2): 193-204, 1983 Dec.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12902649


The Jinyang Lake is dammed up Nam River, and surrounded by Jinju city and four counties; Jinyang, Sanchong, Hadong, and Sachon in Kyongsang-Nam-Do, Korea. The area around this man-made lake have been known as an endemic focus of clonorchiasis in Korea. The present study was first aimed to know the distribution of freshwater mollusks including medically important snails, and larval trematodes shed from Parafossarulus manchouricus and Semisulcospira libertina. In addtion to above studies, water analyses in each snail habitat were carried out in order to figure out a part of their environmental factors. This malaco-ecological survey was done at the six areas around upper, middle and lower parts of the lake for 4 months, August-November, 1983. Total nine species of freshwater mollusks were collected throughout the study: 4 species of gastropods; Semisulcospira libertina, Cipangopaludina chinensis, Parafossarulus manchouricus and Radix auricularia, and 5 species of bivalves; Unio douglasiae, Anodonta woodiana, Lamprotula gottschei, Corbicula fluminea and Limnoperma lucustris. Out of nine species of freshwater mollusks, three species of gastropods; S. libertina, P. manchouricus and R. auricularia were medically important in terms of the transmission of digenetic trematodes to humans. P. manchouricus and R. auricularia were mainly collected from the shallow ponds and the irrigation channels with the muddy basin, but S. libertina and the bivalves were only collected from the stream of Nam river where the gravels and rocks were dominant. The levels of dissolved oxygen(D.O.) and biochemical oxygen demand (B.O.D.(5)) of the water specimens sampled from the study areas ranged from 6.0 to 9.6 ppm and from 0.4 to 1.6 ppm respectively. As a result, it is considered that water system around the Jinyang Lake might be relatively clean without any heavy pollution of aquatic microorganisms and organic materials during the period of this study. On the other hand, eight metalic constituents from the water samples were also assayed, and all metalic ions detected were remarkably low below the legal criteria. However, calcium ion in the water samples from the habitats of P. manchouricus was considerably higher than others. Infection rates of digenetic trematodes in the snails were 6.9 % in P. manchouricus and 4.8 poercent in S. libertina, respectively. P. manchouricus snails harboring with the cercariae of Clonorchis sinensis were only 0.14 % among the snails examined and other trematode cercariae except cercaria of C. sinensis were; furcocercus cercariae, cercaria of Loxogenes liberum type I and II. S. libertina snails parasitized with the cercariae of Metagonimus yokogawai were 1.5 % out of the snails examined and no cercaria of Paragonimus westermani was found in S. libertina snails in the present study. Digenetic trematode cercariae other then M. yokogawai in S. libertina snails were: Cercaria yoshidae (B type), Cercaria cristata, Cercaria innominatum, Cercaria of Centrocestus formosanus and Cercaria nipponensis.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 21(2): 234-240, 1983 Dec.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12902654


The pathogenicity of free-living amoeba, Naegleria fowleri, is influenced according to the strain, cultural condition and host (Culbertson et al., 1968; Carter, 1970; Wong et al., 1975). Phillips (1973) demonstrated that Entamoeba histolytica became avirulent after more than 2 year maintenance in axenic culture in vitro. This study was carried out to compare the difference in pathogenicity between two strains of N. fowleri, one of a prolonged maintenance in axenic medium and the other one obtained by serial brain passage in mice. The 0 strain was that N. fowleri had cultivated axenically more than 7 years in CGVS medium. The 2-1 strain was obtained from the brain of mouse inoculated intranasally with a strain, which was from the mouse brain infected with 0 strain, and cultured for 15 weeks until the beginning of this experiment. White male mice weighing 18-22 g were used. Mice were anesthetized by an intraperitoneal injection of about 1 mg secobarbital, and inoculated intranasally with 10 x 10(4) live N. fowleri trophozoites in a 5 microliter cell suspension. Sluggish behaviour, nervousness, rotation and leg paralysis were developed earlier and more frequently in the 2-1 experimental group than the control 0 group. Pathological changes such as inflammatory and necrotic lesion were observed in the olfactory and anterior portion of brain, and these changes were more extensive in the 2-1 group. The edematous and inflammatory changes in lung were demonstrated in mice died after 13th day post-inoculation. The experimental mice of 2-1 group began to die suddenly from 7th day post-inoculation, and the survival time in 2-1 group mice was shorter than 0 group mice. The typical primary amoebic meningoencephalitis was developed in the mice inoculated intranasally with N. fowleri. The prolonged maintenance of N. fowleri amoebae in axenic CGVS medium was observed to have lost their original pathogenicity for mice, but their pathogenicity was restored by serial brain passage in mice.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 21(2): 265-269, 1983 Dec.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12902658


A comparison was made of a new serological method, thin layer immunoassay (TIA), and an established method, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), in the detection and quantification of antibodies in clonorchiasis. Saline extract of lyophilized Clonorchis sinensis adult worm was used as antigen, and TIA by the method of Elwing et al. (1976) and ELISA by Voller et al. (1974) were performed. Using sera from known clonorchiasis cases, 100 % of the sera tested were positive by TIA and 88.3 % by ELISA. TIA produced false positive results in 14 out of 36 cases, which were 10 amoebiasis cases, 16 paragonimiasis cases and 10 healthy controls. ELISA, however, produced a small number of false positives, 7 out of 55 cases. There was correlation between immunoglobulin G level in sera and ELISA value (correlation coefficient, 0.69), whereas no correlation between immunoglobulin G level and TIA result. The performance of TIA and ELISA was not correlated in the results using homologous antigen.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 14(1): 51-60, 1976 Jun.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12913451


To observe the possibility of human visceral larva migrans due to eating of raw liver of domestic animals, especially of cattle, and also to serve as a good reference for adequate sanitary measures, the investigation survey was carried out from May 1975 to May 1976. From the subjects of a l,048 inhabitants (male 558, female 490) in five localities including two Provinces and three different cities, food habit was studied by questionnaire mannual. Larvae isolated from liver tissues of cattle, and pig were identified. Experimental observation on the chicken and mice infected with Toxocara canis was undertaken to draw a assumption of possibility inducing human visceral larva migrans. The results obtained from the present study are summarized. 1. A part of Korean people has the habit to eat the livers of cattle, fowl, pig and dog raw. Eating rate of raw beef liver was 37.8% out of l,048 inhabitants, and its rate was higher markedly in male(57.7%) than in female (15. 1%), and the highest rate among the group of 31-40 years old. Eating rate of raw liver of fowl was 5.9%, pig 5.3%, and dog 2.5%. 2. Larva recovery rate from beef liver was 11.8% out of 195 samples and 72.0% of total detected 1arvae were identified as Toxocara(=Neoascaris) vitulorum. From pig liver, larvae of nematoda were found in 6.4% out of 109 samples but no larva was detected from 120 fowl livers. 3. Larvae detected from one-half of tissues and organs of infected chicken with about 2,000 Toxocara canis eggs were 8-245 in number, and 85-100% of recovered larvae were from their 1iver tissues. 4. Toxocara canis larvae, 45, 31, 42 and 23 in number at 3rd, 14th, 25th and 55th day in one-half of the tissues and organs after infection respectively, were demonstrated from the mice infected with 500 larvae collected from infected chicken liver. Most of the larvae were recovered from the carcass of the mouse. It was approved the larvae isolated from chicken possess infectivity to the mice. 5. Typical eosinophilic granulomatous change was not observed in the liver tissue of the infected chicken at 20th day after infection. As it summarized above, the liver of various domestic animals is the favorite tissue for migration of nematodes larvae. Therefore, the possibility of human visceral larva migrans may be induced due to eating of raw liver of domestic animals.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 12(2): 126-134, 1974 Dec.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12913474


The present study was carried out to examine the effect of "Cortisone" on the worm burden migrated in the organs, and granulomatous change in the liver of mice infected with Toxocara canis eggs. Daily does of 0.5 mg "Cortisone" was administrated subcutaneously to Toxocara-infected mice with different schedule. The results are summarized as follows: 1. More number of Toxocara larvae migrated into the muscle tissue, especially into the carcass through the wall of the large intestine and higher distribution rate and longer persistence of worms were also recognized in the carcass of the experimental group than in the control. 2. Cortisone administration resulted the inhibition of granuloma formation, as well as the resolution of granuloma in the liver. However, the discontinuation of the administration induced the reccurence of heavier grade of inflammation. In non-cortisone treated group (control), cellular infiltration appeared around the worms in the liver on the 10th day of the infection, and typical granulomatosis was followed on the 20th day. As in above results, it is considered cortisone has remarkable anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effects in mice infected with T.canis, but histopathological changes on the granuloma formation might be related closely with the duration of Toxocara infection, dosage, duration and timing of cortisone administration.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 4(2): 1-6, 1966 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12913566


The clinical manifestations in filarial infection were examined during 1965-1966 from the known endemic areas: Yongju, a mountainous inland area and Cheju-Do, an island. 1. All the microfilaria which were found during the survey were Brugia malayi. 2. The principal symptom was cuticular hypertrophy (elephantiasis). It was found in 4 cases from Yongju among 707 villagers, 84 cases from Cheju-Do among 2,376 villagers. 3. Four microfilaremia cases (4.5%) were found among a total of 88 cases of elephantiasis. 4. In Cheju-Do, the higher incidence of elephantiasis was observed among people over 20 years old and the females showed much higher incidence than males (30 males and 54 females). 5. The cuticular hypertrophic changes (elephantiasis) appeared more often in the lower extremities(77%) than in the upper part of the body, and in the right side than in the left.

Kisaengchunghak Chapchi ; 4(1): 39-45, 1966 Aug.
Artigo em Coreano | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-12913576


From 1960 through 1965, 39 cases with epileptic seizure caused by the Cystricercus cellulosae were experienced at Kaejong Mental Hospital, Okku-Gun, Chollapukdo province. The present study was carried on at the area of Chollapukdo province where Cysticercus cellulosae cases were frequently reported. 1. 39 Cystricercus cellulosae cases(35 male and 4 female) with epileptic seizure visited Kaejong Mental Hospital. Okku-Gun, Chollapukdo during the years of 1960~1965 from various Gun(county): Okku-Gun 13, Kimje-Gun 7, and Soonchang-Gun 6. The high incidence was found at the age group of 20~49 years and the distribution of 214 subcutaneous nodules were as follows: Trunk 56.6 %, upper extremities 26.6 %, head and neck 9.3 %, lower extremities 7.5 %. 2. According to the address of above 39 cases, taenia infestation of the inhabitants in the area was examined by questionaire form. Plain rural area (Maryong-Ri, Okku-Gun); Among 803 persons interviewed, 4.0 percent or 32 complained the output of Taenia segments. The male group showed higher incidence (6.4 percent) than the female(1.5 percent). The highest incidence was observed at the age group of 30~39 years. Most of the inhabitants of the area had the eating habit of raw beef and pork. Mountainous rural area(Bok-Heung-Myun, Soonchang-Gun); Among 542 persons interviewed, 33 or 6.1 percent complained Taenia infection. The higher incidence was observed in the male group(8.7 percent) than in the female group(3.1 percent), and also at the age group of 20~49 years. They had eating habit of raw beef and pork. The species of adult worm were identified by morphological examination. Totally 36 adult worms(Taenia saginata 21, T. solium 15) were obtained from 26 cases, and it was experienced that 5 T. solium were eliminated from one person.