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Nat Commun ; 8(1): 209, 2017 08 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28785000


The complexity embedded in condensed matter fertilizes the discovery of new states of matter, enriched by ingredients like frustration. Illustrating examples in magnetic systems are Kitaev spin liquids, skyrmions phases, or spin ices. These unconventional ground states support exotic excitations, for example the magnetic charges in spin ices, also called monopoles. Here, we propose a mechanism to inject monopoles in a spin ice at equilibrium through a staggered magnetic field. We show theoretically, and demonstrate experimentally in the Ho2Ir2O7 pyrochlore iridate, that it results in the stabilization of a monopole crystal, which exhibits magnetic fragmentation. In this new state of matter, the magnetic moment fragments into an ordered part and a persistently fluctuating one. Compared to conventional spin ices, the different nature of the excitations in this fragmented state opens the way to tunable field-induced and dynamical behaviors.Exploring unconventional magnetism facilities both fundamental understanding of materials and their real applications. Here the authors demonstrate that a magnetic monopole crystal is stabilized by a staggered magnetic field in the pyrochlore iridate Ho2Ir2O7, leading to a fragmented magnetization.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(24): 247202, 2015 Jun 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26197002


The magnetic behavior of polycrystalline samples of Er(2)Ir(2)O(7) and Tb(2)Ir(2)O(7) pyrochlores is studied by magnetization measurements and neutron diffraction. Both compounds undergo a magnetic transition at 140 and 130 K, respectively, associated with an ordering of the Ir sublattice, signaled by thermomagnetic hysteresis. In Tb(2)Ir(2)O(7), we show that the Ir molecular field leads the Tb magnetic moments to order below 40 K in the all-in-all-out magnetic arrangement. No sign of magnetic long-range order on the Er sublattice is evidenced in Er(2)Ir(2)O(7) down to 0.6 K where a spin freezing is detected. These contrasting behaviors result from the competition between the Ir molecular field and the different single-ion anisotropy of the rare-earth elements on which it is acting. Additionally, this strongly supports the all-in-all-out iridium magnetic order.

Phys Rev Lett ; 114(1): 017201, 2015 Jan 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25615498


We explore the spin dynamics emerging from the Néel phase of the chain compound antiferromagnet BaCo(2)V(2)O(8). Our inelastic neutron scattering study reveals unconventional discrete spin excitations, so-called Zeeman ladders, understood in terms of spinon confinement, due to the interchain attractive linear potential. These excitations consist of two interlaced series of modes, respectively, with transverse and longitudinal polarization. The latter, which correspond to a longitudinal fluctuation of the ordered moment, have no classical counterpart and are related to the zero-point fluctuations that weaken the ordered moment in weakly coupled quantum chains. Our analysis reveals that BaCo(2)V(2)O(8), with moderate Ising anisotropy and sizable interchain interactions, remarkably fulfills the conditions necessary for the observation of discrete long-lived longitudinal excitations.

Nat Commun ; 5: 4326, 2014 Jul 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25014432


Spontaneous symmetry breaking in physical systems leads to salient phenomena at all scales, from the Higgs mechanism and the emergence of the mass of the elementary particles, to superconductivity and magnetism in solids. The hidden-order state arising below 17.5 K in URu2Si2 is a puzzling example of one of such phase transitions: its associated broken symmetry and gap structure have remained longstanding riddles. Here we directly image how, across the hidden-order transition, the electronic structure of URu2Si2 abruptly reconstructs. We observe an energy gap of 7 meV opening over 70% of a large diamond-like heavy-fermion Fermi surface, resulting in the formation of four small Fermi petals, and a change in the electronic periodicity from body-centred tetragonal to simple tetragonal. Our results explain the large entropy loss in the hidden-order phase, and the similarity between this phase and the high-pressure antiferromagnetic phase found in quantum-oscillation experiments.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(13): 137201, 2014 Apr 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24745450


The low-energy dynamical properties of the multiferroic hexagonal perovskite ErMnO3 have been studied by inelastic neutron scattering as well as terahertz and far infrared spectroscopies on a synchrotron source. From these complementary techniques, we have determined the magnon and crystal field spectra and identified a zone center magnon excitable only by the electric field of an electromagnetic wave. Using a comparison with the isostructural YMnO3 compound and crystal field calculations, we propose that this dynamical magnetoelectric process is due to the hybridization of a magnon with an electroactive crystal field transition.

Phys Rev Lett ; 112(3): 036601, 2014 Jan 24.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24484155


We show that the isotropic conductivity in the normal state of rare-earth tritelluride RTe3 compounds is broken by the occurrence of the unidirectional charge density wave (CDW) in the (a, c) plane below the Peierls transition temperature. In contrast with quasi-one-dimensional systems, the resistivity anomaly associated with the CDW transition is strong in the direction perpendicular to the CDW wave vector Q (a axis) and very weak in the CDW wave vector Q direction (c axis). We qualitatively explain this result by calculating the electrical conductivity for the electron dispersion with momentum-dependent CDW gap as determined by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Similar measurements of in-plane conductivity may uncover the gap anisotropy in other compounds for which angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy is not available.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(15): 156404, 2013 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25167291


We study, using high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, the evolution of the electronic structure in URu2Si2 at the Γ, Z, and X high-symmetry points from the high-temperature Kondo-screened regime to the low-temperature hidden-order (HO) state. At all temperatures and symmetry points, we find structures resulting from the interaction between heavy and light bands related to the Kondo-lattice formation. At the X point, we directly measure a hybridization gap of 11 meV already open at temperatures above the ordered phase. Strikingly, we find that while the HO induces pronounced changes at Γ and Z, the hybridization gap at X does not change, indicating that the hidden-order parameter is anisotropic. Furthermore, at the Γ and Z points, we observe the opening of a gap in momentum in the HO state, and show that the associated electronic structure results from the hybridization of a light electron band with the Kondo-lattice bands characterizing the paramagnetic state.

Phys Rev Lett ; 110(15): 157208, 2013 Apr 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25167309


We have determined the terahertz spectrum of the chiral langasite Ba3NbFe3Si2O14 by means of synchrotron-radiation measurements. Two excitations are revealed that are shown to have a different nature. The first one, purely magnetic, is observed at low temperature in the magnetically ordered phase and is assigned to a magnon. The second one persists far into the paramagnetic phase and exhibits both an electric and a magnetic activity at slightly different energies. This magnetoelectric excitation is interpreted in terms of atomic rotations and requires a helical electric polarization.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 23(44): 442202, 2011 Nov 09.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21997363


Recent ab initio studies have theoretically predicted room temperature ferromagnetism in several oxide materials of the type AO(2) in which the cation A(4+) is substituted by a non-magnetic element of the 1 A column. Our purpose is to address experimentally the possibility of magnetism in Ti(1-x)K(x)O(2) compounds. The samples have been synthesized via the solid state route method at equilibrium. Our study has shown that Ti(1-x)K(x)O(2) is thermodynamically unstable and leads to a phase separation, in contradiction with the hypothesis of ab initio calculations. In particular, the crystalline TiO(2) grains appear to be surrounded by K-based phase. The oxidization state of the Ti ion is found to be in Ti(4+) as confirmed from the x-ray photoelectron spectra measurement. Nevertheless, K:TiO(2) compounds exhibit weak paramagnetism with the highest magnetic moment of ~0.5 µ(B) K(-1) but no long-range ferromagnetic order. The observed moment in these compounds remains much smaller than the predicted moment of 3 µ(B) by ab initio calculation. The apparent contradictions between our experiments and first-principles studies are discussed.

Phys Rev Lett ; 106(20): 207201, 2011 May 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21668258


The spin-wave excitations emerging from the chiral helically modulated 120° magnetic order in a langasite Ba3NbFe3Si2O14 enantiopure crystal were investigated by unpolarized and polarized inelastic neutron scattering. A dynamical fingerprint of the chiral ground state is obtained, singularized by (i) spectral weight asymmetries answerable to the structural chirality and (ii) a full chirality of the spin correlations observed over the whole energy spectrum. The intrinsic chiral nature of the spin waves' elementary excitations is shown in the absence of macroscopic time-reversal symmetry breaking.

Phys Rev Lett ; 107(25): 257203, 2011 Dec 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22243107


We present an electron spin resonance (ESR) investigation of the acentric Ba(3)NbFe(3)Si(2)O(14), featuring a unique single-domain double-chiral magnetic ground state. Combining simulations of the ESR linewidth anisotropy and the antiferromagnetic-resonance modes allows us to single out the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya (DM) interaction as the leading magnetic anisotropy term. We demonstrate that the rather minute out-of-plane DM component d(c)=45 mK is responsible for selecting a unique ground state, which endures thermal fluctuations up to astonishingly high temperatures.

J Phys Condens Matter ; 21(37): 376004, 2009 Sep 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-21832360


Symmetry analysis is combined with x-ray scattering experiments to investigate the lattice modulation associated with the incommensurate magnetic structure in the case of a double- k structure. The expansion of the free energy shows that the components of the magnetic structure with propagation vectors k(1) and k(2) can couple via components of lattice modulations. It is shown that the classical diffraction peaks reflecting a 2k propagation vector, associated with magneto-elastic effects in single- k structures, will coexist with diffraction peaks with propagation vectors k(1)-k(2) or k(1)+k(2). The existence of these latter peaks can be considered as a signature of a double- k magnetic structure. In the case of the double- k modulated structure of CeAl(2), group theory is applied directly to the study of the charge modulation. An x-ray scattering study of the 2k satellites shows that the lattice displacements of the two Ce sites of the structure are antiparallel to each other, and perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic modulation. We also confirm experimentally the existence of k(1)+k(2) satellites.

Phys Rev Lett ; 101(24): 247201, 2008 Dec 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-19113658


A novel doubly chiral magnetic order is found in the structurally chiral langasite compound Ba3NbFe3Si2O14. The magnetic moments are distributed over planar frustrated triangular lattices of triangle units. On each of these they form the same triangular configuration. This ferrochiral arrangement is helically modulated from plane to plane. Unpolarized neutron scattering on a single crystal associated with spherical neutron polarimetry proved that a single triangular chirality together with a single helicity is stabilized in an enantiopure crystal. A mean-field analysis allows us to discern the relevance on this selection of a twist in the plane to plane super-superexchange paths.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(23): 237204, 2008 Jun 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18643541


The static and dynamic magnetic properties of the Nd(3)Ga(5)SiO(14) compound, which appears as the first materialization of a rare-earth kagome-type lattice, were reexamined, owing to contradictory results in the previous studies. Neutron scattering, magnetization, and specific heat measurements were performed and analyzed, in particular, by fully taking account of the crystal electric field effects on the Nd(3+) ions. One of the novel findings is that the peculiar temperature independent spin dynamics observed below 10 K expresses single-ion quantum processes. This would short-circuit the frustration induced cooperative dynamics, which would emerge only at very low temperature.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(14): 147201, 2008 Apr 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18518066


We report a local-probe investigation of the magnetically anisotropic kagome compound Nd3Ga5SiO14. Our zero-field muon spin relaxation (muSR) results provide direct evidence of a fluctuating collective paramagnetic state down to 60 mK, supported by a wipeout of the Ga nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) signal below 25 K. At 60 mK a dynamics crossover to a much more static state is observed by muSR in magnetic fields above 0.5 T. Accordingly, the NMR signal is recovered at low T above a threshold field, revealing a rapid temperature and field variation of the magnetic fluctuations.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(6): 066405, 2008 Feb 15.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18352496


We infer that soft-x-ray absorption spectroscopy is a versatile method for the determination of the crystal-field ground state symmetry of rare earth heavy fermion systems, complementing neutron scattering. Using realistic and universal parameters, we provide a theoretical mapping between the polarization dependence of Ce M(4,5) spectra and the charge distribution of the Ce 4f states. The experimental resolution can be orders of magnitude larger than the 4f crystal-field splitting itself. To demonstrate the experimental feasibility of the method, we investigated CePd2Si2, thereby settling an existing disagreement about its crystal-field ground state.

Phys Rev Lett ; 100(9): 096405, 2008 Mar 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-18352735


From 59Co and 23Na NMR, we demonstrate the impact of the Na+ vacancy ordering on the cobalt electronic states in Na0.75CoO2: at long time scales, there is neither a disproportionation into 75% Co3+ and 25% Co4+ states, nor a mixed-valence metal with a uniform Co3.25+ state. Instead, the system adopts an intermediate configuration in which 30% of the lattice sites form an ordered pattern of localized Co3+ states. Above 180 K, an anomalous mobility of specific Na+ sites is found to coexist with this electronic texture, suggesting that the formation of the latter may contribute to stabilizing the Na+ ordering. Control of the ion doping in these materials thus appears to be crucial for fine-tuning of their thermoelectric properties.

Phys Rev Lett ; 99(2): 027003, 2007 Jul 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17678247


We have studied the variation of transverse magnetoresistance of underdoped YBCO(6.6) crystals, either pure or with reduced T(c) down to 3.5 K by electron irradiation, in fields up to 60 T. We find evidence that the superconducting fluctuation contribution to the conductivity is suppressed only above a threshold field H(c)'(T), which is found to vanish at T(c)' > T(c). In the pure YBCO(6.6) sample, H(c)' is already 50 T at T(c). We find that increasing disorder weakly depresses H(c)'(0), T(c)', and T(nu), the onset of the Nernst signal. Thus, these energy scales appear more characteristic of the 2D local pairing than the pseudogap temperature which is not modified by disorder.

Phys Rev Lett ; 98(16): 166404, 2007 Apr 20.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-17501440


Shubnikov-de Haas oscillations reveal at high fields an abrupt reconstruction of the Fermi surface within the hidden-order (HO) phase of URu2Si2. Taken together with reported Hall effect results, this implies an increase in the effective carrier density and suggests that the field suppression of the HO state is ultimately related to destabilizing a gap in the spectrum of itinerant quasiparticles. While hydrostatic pressure favors antiferromagnetism in detriment to the HO state, it has a modest effect on the complex H-T phase diagram. Instead of phase separation between HO and antiferromagnetism our observations indicate adiabatic continuity between both orderings with field and pressure changing their relative weight.

Magnetismo , Metais/química , Modelos Químicos , Semicondutores , Simulação por Computador , Impedância Elétrica
Phys Rev Lett ; 96(19): 197205, 2006 May 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-16803138


Dynamical magnetic correlations in the geometrically frustrated Nd(3)Ga(5)SiO(14) compound were probed by inelastic neutron scattering on a single crystal. A scattering signal with a ring shape distribution in reciprocal space and unprecedented dispersive features was discovered. Comparison with calculated static magnetic scattering from models of correlated spins suggests that the observed phase is a spin liquid inherent to an antiferromagnetic kagomé-like lattice of anisotropic Nd moments.