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Acta Crystallogr B Struct Sci Cryst Eng Mater ; 80(Pt 3): 193-200, 2024 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38728045


The molecule of anti-epileptic drug lamotrigine [LAM; 3,5-diamino-6-(2,3-dichlorophenyl)-1,2,4-triazine] is capable of the formation of multicomponent solids. Such an enhanced tendency is related to the diverse functionalities of the LAM chemical groups able to form hydrogen bonds. Two robust synthons are recognized in the supramolecular structure of LAM itself formed via N-H...N hydrogen bond: homosynthon, so-called aminopyridine dimer or synthon 1 [R22(8)] and larger homosynthon 2 [R32(8)]. The synthetic procedures for a new hydrate and 11 solvates of LAM (in the series: with acetone, ethanol: two polymorphs: form I and form II, 2-propanol, n-butanol, tert-butanol, n-pentanol, benzonitrile, acetonitrile, DMSO and dioxane) were performed. The comparative solid state structural analysis of a new hydrate and 11 solvates of LAM has been undertaken in order to establish robustness of the supramolecular synthons 1 and 2 found in the crystal structure of LAM itself as well as LAM susceptibility to build methodical solid state supramolecular architecture in the given competitive surrounding of potential hydrogen bonds. The aminopyridine dimer homosynthon 1 [R22(8)] has been switched from para-para (P-P) topology to ortho-ortho (O-O) topology in all crystal structures, except in LAM:n-pentanol:water solvate where it remains P-P. Homosynthon 2 [R32(8)] of the LAM crystal structure imitates in the LAM solvates as a heterosynthon by replacing the triazine nitrogen proton acceptor atoms of LAM with the proton acceptors of solvates molecules.