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HardwareX ; 16: e00494, 2023 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38186666


A proposed low-cost, portable, 32-channel (4 rings of 8-channel) Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) system based on the AFE4300 analog front-end for body composition measurement. Each ring allows obtaining the conductivity distribution of 4 cross sections, 4 cm apart; to analyze the behavior of conductivity in a volume. The switching of the 4 rings and the current injection and voltage measurement patterns are done with three Texas Instruments 74HC4067 multiplexers, which are managed by an ESP32 board. The proposed system has an average signal-to-noise ratio of 74.71 dB and a frame rate of 50 fps. The sensitivity tests to impedance and volume changes consisted of introducing 4 tubes of different diameters (2 steel and 2 polyvinyl chloride) into a tank with saline solution; then conductivity distribution images were generated in 4 cross-sections of the tank, using the algorithms Gauss-Newton and Noser. Finally, the global impedance index (GI) is calculated to estimate the volume of each tube inside the tank. The results show that the proposed system is highly sensitive to impedance and volume changes, being a promising system for monitoring tissues, and fluids biological.

Biomed Phys Eng Express ; 6(4): 045008, 2020 05 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33444269


Bioimpedance measurements are currently used to monitor various biological processes and are potentially useful for studies of urodynamics. Global impedance (GI) and focused impedance measurements (FIM) can be used to monitor bladder volumes, but these are subject to varying conductivity of urine. To address this, we emulated a human bladder using an agar phantom filled with saline solutions of varying conductivities and estimated volumes using a modified FIM-based approach. Using this novel strategy, electrical potentials did not change significantly with constant liquid volumes, even when the conductivity of the saline solutions was varied between 1.027 to 1.877 and 2.610 S/m. Conversely, GI and classic FIM measurements of constant liquid volumes varied with conductivity. These observations suggest that the proposed FIM approach is suitable for bladder volume estimation due to its robustness against uncertainties of conductivity. The bioimpedance hardware used in our experiments comprised 8 electrodes and a a small and low cost impedance measurement system based on an AFE4300 direct impedance measurement device.

Condutividade Elétrica , Impedância Elétrica , Tomografia/instrumentação , Bexiga Urinária/patologia , Urina/química , Urodinâmica , Simulação por Computador , Eletrodos , Humanos , Imagens de Fantasmas , Incerteza
Int. j. morphol ; 36(4): 1252-1261, Dec. 2018. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-975692


El auge de la producción intensiva del avestruz, comenzó en la década de los noventa impulsada por la calidad de su carne y potencialidad de sus subproductos. La raza empleada para producción por la calidad nutricional y sabor de su carne es el híbrido llamado African black (Struthio camelus var. domesticus). En cuanto a la reproducción, el avestruz hembra alcanza su madurez sexual a partir de los 2,5 años. Es importante considerar el aparato genital en aves de producción, ya que una alteración en él, puede generar deficiencias en la fertilidad que se traducen en un menor número de crías. El estudio histológico del aparato reproductor de la hembra será una herramienta más que permitirá resolver problemas reproductivos. Para este análisis se obtuvo muestras de los diferentes segmentos del aparato reproductor de 6 avestruces hembras en edad reproductiva y se procesaron de acuerdo a las técnicas histológicas de rutina. Los cortes fueron observados, fotografiados y analizados bajo microscopio de luz. Obtenidas las fotografías, se analizó comparativamente su morfología con la descrita en la gallina (Gallus gallus). El aparato reproductor de la hembra tiene la particularidad de tener desarrollado solo el ovario y oviducto izquierdo. El ovario es de gran tamaño y en forma de racimo, el cual varía según la estacionalidad. Presenta folículos primordiales, previtelogénicos, vitelogénicos y atrésicos. Los folículos vitelogénicos presentan células de la granulosa y de la teca interna y externa. El oviducto presenta de cefálico a caudal los siguientes segmentos: infundíbulo, magnum, istmo, útero y vagina, que desemboca en la cloaca a nivel del urodeo. En ellos hay pliegues de variada longitud, grosor y número que comprometen la mucosa y submucosa, con glándulas de secreción mucosa y serosa a excepción de la vagina. El análisis histológico comparativo, permitió establecer que la morfología del aparato reproductor de la hembra es semejante a la observada en la gallina con ciertas diferencias microscópicas (Gallus gallus).

In the 1990's, ostrich production reached a peak in our country, boosted by the special characteristics of its meat and the potential of the derivatives. The breed raised is a hybrid called African Black (Struthio camelus var. domesticus) which has a high quality meat in terms of nutritional factors and flavor. With regard to reproduction, the female ostrich reaches maturity at the age of 2.5 years. Genital organs are very important in fowl's production, because they can generate fertility deficiencies that, in turn can diminish brood number. Histological analysis allows a better understanding of the basic structure of the female's genital organs and is a helpful tool to resolve breeding problems. For this analysis samples were obtained from the different segments of the reproductive system of 6 female ostrich in reproductive age. These samples were processed using standard histological technique. Sections were observed, photographed and analyzed under the light-microscope. Photographs were compared with hen's samples. The ostrich female's reproductive system has the particularity of having just the left ovary and oviduct developed. The ovary has a big size and a cluster shape which varies from season to season. It presents paramount, previtellogenic, vitellogenic and atresic follicles. The vitellogenic follicles have granulosa cells and inner and external theca. The oviduct presents cephalocaudally: infundibulum, magnum, isthmus, uterus and vagina, flowing into the urodeum. It shows long pleats of different length and number, with drusen of mucose and serose secretion, except in the vagina. The comparative histological analysis allowed us to establish that the basic structure of the female reproductive system is similar to that of the hen (Gallus gallus).

Animais , Feminino , Struthioniformes/anatomia & histologia , Genitália Feminina/anatomia & histologia , Ovário/anatomia & histologia , Oviductos/anatomia & histologia , Útero/anatomia & histologia , Vagina/anatomia & histologia
Int. j. morphol ; 32(4): 1325-1336, Dec. 2014. ilus
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-734679


Debido al creciente interés actual en la industria del avestruz (Struthio camelus var. domesticus) y al escaso material bibliográfico referente a la morfología del aparato respiratorio, se ha propuesto analizar comparativamente el segmento laringo traqueo siringeo pulmonar de esta especie, con el objeto de contribuir en esta área. El estudio se realizó con seis avestruces clínicamente sanos, de los cuales se obtuvieron muestras representativas del segmento laringo traqueo siringeo pulmonar. Las muestras fueron procesadas de acuerdo a las técnicas histológicas de rutina para luego realizar un análisis morfológico comparativo con la gallina (Gallus gallus). En el avestruz el cartílago aritenoides es par y está situado en posición dorsal y craneal a la laringe. El cartílago cricoides es único, situado en posición ventral y caudal a la laringe. Al igual que en la gallina, presenta un cartílago procricoides. La tráquea presenta un número mayor de anillos que el observado en la gallina. A nivel de la siringe, el pessulus está constituido por un doble pliegue dorsoventral de la membrana mucosa, con una lámina propia de tejido conectivo denso sobre una gruesa capa de tejido adiposo. A diferencia de la gallina, el pessulus del avestruz no presenta tejido cartilaginoso ni óseo. La mucosa situada desde la laringe hasta los bronquios secundarios, posee un epitelio seudoestratificado prismático ciliado con células caliciformes, con criptas y glándulas túbulo-alveolares simples de secreción mucosa. En el caso de los bronquios primarios extrapulmonares esta característica histológica se observa sólo en la región medial, donde se encuentran los extremos de los semianillos de cartílago hialino. La mucosa restante de éstos, sólo posee un epitelio seudoestratificado prismático ciliado con células caliciformes. Los sacos aéreos presentan esta característica histológica en algunos sectores.

Due to the growing interest of the ostrich industry (Struthio camelus var. domesticus) and the scarce bibliographic material related to morphology of the respiratory system of the ostrich, we carried out a comparative analysis of the laryngotracheal pulmonary segment of this bird. The research was conducted in six clinically healthy ostriches from which representative samples of the laryngotracheal pulmonary segment were obtained. Samples were processed using standard histological technique and a comparative morphological analysis between ostriches and chicken (Gallus gallus) was performed. In the ostrich, the arytenoid cartilage is double and placed in a dorsal and cranial position in relation to the larynx while the cricoid cartilage is single and situated in a ventral and caudal position. Like the chicken, the procricoid cartilage is also present. The trachea exhibits a greater number of rings compared to the chicken. At the syrinx level, the pessulus is made up of a dorso-ventral double-fold of mucous membrane with a lamina propria of dense connective tissue over a thick adipose layer. Unlike the chicken the ostrich pessulus does not contain any ossified or cartilaginous tissues. The mucosa between the larynx and secondary bronchi has a pseudostratified prismatic ciliated epithelium with mucous goblet cells with crypts and simple tubuloalveolar mucosal glands for mucous secretion. In the extrapulmonary primary bronchi this histological feature is observed only in the medial aspect where the ends of the cartilaginous rings are found. The remaining mucosa of these bronchi has a pseudostratified prismatic ciliated epithelium with mucous goblet cells. Aerial sacs show this histological feature in some sectors.

Animais , Sistema Respiratório/anatomia & histologia , Struthioniformes/anatomia & histologia , Traqueia/anatomia & histologia , Galinhas/anatomia & histologia , Laringe/anatomia & histologia , Pulmão/anatomia & histologia
Rev. ing. bioméd ; 5(10): 44-50, jul.-dic. 2011. graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-769116


Este artículo presenta el diseño de un nuevo robot para cirugía endoscópica transluminal. Este tipo de cirugía, evolución tecnológica de la cirugía laparoscópica, pretende ingresar al abdomen del paciente por los orificios naturales (boca, uretra, ano o vagina), y desde allí acceder al sitio donde se hace necesaria la intervención, procedimiento que conlleva muchas más ventajas respecto a la cirugía laparoscópica. El robot diseñado consta de diecinueve grados de libertad y es movido por un joystick utilizando un controlador por par calculado. La simulación muestra bajos errores cartesianos y movimientos muy precisos del órgano terminal.

This article presents the design of a new robot for translumenal endoscopic surgery. This type of surgery, evolved from laparoscopic surgery, allows the access into the abdominal cavity of the patient through natural orifices such as the mouth, urethra, anus or vagina, and from there reaches the area of the surgical intervention. This procedure has many advantages over laparoscopic surgery. The designed robot has nineteen degrees of freedom and is moved with a joystick device and controlled by a computer torque control. Simulation shows low cartesian errors as well as accurate movements at the end effector.

Int. j. morphol ; 25(3): 467-481, Sept. 2007. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-626891


La gata doméstica (Felis catus) presenta una gestación que dura, en promedio 62 + 5 días. Sin embargo, establecer la edad gestacional en forma más o menos precisa resulta difícil, ya que no existe un análisis que correlacione el tamaño de la vesícula coriónica; desarrollo de la placenta; desarrollo embrionario y Fetal durante la gestación. En este trabajo se utilizaron 12 úteros grávidos, provenientes de gatas mestizas entre 8 y 18 meses de edad, éstos fueron fijados en formol neutro al 10%. Para cada útero se determinó el número de vesículas coriónicas, de cada una se removieron el embrión, feto y la placenta, los que fueron medidos, tarados y fotografiados para su análisis morfológico. Las etapas del desarrollo embrionario y Fetal fueron establecidas conforme a las características y estructuras externas de los embriones y fetos, desde el inicio hasta el término de la gestación. A los 13 días de gestación se observó una gástrula tardía. Embriones somíticos, entre los 13 y 18 días. Embriones prefetales, entre los 18 y 28 días, y fetos desde el día 28 hasta el nacimiento. El amnios se cierra a los 17 días; la formación de la cara y cuello ocurre entre los 16 y 28 días, y de los miembros, entre los 17 y 28 días de gestación. A los 15 días de gestación comienza el latido cardiaco, momento en que se observa el tubo endocárdico. El tabicamiento del corazón se produce entre los 17 y 20 días. El tubo neural está cerrado a los 17 días de gestación. Todos los parámetros estudiados en los diferentes estadios del desarrollo en el gato están significativamente correlacionados (p < 0.0001).

The domestic cat (Felis catus) presents a gestation that lasts 62 ± 5 days. However, gestational age determination in a more precise way is difficult, as there are no analysis that correlate chorionic vesicle size; placental development; embryonic and Fetal development during gestation. In this work 12 gravid uteruses from hybrid cats between 8 and 18 months of age were studied; these were fixed in 10% neutral formaldehyde. For each uterus the chorionic vesicles number was determined. The embryos, fetuses and placenta were removed, measured, weighed and photographed for morphologic analysis. The embryonic and Fetal stages of development were determined according to the external characteristics and structures of the embryos or fetuses, from gastrulation to term. At 13 days of gestation a late gastrula was observed; between days 13 and 18, somitic embryos; between days 18 and 28, prefetal embryos; and fetuses from day 28 until birth. The amnion is closed by day 17; differentiation of the facial region occurs between days 16 and 28, while limb development takes place between days 17 and 28. At 15 days of gestation the heart begins to beat and the endocardial tube is observed. Septation of the heart occurs between days 17 and 20 and the neural tube is closed by day 17. All parameters studied in the different developmental stages in the cat are significantly correlated (p < 0.0001).

Animais , Feminino , Placenta/embriologia , Gatos/embriologia , Idade Gestacional , Desenvolvimento Fetal
J Morphol ; 174(2): 169-184, 1982 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30086603


The gross morphology, histology, and ultrastructure of Liolaemus gravenhorsti gonads prior to and after differntiation are described. Special emphasis has been given to characterization and changes of the germ cell line throughout intrauterine development and 3 days postpartum. During the pregonadal stage, the primordial germ cell migrates toward gonadal rudiments by way of the mesenchyme. These cells can easily be identified by their great size, voluminous and lobulated nucleus, great quantities of yolk platelets, microtubules, and numerous lipid inclusions. In the undifferentiated gonad, the germ cells (type 1 gonocytes) have an ovoid or spherical shape and autodigestion of yolk platelets, great development of Golgi complex, and mitochondrial aggregation, though fewer liposomes, pseudopodes, and microtubules were noted. Concomitantly with the beginning of mitosis, a third type of germ cell appears, the type 2 gonocytes, which are smaller, with poorly defined membranous systems in various degrees of involution. The seminiferous cords are organized when somatic cells of the medullar portion of the gonad surround type 1 gonocytes. Germinal cells are centrally localized in the cords. Near birth many gonocytes migrate toward the basal lamina of cords and differentiate into spherical prespermatogonia, with few organoids. Sertoli cells eparate them from the basal lamina. In advanced pregnancy, Leyding cells become numerous with morphology typical of androgen-producing cells.