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Phys Chem Chem Phys ; 26(2): 788-807, 2024 Jan 03.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38088777


Ultrafast excited-state dynamics of the simplest nitrostilbenes, namely trans-4-nitrostilbene (t-NSB), was studied in solvents of various polarities with ultrafast broadband time-resolved fluorescence and transient absorption spectroscopies, and by quantum-chemical computations. The results revealed that the initially excited S1(ππ*) state deactivation dynamics is strongly influenced by the solvent polarity. Specifically, the t-NSB S1-state lifetime decreases by three orders of magnitude from ∼60 ps in high-polarity solvents to ∼60 fs in nonpolar solvents. The strong solvent-polarity dependence arises from the differences in dipole moments among the S1 and relevant states, including the major intersystem crossing (ISC) receiver triplet states, and therefore, the solvent polarity can modulate their relative energies and ISC rates. In nonpolar solvents, the sub-100 fs lifetime is due to a combination of efficient ISC and internal conversion. In medium-polarity solvents, the S1-state population decays via a competing ISC relaxation mechanism in a biphasic manner, and the ISC rates are found to obey the inverse energy gap law of the strong coupling case. In high-polarity solvents, the S1 state is stabilized to a much lower energy such that ISC becomes energetically infeasible, and the S1 state decays via barrier crossing along the torsion angle of the central ethylenic bond to the nonfluorescent perpendicular configuration. Regardless of the initial S1-state deactivation pathways in various solvents, the excited-state population is ultimately trapped in the metastable T1-state perpendicular configuration, at which a slower ISC occurs to bring the system to the ground state and bifurcate into either trans or cis form of NSB.

ACS Appl Mater Interfaces ; 14(19): 22278-22286, 2022 May 18.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35523210


Relaxor ferroelectric-based energy storage systems are promising candidates for advanced applications as a result of their fast speed and high energy storage density. In the research field of ferroelectrics and relaxor ferroelectrics, the concept of solid solution is widely adopted to modify the overall properties and acquire superior performance. However, the combination between antiferroelectric and paraelectric materials was less studied and discussed. In this study, paraelectric barium hafnate (BaHfO3) and antiferroelectric lead hafnate (PbHfO3) are selected to demonstrate such a combination. A paraelectric to relaxor ferroelectric, to ferroelectric, and to antiferroelectric transition is observed by varying the composition x in the (Ba1-xPbx)HfO3 solid solution from 0 to 100%. It is noteworthy that ferroelectric phases can be realized without primal ferroelectric material. This study creates an original solid solution system with a rich spectrum of competing phases and demonstrates an approach to design relaxor ferroelectrics for energy storage applications and beyond.