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Biogerontology ; 2023 Dec 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38064115


Here we investigate metabolic changes, the antioxidant system and the accumulation of oxidative damage in muscles with different fiber types during the aging process in Wistar rats and try to map how sooner the changes occur. To do so, 30 male Wistar rats were submitted to behavioral evaluation to determine voluntary strength in the 11, 15, and 19 month old rats, measuring the energy metabolism, antioxidant system, oxidative damage and structure in the soleus and extensor digitorum longus muscles. We detected structural and metabolic changes in both muscles, especially in the EDL of 15 month old rats and in the soleus of 19 month old rats. In the 15 month old rats, there was a reduction in the cross-sectional area of the fibers, and a reduction in the proportion of type I fibers, accompanied by an increase in fiber density and the amount of type IIA fibers. This change in the fiber profile was followed by an increase in the activity of anaerobic metabolism enzymes, suggesting a reduction in the oxidative capacity of the muscle. In addition, there was an increase in the rate of lipid peroxidation, accompanied by a reduced antioxidant capacity. In the 19 month old rats, these disturbances got stronger. In summary, the present study demonstrated that before functional disturbances, there was an accumulation of oxidative damage and structural changes in the skeletal muscle beginning at 15 months old in the EDL and the soleus only in the biochemical parameters. Therefore, the metabolic alterations occurred at 15 months old and not before.

Rev. bras. promoç. saúde (Impr.) ; 28(4): 487-495, 30/12/2015. Ilustrações, tabelas
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-2301


Objetivo: Analisar o efeito do treinamento neuromotor no padrão de marcha e a mobilidade de tornozelos em idosos. Métodos: Ensaio controlado não aleatorizado, de corte transversal, realizado em Rio Negrinho, Santa Catarina, no período de maio a setembro de 2015, com amostra de 26 idosas divididas em grupo controle (GC=15) e grupo treinamento neuromotor (GTN=11). A avaliação do padrão de marcha ocorreu através do Protocolo de Cerny e a mobilidade de tornozelos, através da goniometria. O GC realizou atividade física regular composta por aquecimento, exercícios de alongamento e fortalecimento muscular de grandes grupos musculares de membros e desaquecimento. O GTN recebeu treinamento neuromotor em forma de circuito composto por 10 estações, com aquecimento, treinamento neuromotor, desaquecimento e repetição do circuito em 3 vezes, com permanência de 1 minuto em cada estação e 30 segundos de intervalo entre elas, com progressão de dificuldade dos exercícios após a sexta semana. Ambos os grupos realizaram a atividade por 12 semanas (2 vezes semanais, com duração de 45 minutos). Análise ocorreu pelo teste t, adotando um nível de significância de p<0,05. Resultados: Houve melhora significativa em dorsiflexão de ambos os tornozelos (direito p=0,00 e esquerdo=0,02) e em ambos os grupos; já no padrão de marcha, não houve melhora significativa após treinamento neuromotor (velocidade p=0,55; tempo de deambulação p=0,6). Conclusão: O treinamento neuromotor beneficiou a manutenção do padrão de marcha (velocidade e tempo de deambulação) e a mobilidade articular de tornozelos em idosas avaliadas.

Objective: To analyze the effect of neuromotor training on gait pattern and mobility of ankles in older people. Methods: A cross-sectional non-randomized controlled study conducted in Rio Negrinho, Santa Catarina, from May to September 2015 with a sample of 26 older women divided into control group (CG=15) and neuromotor training group (NETG=11). The gait pattern was assessed through the Cerny Protocol and the mobility of ankles through goniometry. The CG performed regular physical activity including warm-up, stretching and strengthening of major muscle groups and cool-down. The NETG performed a neuromotor training as a 10-station circuit including warm-up, neuromotor training, cool-down and repetition of the circuit three times, remaining one minute at each station and keeping a 30-second interval between the stations. The exercise difficulty level increased after the sixth week. Both groups performed the activity for 12 weeks (twice a week for 45 minutes). The analysis was performed using the t-test with a significance level of p<0.05. Results: A significant improvement was observed in dorsiflexion of both ankles (right ankle p=0.00 and left ankle=0.02) and in both groups; however, the gait pattern did not present a significant improvement after the neuromotor exercise training (speed p=0.55; time to ambulation p=0.6). Conclusion: The neuromotor training maintained the gait pattern (speed and time to ambulation) and the mobility of ankles of the older women assessed.

Objetivo: Analizar el efecto del entrenamiento neuromotor del patrón de marcha y movilidad de tobillos de mayores. Métodos: Ensayo controlado no aleatorizado, de corte transversal realizado en Rio Negrinho, Santa Catarina, entre mayo y septiembre de 2015 con una muestra de 26 mayores divididas en grupo controle (GC=15) y grupo de entrenamiento neuromotor (GEN=11). La evaluación del patrón de la marcha se dio a través del Protocolo de Cerny y la movilidad de los tobillos a través de la goniometría. En el GC se realizó actividad física regular con calentamiento, ejercicios de estiramiento y de fuerza muscular para los grandes grupos musculares de los miembros y desaceleración. El GEN recibió entrenamiento neuromotor en forma de circuito formado por 10 estaciones con calentamiento, entrenamiento neuromotor, desaceleración y repetición del circuito 3 veces con permanência de 1 minuto en cada estación y 30 segundos de intervalo entre ellas con progresión de dificultad para los ejercicios después de la sexta semana. Ambos los grupos realizaron la actividad durante 12 semanas (2 veces a la semana, con duración de 45 minutos). El análisis se dio a través del teste T, adoptando um nivel de significancia de p<0,05. Resultados: Hubo mejora significativa para la dorsiflexión de ambos los tobillos (derecho p=0,00 y izquierdo=0,02) y en ambos los grupos; no hubo mejora significativa después del entrenamiento neuromotor (velocidad p=0,55; tiempo de deambulación p=0,6) en el patrón de la marcha. Conclusión: El entrenamiento neuromotor benefició la manutención del patrón de la marcha (velocidad y tiempo de deambulación) y la movilidad articular de los tobillos de las mayores evaluadas.

Idoso , Marcha , Movimento
Conscientiae saúde (Impr.) ; 14(3): 456-462, 30 set. 2015.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-2085


Introdução: Os exercícios de alongamento têm sido frequentemente utilizados no contexto esportivo, a fim de aumentar a flexibilidade durante os treinos e atividades visando o estiramento global e reeducação postural. Objetivos: Comparar os efeitos de diferentes tempos de alongamento na flexibilidade de bailarinas. Métodos: Vinte bailarinas foram divididas em três grupos: grupo controle (GC), apenas avaliado; grupo 30 segundos (G30) e grupo três minutos (G3) analisados após duas repetições de alongamentos para isquiotibiais e adutores de coxa. Para avaliações, coletaram-se dados antropométricos e índices de flexibilidade por goniometria e caixa de sentar e alcançar de Weels. Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos em relação às avaliações de flexibilidade. Conclusão: Entre os tempos de alongamento não houve diferença significativa. Os dados sugerem que, em ensaios e espetáculos, o tempo menor de alongamento poderá ser utilizado como parte integrante do preparo da bailarina.

Introduction: The stretching exercises have been often used in the sporting context, in order to increase flexibility during trainings and activities, to the overall stretching and focusing the postural reeducation. Objectives: To compare the effects of different times of stretching on the ballet dancer's flexibility. Methods: Twenty ballet dancers were divided into three groups: a control group (CG), that was only evaluated; a 30-second group (30G); and a three-minute group (3G), which were assessed after two repetitions of hamstring stretches and thigh adductions. The assessments were carried out using anthropometric data and indexes of flexibility collected by goniometry and Wells' sit-and-reach box. Results: The results showed no significant difference between groups in relation to the flexibility evaluation. Conclusion: There was no significant difference between the times of stretching. The data suggest that a shorter stretching time may be used in rehearsals and performances as part of physical preparation by the ballet dancers.

Humanos , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Adulto Jovem , Dança , Exercícios de Alongamento Muscular/métodos , Amplitude de Movimento Articular , Músculos Isquiossurais , Quadril
Rev. bras. ciênc. saúde ; 19(4): 269-276, 2015.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-784582


O envelhecimento populacional no Brasil estágerando um crescimento do desenvolvimento de doençascrônicas não transmissíveis e como consequência osurgimento de doenças como o acidente vascular cerebral.Esta patologia traz sequelas físicas com várias complicaçõesem todos os âmbitos da vida deste indivíduo, gerando maiorescustos para o governo com ações, procedimentos e serviçosde saúde. Objetivo: Identificar o fluxo de ações de controleaos agravos à saúde em indivíduos com sequelas de acidentevascular cerebral. Material e Métodos: A coleta de dadosaconteceu nas Estratégias de Saúde da Família, ClínicaMunicipal de Reabilitação, Secretária de Saúde, Programa deAgentes Comunitárias de Saúde Secretaria de AssistênciaSocial. Entrevistas semiestruturadas, questionários eprontuário dos indivíduos foram utilizados para coleta deinformações. Resultados: A pesquisa revelou 56 indivíduoscom sequelas de AVC, prevalência do gênero masculino comidade média de 67,2 (DP= 13,9), 40 indivíduos com ocorrênciade 1 AVC, prevalência de hipertensão arterial e diabetescomo fatores de risco. Não há o desenvolvimento de umfluxo de ações para o controle aos agravos do AVC.Conclusão: A pesquisa revelou que não existe um fluxo deações específicas para este grupo de indivíduos, sendolimitada à assistência das sequelas instaladas e os fatoresde risco de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis...

The aging of the population in Brazil has led toan increase of non-communicable chronic diseases, includingstroke. This pathology brings physical consequences withseveral complications in all individual’s life spheres, generatinghigher costs to the government on actions, procedures andhealth services. Objective: The aim of this study was toidentify the flow of actions to control health issues inindividuals with sequels of stroke. Material and Methods:The data collection was carried out in primary care facilities(family health strategy), municipal rehabilitation clinics,Department of Health, community health agents at theDepartment of Social Assistance. Semi-structured interviews,questionnaires and medical records of individuals were usedfor data collection. Results: This study showed 56 individualswith sequels of stroke, with a prevalence of males with amean age of 67.2 (SD = 13.9) years. A total of 40 individualshad had one stroke, and presented hypertension and diabetesas risk factors. No actions aimed at the control of stroke’sdamages were found. Conclusion: There is no flow ofspecifics actions for this group of individuals, being limited tothe assistance of sequels installed, and to risk factors fornon-communicable chronic diseases...

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Especialidade de Fisioterapia , Fatores de Risco , Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Saúde Pública
Rev. dor ; 15(4): 271-275, 2014. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-730616


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Failed back surgery syndrome refers to a condition in which a patient has undergone back surgery with a poor outcome. This syndrome leads to losses in daily living activities and hinders the return to physical exercise. The objective of this study was to analyze the relation between chronic low back pain and functional capacity and the physical activity level of these patients. METHODS: Cross-sectional study comprising 57 patients, mean age 51.07±12.93 years, who underwent low back surgery. These patients were divided into two groups, according to the presence of chronic low back pain. All patients filled in a questionnaire that covered demographic data, visual analog scale for pain, Rolland-Morris Questionnaire to evaluate functional incapacity and International Physical Activity Questionnaire to measure physical activity level. RESULTS: The following predominated: women (77%), obese (49%), surgery for spinal disc herniation (80%), underwent one low back surgery (52%). Patients with chronic low back pain refer a greater perception of disability and 81% of this group showed an average of 3.53±3.51 points in Roland-Morris. Chronic low back pain had no influence on the different levels of physical activity demonstrated in patients with chronic low back pain and results of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire showed no significant difference between the groups (p=0.54). CONCLUSION: These findings indicate that there were other factors beyond chronic pain interfering with the physical activity level in these groups and further studies to explore lifestyle, physical exercise adherence and other dimensions of pain are still needed. Results contribute to the understanding and management of patients with chronic low back pain. .

Percept Mot Skills ; 114(2): 419-28, 2012 Apr.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-22755446


The effect of multimodal imagery on anxiety and perceived stress was investigated in 46 male tennis players (16 to 18 yr.; M = 17.0, SD = 0.8). There were two groups, a multimodal imagery group and a control imagery group. The quasi-experimental design included pre- and post-treatment administrations of the 27-item Competitive State Anxiety Inventory to assess anxiety and the Perceived Stress Scale to assess stress. Analysis showed a statistically significant multivariate difference between the multimodal imagery and control groups on measures of cognitive anxiety, self-confidence, and perceived stress. Imagery plays a role in handling some specific types of anxiety and stress.

Ansiedade/psicologia , Atletas/psicologia , Terapia Cognitivo-Comportamental/métodos , Autoimagem , Estresse Psicológico/psicologia , Tênis/psicologia , Adolescente , Ansiedade/terapia , Humanos , Imaginação/fisiologia , Masculino , Estresse Psicológico/terapia , Inquéritos e Questionários