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Ann N Y Acad Sci ; 1436(1): 98-120, 2019 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30062785


Regional climate models have been used since 1989 in order to improve climate simulation in regions where mesoscale forcings modulate the regional climate. These models are driven by time-dependent lateral boundary conditions from global climate models or reanalysis, and this process is called dynamical downscaling. Here, we review the evolution of regional climate modeling, as well as present the studies developed for South America.

Mudança Climática , Modelos Teóricos , Estações do Ano , América do Sul
Suma psicol ; 23(2): 133-140, jul.-dic. 2016. ilus, tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-962713


Psychophysiological arousal was observed in cancer patients during the application of relaxation techniques prior to a diagnostic scan (PET-CT). The aim of the study is two fold: firstly, it is sought to establish whether such techniques can minimize patient arousal before diagnostic screening begins, and secondly to measure which of them are most effective. The dependent variable is electrodermal activity, recording the attentional level and emotional response, and the independent variable comprises the relaxation techniques used, namely Jacobson, breathing and visualization. The 39 patients were split into experimental groups to whom the relaxation techniques (Jacobson, breathing exercises, and visualization) were applied before they went for the PET-CT. An activity-module procedure was applied to track electrodermal activity during the relaxation sessions, consisting of instructions, time out; wait, task; relaxation and end of the recording session. The control group received no relaxation techniques before the PET-CT. Session-end results show that patients who perform relaxation techniques achieve greater attentional focus using Jacobs on’stechnique(M= .212) and enhanced emotional containment using visualization (M= .206). It is concluded that relaxation techniques minimize the state of activation during the waiting period before a diagnostic scan.

Se registra la activación psicofisiológica en pacientes oncológicos durante la aplicación de técnicas de relajación antes de someterse a una prueba diagnóstica (TEP-TAC). Se plantea un doble objetivo: primero, comprobar si dichas técnicas minimizan el estado de activación de los pacientes antes de realizar pruebas diagnósticas, y en segundo lugar, medir cuáles de estas son más efectivas para relajarse. La variable dependiente es la actividad electrodérmica, registrando el nivel atencional y la respuesta emocional, y la variable independiente son las técnicas de relajación de Jacobson, de respiración y de visualización. Se distribuyen los pacientes (n = 39) en 3 grupos experimentales y se les aplican las técnicas antes de realizar el TEP-TAC: Jacobson, respiración y visualización. Se utiliza un procedimiento para el registro de la actividad electrodérmica durante la relajación por módulos de actividad: instrucciones, tiempo muerto; espera, tarea; relajación, y fin del registro. El grupo control no recibe relajación antes del TEP-TAC. Los resultados indican que los pacientes que realizan relajación consiguen mayor focalización atencional con Jacobson (M = .212) y mayor contención emocional con la visualización (M = .206). Se concluye que las técnicas de relajación minimizan el estado de activación durante el periodo de espera antes de una prueba diagnóstica.