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Phys Rev Lett ; 125(24): 240405, 2020 Dec 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33412027


Symmetry-breaking transitions are a well-understood phenomenon of closed quantum systems in quantum optics, condensed matter, and high energy physics. However, symmetry breaking in open systems is less thoroughly understood, in part due to the richer steady-state and symmetry structure that such systems possess. For the prototypical open system-a Lindbladian-a unitary symmetry can be imposed in a "weak" or a "strong" way. We characterize the possible Z_{n} symmetry-breaking transitions for both cases. In the case of Z_{2}, a weak-symmetry-broken phase guarantees at most a classical bit steady-state structure, while a strong-symmetry-broken phase admits a partially protected steady-state qubit. Viewing photonic cat qubits through the lens of strong-symmetry breaking, we show how to dynamically recover the logical information after any gap-preserving strong-symmetric error; such recovery becomes perfect exponentially quickly in the number of photons. Our study forges a connection between driven-dissipative phase transitions and error correction.

Phys Rev A (Coll Park) ; 102(3)2020 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-34136732


The Dicke model famously exhibits a phase transition to a superradiant phase with a macroscopic population of photons and is realized in multiple settings in open quantum systems. In this paper, we study a variant of the Dicke model where the cavity mode is lossy due to the coupling to a Markovian environment while the atomic mode is coupled to a colored bath. We analytically investigate this model by inspecting its low-frequency behavior via the Schwinger-Keldysh field theory and carefully examine the nature of the corresponding superradiant phase transition. Integrating out the fast modes, we can identify a simple effective theory allowing us to derive analytical expressions for various critical exponents including the dynamical exponent. We find excellent agreement with previous numerical results when the non-Markovian bath is at zero temperature; however, contrary to these studies, our low-frequency approach reveals that the same exponents govern the critical behavior when the colored bath is at finite temperature unless the chemical potential is zero. Furthermore, we show that the superradiant phase transition is classical in nature, while it is genuinely nonequilibrium. We derive a fractional Langevin equation and conjecture the associated fractional Fokker-Planck equation that captures the system's long-time memory as well as its nonequilibrium behavior. Finally, we consider finite-size effects at the phase transition and identify the finite-size scaling exponents, unlocking a rich behavior in both statics and dynamics of the photonic and atomic observables.

Phys Rev Lett ; 122(15): 150601, 2019 Apr 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31050545


We study the quasiparticle excitation and quench dynamics of the one-dimensional transverse-field Ising model with power-law (1/r^{α}) interactions. We find that long-range interactions give rise to a confining potential, which couples pairs of domain walls (kinks) into bound quasiparticles, analogous to mesonic states in high-energy physics. We show that these quasiparticles have signatures in the dynamics of order parameters following a global quench, and the Fourier spectrum of these order parameters can be exploited as a direct probe of the masses of the confined quasiparticles. We introduce a two-kink model to qualitatively explain the phenomenon of long-range-interaction-induced confinement and to quantitatively predict the masses of the bound quasiparticles. Furthermore, we illustrate that these quasiparticle states can lead to slow thermalization of one-point observables for certain initial states. Our work is readily applicable to current trapped-ion experiments.

Phys Rev X ; 9(1)2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32117578


Qubits strongly coupled to a photonic crystal give rise to qubit-photon dressed bound states. These bound states, comprising the qubits and spatially localized photonic modes induced around the qubits, are the basis for many exotic physical scenarios. The localization of these states changes with qubit detuning from the photonic crystal band edge, offering an avenue of in situ control of bound-state interaction. Here, we present experimental results from a device with two transmon qubits coupled to a superconducting microwave photonic crystal and realize tunable on-site and interbound state interactions. We observe a fourth-order two-photon virtual process between bound states indicating strong coupling between the photonic crystal and transmon qubits. Because of their localization-dependent interaction, these states offer the ability to realize one-dimensional chains of bound states with tunable and potentially long-range interactions that preserve the qubits' spatial organization. The widely tunable, strong, and robust interactions demonstrated with this system are promising benchmarks towards realizing larger, more complex systems that use bound states to build and study quantum spin models.

Phys Rev Lett ; 121(25): 253403, 2018 Dec 21.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30608850


Highly tunable platforms for realizing topological phases of matter are emerging from atomic and photonic systems and offer the prospect of designing interactions between particles. The shape of the potential, besides playing an important role in the competition between different fractional quantum Hall phases, can also trigger the transition to symmetry-broken phases, or even to phases where topological and symmetry-breaking order coexist. Here, we explore the phase diagram of an interacting bosonic model in the lowest Landau level at half filling as two-body interactions are tuned. Apart from the well-known Laughlin liquid, Wigner crystal, stripe, and bubble phases, we also find evidence of a phase that exhibits crystalline order at fractional filling per crystal site. The Laughlin liquid transits into this phase when pairs of bosons strongly repel each other at relative angular momentum 4ℏ. We show that such interactions can be achieved by dressing ground-state cold atoms with multiple different-parity Rydberg states.

Phys Rev Lett ; 117(1): 010603, 2016 Jul 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27419554


Luttinger liquids (LLs) arise by coupling left- and right-moving particles through interactions in one dimension. This most natural partitioning of LLs is investigated by the momentum-space entanglement after a quantum quench using analytical and numerical methods. We show that the momentum-space entanglement spectrum of a LL possesses many universal features both in equilibrium and after a quantum quench. The largest entanglement eigenvalue is identical to the Loschmidt echo, i.e., the overlap of the disentangled and final wave functions of the system. The second largest eigenvalue is the overlap of the first excited state of the disentangled system with zero total momentum and the final wave function. The entanglement gap is universal both in equilibrium and after a quantum quench. The momentum-space entanglement entropy is always extensive and saturates fast to a time independent value after the quench, in sharp contrast to a spatial bipartitioning.

Phys Rev Lett ; 115(6): 066401, 2015 Aug 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26296123


We construct a phenomenological Landau theory for the two-dimensional helical Fermi liquid found on the surface of a three-dimensional time-reversal invariant topological insulator. In the presence of rotation symmetry, interactions between quasiparticles are described by ten independent Landau parameters per angular momentum channel, by contrast with the two (symmetric and antisymmetric) Landau parameters for a conventional spin-degenerate Fermi liquid. We project quasiparticle states onto the Fermi surface and obtain an effectively spinless, projected Landau theory with a single projected Landau parameter per angular momentum channel that captures the spin-momentum locking or nontrivial Berry phase of the Fermi surface. As a result of this nontrivial Berry phase, projection to the Fermi surface can increase or lower the angular momentum of the quasiparticle interactions. We derive equilibrium properties, criteria for Fermi surface instabilities, and collective mode dispersions in terms of the projected Landau parameters. We briefly discuss experimental means of measuring projected Landau parameters.

Phys Rev Lett ; 113(25): 256404, 2014 Dec 19.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25554899


We study the momentum space entanglement spectra of bosonic and fermionic formulations of the spin-1/2 XXZ chain with analytical methods and exact diagonalization. We investigate the behavior of the entanglement gaps, present in both formulations, across quantum phase transitions in the XXZ chain. In both cases, finite size scaling suggests that the entanglement gap closure does not occur at the physical transition points. For bosons, we find that the entanglement gap observed in Thomale et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 116805 (2010)] depends on the scaling dimension of the conformal field theory as varied by the XXZ anisotropy. For fermions, the infinite entanglement gap present at the XX point persists well past the phase transition at the Heisenberg point. We elaborate on how these shifted transition points in the entanglement spectra may support the numerical study of phase transitions in the momentum space density matrix renormalization group.