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Salud UNINORTE ; 20: 18-29, ene.-jul. 2005. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-440599


Objetivos: Describir el comportamiento epidemiológico de la leptospirosis en el departamento delAtlántico (Colombia), de enero de 1999 a marzo del 2004.Metodología: Estudio descriptivo. Se analizaron 970 muestras únicas de pacientes sospechosos deinfecciones con Leptospira en el Laboratorio Departamental del Atlántico mediante AglutinaciónMicroscópica (MAT), usando como antígenos los serovares Icterohemorragiae, Pomona, Canícola,Hardjo, Grippotyphosa y Hardjo-bovis de Leptospira interrogans.

Objective: This study was performed to describe the epidemiological situation of Leptospira in theDepartament of Atlantico (Colombia), from January 1999 to March 2004.Methods: A descriptive study was performed. A total of 970 single serum samples from patients withsuspected Leptospira infections, were analyzed using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT). Theserovars of Icterohaemorrhagiae, Pomona, Canicola, Hardjo, Grippotyphosa and Hardjo-bovis belongingto L. interrogans, were used as antigens. Information about clinical presentation based on epidemiologicalsheets, visits to patients and climatological data were obtained.Results: The 9,7percent samples were IgM positive for Leptospira and the most prevalent was the serovarIcterohaemorrhagiae (62percent), followed by Hardjo (12.8percent). Most of the patients were male (61percent) between 15 and 45 y.o. The most common presenting features in these patients were (91.7percent), myalgia (72 percent), vomit/nausea (70.8 percent), headache (68.1 percent) and icterichia (63.9 percent). 8.6percent of the cases were severe, associated to infections with the serovar Icterohemorragiae and their symptomathology was similar to the Weil ìs syndrome; no fatalities were registered. The highest incidences were recorded during the years 2003 (23),2001(21) and 2002 (18) especially during the rainy season (August-November). Barranquilla reportedthe highest number of cases (46) followed by Soledad (25), Puerto Colombia (6) and Galapa...

Humanos , Sorologia , Dengue , Leptospira , Febre , Cefaleia , Náusea