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Psicol Reflex Crit ; 37(1): 37, 2024 Sep 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39276175


BACKGROUND: The internet is widespread in modern society and has raised concerns about excessive usage and its consequences for different aging groups. OBJECTIVE: This study explores the relationships between internet addiction, sleep patterns, and psychological distress in adolescents and young adults. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In order to assess this phenomenon, an exploratory cross-sectional study was conducted in southern Brazil from October to December 2023. A questionnaire, administered via Google Forms, collected data from 618 participants aged 15-36. The participants consisted of a non-probabilistic community sample selected based on convenience criteria. Instruments included a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Internet Addiction Test, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale, and Social Media Engagement Questionnaire. RESULTS: It was categorized 48.1% as having moderate internet addiction, and classified 0.8% as having severe internet addiction. Correlation analysis revealed positive associations between internet addiction and depression, anxiety, and stress. Logistic regression identified internet addiction and overall psychological distress as predictors of sleep difficulties, along with unemployment status. The findings highlight the detrimental impact of excessive internet use on sleep quality and mental health. The bidirectional relationship between internet addiction and psychological distress underscores the complex interplay between these variables. CONCLUSIONS: This study underscores the urgent need for interventions targeting internet addiction and its associated consequences in adolescents and young adults. Addressing internet addiction levels and promoting healthy internet usage habits are crucial steps in mitigating the adverse effects on mental health and sleep quality. There is a need for targeted interventions, protocols, and preventive measures to mitigate the adverse effects of excessive internet use on mental health and sleep quality. Public health strategies should include IA and its consequences in health programs with multidisciplinary approaches and protocols for treatments for behavioral addictions. The study emphasizes the multifaceted nature of internet addiction and its implications for mental health and sleep patterns.

Estud. pesqui. psicol. (Impr.) ; 21(2): 749-767, maio-ago. 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1358816


Este estudo tem como objetivo examinar a prevalência de estresse, ansiedade, depressão, inflexibilidade psicológica, dados sociodemográficos, clínicos e acadêmicos e a relação entre essas variáveis, em uma amostra de estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação do Rio Grande do Sul, além de comparar esses dois grupos quanto aos resultados. Participaram da pesquisa 574 estudantes, com idade a partir de 18 anos, de diferentes cursos e universidades, sendo 357 da graduação e 217 da pós-graduação. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, de levantamento, com questionários de autorrelato e coleta online. Os Instrumentos utilizados foram: Ficha de dados sociodemográficos e acadêmicos; Escala de Ansiedade, Depressão e Estresse; Escala de Estresse Percebido; Questionário de Aceitação e Ação para Estudantes Universitários. Os níveis de estresse, ansiedade e depressão foram considerados altos nesta amostra. A inflexibilidade psicológica mostrou uma correlação significativa com essas variáveis e mostrou-se preditiva de estresse percebido. Os estudantes de graduação apresentaram índices de estresse mais elevados que os de pós-graduação. Sugere-se investir em estudos que incluam a inflexibilidade psicológica e o estresse como variáveis investigadas e também como foco de intervenções com esta população. (AU)

This study aims to scan the prevalence of stress, anxiety, depression, psychological inflexibility, sociodemographic, clinical and academic data and the relationship between these variables, in a sample of undergraduate and graduate students in Rio Grande do Sul, in addition to comparing these two groups as to the results. 574 students, aged 18 and over, from different courses and universities took part in the research, 357 from undergraduate and 217 from graduate courses. This is a cross-sectional survey study, with self-report questionnaires and online collection. The instruments used were: Sociodemographic and academic data sheet; Depression Anxiety Stress Scale Perceived Stress Scale; Accept and Action Questionnaire for University Students. The levels of stress, anxiety and depression were considered high in this sample. Psychological inflexibility showed a significant correlation with these variables and was predictive of perceived stress. Undergraduate students had higher stress levels than graduate students. It is suggested to invest in studies that include psychological inflexibility and stress as variables investigated and also as the focus of interventions within this population. (AU)

Este estudio tiene como objetivo examinar la prevalencia de estrés, ansiedad, depresión, inflexibilidad psicológica, datos sociodemográficos, clínicos y académicos y la relación entre estas variables, en una muestra de estudiantes de pregrado y posgrado del Rio Grande del Sul, además de comparar estos dos grupos en cuanto a los resultados. En la investigación, participaron 574 estudiantes de 18 y más años de diferentes cursos y universidades, 357 de pregrado y 217 de posgrado. Se trata de un estudio transversal, con cuestionarios de autoinforme y recopilación de datos online. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron: Ficha sociodemográfica y académica; Escala de estrés, ansiedad y depresión; Escala de estrés percibido; Cuestionario de aceptación y acción para estudiantes universitarios. Los niveles de estrés, ansiedad y depresión se consideraron altos en esta muestra. La inflexibilidad psicológica mostró una correlación significativa con estas variables y fue predictiva del estrés percibido. Los estudiantes de pregrado tenían niveles de estrés más altos que los estudiantes de posgrado. Se sugiere invertir en estudios que incluyan la inflexibilidad psicológica y el estrés como variables investigadas y también como foco de intervenciones con esta población. (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adulto , Ansiedade , Saúde do Estudante , Depressão , Pós , Estudantes , Universidades