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Rev. Soc. Odontol. La Plata ; 31(61): 23-29, 2021. ilus, tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354026


El reporte de este caso tiene como objetivo demostrar la utilidad de los anclajes esqueléticos temporarios como son las miniplacas cigomáticas y los microimplantes "buccal shelf" en el tratamiento ortodóncico, en una paciente de 17 años 10 meses de edad, clase II vertical, dólicofacial, con mordida abierta anterior y aumento de la altura facial inferior. Después de la primera fase de tratamiento, siguiendo la secuencia de arcos para completar la alineación, se utilizaron anclajes esqueléticos extrarradiculares con una mecánica de intrusión con fuerzas elásticas durante 10 meses. Se intruyeron sus piezas posteriores superiores e inferiores y se distalizó la arcada superior, corrigiéndose la oclusión. El mentón retrognático y su perfil convexo mejoraron con la autorrotación de la mandíbula (AU)

The objective of this report case is to demonstrate the usefulness of temporary skeletal anchors such as zygomatic miniplates and buccal shelf microimplants in orthodontic treatment, in a 17-year-old 10-month-old, vertical class II, dollicofacial patient with anterior open bite and increased lower facial height. After the first treatment phase, following the arch sequence to complete the alignment, extra-radicular skeletal anchors were used with intrusion mechanics with elastic forces for 10 months. Its upper and lower posterior pieces were intruded and the upper arch was distalized, correcting the occlusion. e retrognathic chin and its convex profile improved with autorotation of the jaw (AU)

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Mordida Aberta , Procedimentos de Ancoragem Ortodôntica , Má Oclusão Classe II de Angle/terapia , Titânio , Técnicas de Movimentação Dentária , Fenômenos Biomecânicos , Implantes Dentários , Biotipologia
Rev. CEFAC ; 15(5): 1281-1291, set.-out. 2013. graf, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-694107


OBJETIVO: investigar as possíveis alterações de fala, mastigação e deglutição em usuários de aparelhos ortodônticos com recursos intraorais fixos no palato. MÉTODO: foram avaliados 28 pacientes de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária de 10 a 24 anos, em tratamento no Centro de Reabilitação Estética Orofacial em Campinas. Tais pacientes foram avaliados por fonoaudiólogas antes da colocação do aparelho e após trinta dias de uso de aparelho ortodôntico com recurso fixo. Todos os sujeitos foram avaliados previamente por ortodontistas e apresentaram indicação de colocação do recurso intraoral. O exame fonoaudiológico foi composto pela avaliação da mastigação, deglutição e fala, segundo protocolo especifico de motricidade orofacial, e de teste de fala na área de fonética. Os testes estatísticos aplicados foram: Teste de ANOVA, teste T-Student Pareado, Teste de Igualdade de duas proporções e Intervalo de Confiança para a média. Foram considerados significantes associações com p-valor < 0,05 . RESULTADOS: para a amostra analisada, não houve alterações de mastigação e deglutição estatisticamente significantes após um mês de uso dos aparelhos selecionados. Na fala, 64,3% da amostra não apresentou alterações, mas em 25% dos pacientes observou-se a presença de distorção de grupos consonantais na presença de aparelhos do tipo disjuntor. CONCLUSÃO: o uso de aparelhos fixos com recursos intraorais, provoca modificações estatisticamente significantes somente na fala.

PURPOSE: to investigate possible changes in speech, chewing and swallowing in users orthodontic appliances with features (intraoral) fixed on the palate. METHOD: a total of 28 patients of both sexes, in the 10-24 age-group, were evaluated. These patients were being treated at the CEREO - Centro de Reabilitação Estética Orofacial (Aesthetic and Orofacial Rehabilitation Center) in Campinas, São Paulo. They were evaluated by speech therapists before they had their orthodontic appliances installed and also 30 days after they were using these appliances with feature. All subjects were previously evaluated by orthodontists from the CEREO and were candidates to the installation of intraoral features. The speech therapist's test was composed of two parts: the first was the evaluation of chewing, swallowing and speech, according to the MBGR protocol and the second was a phonological evaluation of language. The statistical tests applied were: Two Proportions Equality Test, Chi-Square Test for Independence. We considered significant the associations with p-value <0.10. RESULTS: for the sample analyzed, there were no statistically significant changes in chewing and swallowing after one month of use of intraoral features. In speech, 64.3% of the sample did not change, but in 25% of the patients it was observed a distortion of consonant clusters in the presence of circuit breaker type appliances. CONCLUSION: the use of fixed orthodontic appliances with intraoral features causes statistically significant changes only in speech.

RSBO (Impr.) ; 10(1): 29-33, Jan.-Mar. 2013. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-695909


Introduction : Orthodontic movement may cause a great number of tissue alterations in the dental pulp. However, these changes may not be entirely recognized owing to the difficulty in simulating clinical situations. Objective : The aim of this study was to clinically assess the incidence of negative pulp sensitivity to cold among maxillary canines in infraocclusion submitted to orthodontic traction. Material and methods: Two study groups were selected: an experimental group, comprising 32 canine teeth with complete root formation that had been submitted to orthodontic traction, and a control group, comprising 32 canine teeth with complete root formation that had never been submitted to any orthodontic movement. Results: Fourteen teeth from the experimental group showed lack of pulp sensitivity, whereas only one tooth from the control group showed negative pulp sensitivity. Fischer's exact test revealed a significant difference between the groups (p < 0.05). Conclusion: In conclusion, the teeth that had been submitted to orthodontic traction were more likely to lack sensitivity than those that had not been submitted to the same procedure.