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Conserv Biol ; 34(4): 903-914, 2020 08.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32406968


Human perception of risks related to economic damages caused by nearby wildlife can be transmitted through social networks. Understanding how sharing risk information within a human community alters the spatial dynamics of human-wildlife interactions has important implications for the design and implementation of effective conservation actions. We developed an agent-based model that simulates farmer livelihood decisions and activities in an agricultural landscape shared with a population of a generic wildlife species (wildlife-human interactions in shared landscapes [WHISL]). In the model, based on risk perception and economic information, farmers decide how much labor to allocate to farming and whether and where to exclude wildlife from their farms (e.g., through fencing, trenches, or vegetation thinning). In scenarios where the risk perception of farmers was strongly influenced by other farmers, exclusion of wildlife was widespread, resulting in decreased quality of wildlife habitat and frequency of wildlife damages across the landscape. When economic losses from encounters with wildlife were high, perception of risk increased and led to highly synchronous behaviors by farmers in space and time. Interactions between wildlife and farmers sometimes led to a spillover effect of wildlife damage displaced from socially and spatially connected communities to less connected neighboring farms. The WHISL model is a useful conservation-planning tool because it provides a test bed for theories and predictions about human-wildlife dynamics across a range of different agricultural landscapes.

Resultados Emergentes de Conservación de la Percepción Compartida sobre Riesgos en los Sistemas Humanos - Fauna Resumen La percepción humana de los riesgos relacionados con los daños económicos causados por la fauna vecina puede transmitirse por medio de las redes sociales. El entendimiento de cómo la propagación de la información sobre riesgos dentro de una comunidad humana altera las dinámicas espaciales de las interacciones humanos - fauna tiene implicaciones importantes para el diseño e implementación de las acciones de conservación efectiva. Desarrollamos un modelo basado en agentes que simula las decisiones y las actividades de subsistencia de los agricultores en un paisaje agrícola compartido con una especie genérica de fauna (interacciones humanos - fauna en paisajes compartidos [WHISL, en inglés]). En el modelo, con base en la percepción del riesgo y en la información económica, los agricultores decidieron cuánto trabajo asignar a la agricultura y si y en dónde excluir a la fauna de sus parcelas (por ejemplo, por medio de cercas, fosas o la reducción de la vegetación). En los escenarios en los que la percepción de riesgo de los agricultores estuvo fuertemente influenciada por otros agricultores, la exclusión de la fauna estuvo generalizada, lo que resultó en una disminución de la calidad del hábitat de la fauna y en la frecuencia de daños causados por los animales a lo largo del paisaje. Cuando las pérdidas económicas causadas por los encuentros con la fauna fueron altas, la percepción del riesgo incrementó y resultó en comportamientos altamente sincrónicos adoptados por los agricultores en el tiempo y el espacio. Las interacciones entre la fauna y los agricultores a veces resultaron en un efecto de derrama de daños causados por la fauna desplazada de las comunidades conectadas social y espacialmente hacia parcelas vecinas con una menor conexión. El modelo WHISL es una herramienta útil para la planificación de la conservación porque proporciona una plataforma de experimentación para las teorías y predicciones sobre las dinámicas humano - fauna en una extensión geográfica de diferentes paisajes agrícolas.

Animais Selvagens , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Agricultura , Animais , Ecossistema , Fazendeiros , Humanos
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A ; 116(16): 7784-7792, 2019 04 16.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30936311


Counterdrug interdiction efforts designed to seize or disrupt cocaine shipments between South American source zones and US markets remain a core US "supply side" drug policy and national security strategy. However, despite a long history of US-led interdiction efforts in the Western Hemisphere, cocaine movements to the United States through Central America, or "narco-trafficking," continue to rise. Here, we developed a spatially explicit agent-based model (ABM), called "NarcoLogic," of narco-trafficker operational decision making in response to interdiction forces to investigate the root causes of interdiction ineffectiveness across space and time. The central premise tested was that spatial proliferation and resiliency of narco-trafficking are not a consequence of ineffective interdiction, but rather part and natural consequence of interdiction itself. Model development relied on multiple theoretical perspectives, empirical studies, media reports, and the authors' own years of field research in the region. Parameterization and validation used the best available, authoritative data source for illicit cocaine flows. Despite inherently biased, unreliable, and/or incomplete data of a clandestine phenomenon, the model compellingly reproduced the "cat-and-mouse" dynamic between narco-traffickers and interdiction forces others have qualitatively described. The model produced qualitatively accurate and quantitatively realistic spatial and temporal patterns of cocaine trafficking in response to interdiction events. The NarcoLogic model offers a much-needed, evidence-based tool for the robust assessment of different drug policy scenarios, and their likely impact on trafficker behavior and the many collateral damages associated with the militarized war on drugs.

Sustain Sci ; 13(1): 119-128, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30147774


To what degree is cultural multi-level selection responsible for the rise of environmentally transformative human behaviors? And vice versa? From the clearing of vegetation using fire to the emergence of agriculture and beyond, human societies have increasingly sustained themselves through practices that enhance environmental productivity through ecosystem engineering. At the same time, human societies have increased in scale and complexity from mobile bands of hunter-gatherers to telecoupled world systems. We propose that these long-term changes are coupled through positive feedbacks among social and environmental changes, coevolved primarily through selection acting at the group level and above, and that this can be tested by combining archeological evidence with mechanistic experiments using an agent-based virtual laboratory (ABVL) approach. A more robust understanding of whether and how cultural multi-level selection couples human social change with environmental transformation may help in addressing the long-term sustainability challenges of the Anthropocene.

Ambio ; 45(1): 15-28, 2016 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26408313


Land use science has traditionally used case-study approaches for in-depth investigation of land use change processes and impacts. Meta-studies synthesize findings across case-study evidence to identify general patterns. In this paper, we provide a review of meta-studies in land use science. Various meta-studies have been conducted, which synthesize deforestation and agricultural land use change processes, while other important changes, such as urbanization, wetland conversion, and grassland dynamics have hardly been addressed. Meta-studies of land use change impacts focus mostly on biodiversity and biogeochemical cycles, while meta-studies of socioeconomic consequences are rare. Land use change processes and land use change impacts are generally addressed in isolation, while only few studies considered trajectories of drivers through changes to their impacts and their potential feedbacks. We provide a conceptual framework for linking meta-studies of land use change processes and impacts for the analysis of coupled human-environmental systems. Moreover, we provide suggestions for combining meta-studies of different land use change processes to develop a more integrated theory of land use change, and for combining meta-studies of land use change impacts to identify tradeoffs between different impacts. Land use science can benefit from an improved conceptualization of land use change processes and their impacts, and from new methods that combine meta-study findings to advance our understanding of human-environmental systems.

Ecossistema , Agricultura , Biodiversidade , Mudança Climática , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Humanos , Urbanização , Áreas Alagadas
Reg Environ Change ; 15(2): 211-226, 2015.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-25821402


Global and regional economic and environmental changes are increasingly influencing local land-use, livelihoods, and ecosystems. At the same time, cumulative local land changes are driving global and regional changes in biodiversity and the environment. To understand the causes and consequences of these changes, land change science (LCS) draws on a wide array synthetic and meta-study techniques to generate global and regional knowledge from local case studies of land change. Here, we review the characteristics and applications of synthesis methods in LCS and assess the current state of synthetic research based on a meta-analysis of synthesis studies from 1995 to 2012. Publication of synthesis research is accelerating, with a clear trend toward increasingly sophisticated and quantitative methods, including meta-analysis. Detailed trends in synthesis objectives, methods, and land change phenomena and world regions most commonly studied are presented. Significant challenges to successful synthesis research in LCS are also identified, including issues of interpretability and comparability across case-studies and the limits of and biases in the geographic coverage of case studies. Nevertheless, synthesis methods based on local case studies will remain essential for generating systematic global and regional understanding of local land change for the foreseeable future, and multiple opportunities exist to accelerate and enhance the reliability of synthetic LCS research in the future. Demand for global and regional knowledge generation will continue to grow to support adaptation and mitigation policies consistent with both the local realities and regional and global environmental and economic contexts of land change.

PLoS One ; 9(1): e86179, 2014.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24489696


Local changes in land use result from the decisions and actions of land-users within land systems, which are structured by local and global environmental, economic, political, and cultural contexts. Such cross-scale causation presents a major challenge for developing a general understanding of how local decision-making shapes land-use changes at the global scale. This paper implements a generalized agent-based model (ABM) as a virtual laboratory to explore how global and local processes influence the land-use and livelihood decisions of local land-users, operationalized as settlement-level agents, across the landscapes of six real-world test sites. Test sites were chosen in USA, Laos, and China to capture globally-significant variation in population density, market influence, and environmental conditions, with land systems ranging from swidden to commercial agriculture. Publicly available global data were integrated into the ABM to model cross-scale effects of economic globalization on local land-use decisions. A suite of statistics was developed to assess the accuracy of model-predicted land-use outcomes relative to observed and random (i.e. null model) landscapes. At four of six sites, where environmental and demographic forces were important constraints on land-use choices, modeled land-use outcomes were more similar to those observed across sites than the null model. At the two sites in which market forces significantly influenced land-use and livelihood decisions, the model was a poorer predictor of land-use outcomes than the null model. Model successes and failures in simulating real-world land-use patterns enabled the testing of hypotheses on land-use decision-making and yielded insights on the importance of missing mechanisms. The virtual laboratory approach provides a practical framework for systematic improvement of both theory and predictive skill in land change science based on a continual process of experimentation and model enhancement.

Agricultura/estatística & dados numéricos , Tomada de Decisões , Modelos Estatísticos , Agricultura/economia , Agricultura/métodos , China , Comércio , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Meio Ambiente , Humanos , Internacionalidade , Laos , Densidade Demográfica , Estados Unidos
PLoS One ; 8(9): e73241, 2013.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24039892


Rural populations are undergoing rapid changes in both their livelihoods and land uses, with associated impacts on ecosystems, global biogeochemistry, and climate change. A primary challenge is, thus, to explain these shifts in terms of the actors and processes operating within a variety of land systems in order to understand how land users might respond locally to future changes in broader-scale environmental and economic conditions. Using 'induced intensification' theory as a benchmark, we develop a generalized agent-based model to investigate mechanistic explanations of relationships between agricultural intensity and population density, environmental suitability, and market influence. Land-use and livelihood decisions modeled from basic micro-economic theories generated spatial and temporal patterns of agricultural intensification consistent with predictions of induced intensification theory. Further, agent actions in response to conditions beyond those described by induced intensification theory were explored, revealing that interactions among environmental constraints, population pressure, and market influence may produce transitions to multiple livelihood regimes of varying market integration. The result is new hypotheses that could modify and enrich understanding of the classic relationship between agricultural intensity and population density. The strength of this agent-based model and the experimental results is the generalized form of the decision-making processes underlying land-use and livelihood transitions, creating the prospect of a virtual laboratory for systematically generating hypotheses of how agent decisions and interactions relate to observed land-use and livelihood patterns across diverse land systems.

Agricultura/métodos , Agricultura/economia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/economia , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais/métodos , Tomada de Decisões , Meio Ambiente , Humanos , Modelos Teóricos , Densidade Demográfica , População Rural