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PLoS One ; 19(7): e0307964, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-39074133


Surface freshwater is a vital resource that is declining globally, predominantly due to climate and land use changes. Cambodia is no exception and the loss threatens many species, such as the giant ibis a Critically Endangered waterbird. We aimed to quantify the spatial and temporal (2000-2020) change of surface water availability across northern and eastern Cambodia and to assess the impact of this on the giant ibis. We used a Random Forest Classifier to determine the changes and we tested the impact of land use and geographical covariates using spatially explicit regression models. We found an overall reduction of surface water availability of 4.16%. This was predominantly driven by the presence of Economic Land Concessions and roads which increased the probability of extreme drying and flooding events. The presence of protected areas reduced these probabilities. We found changes in precipitation patterns over the wider landscape did not correlate with changes in surface water availability, supporting the overriding influence of land use change. 98% of giant ibis nests recorded during the time period were found within 25m of surface water during the dry season, highlighting their dependency on surface water. The overall surface water decline resulted in a 25% reduction in dry season suitable habitat for the giant ibis. Although absolute changes in surface water over the whole area were relatively small, the impact on the highest quality habitat for ibis is disproportionate and therefore threatens its populations. Defining the threats to such an endangered species is crucial for effective management.

Florestas , Estações do Ano , Clima Tropical , Camboja , Animais , Ecossistema , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Aves/fisiologia , Água Doce , Mudança Climática
Mol Ecol ; 30(1): 297-309, 2021 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33135269


Morphological traits have served generations of biologists as a taxonomic indicator, and have been the main basis for defining and classifying species diversity for centuries. A quantitative integration of behavioural characters, such as vocalizations, in studies on biotic differentiation has arisen more recently, and the relative importance of these different traits in the diversification process remains poorly understood. To provide a framework within which to interpret the evolutionary interplay between morphological and behavioural traits, we generated a draft genome of a cryptic Southeast Asian songbird, the limestone wren-babbler Napothera crispifrons. We resequenced whole genomes of multiple individuals of all three traditional subspecies and of a distinct leucistic population. We demonstrate strong genomic and mitochondrial divergence among all three taxa, pointing to the existence of three species-level lineages. Despite its great phenotypic distinctness, the leucistic population was characterized by shallow genomic differentiation from its neighbour, with only a few localized regions emerging as highly diverged. Quantitative bioacoustic analysis across multiple traits revealed deep differences especially between the two taxa characterized by limited plumage differentiation. Our study demonstrates that differentiation in these furtive songbirds has resulted in a complex mosaic of colour-based and bioacoustic differences among populations. Extreme colour differences can be anchored in few genomic loci and may therefore arise and subside rapidly.

Aves Canoras , Animais , Evolução Biológica , Cor , Genoma , Humanos , Filogenia , Aves Canoras/genética
Conserv Biol ; 33(3): 697-708, 2019 06.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30615823


We developed a method to estimate population abundance from simultaneous counts of unmarked individuals over multiple sites. We considered that at each sampling occasion, individuals in a population could be detected at 1 of the survey sites or remain undetected and used either multinomial or binomial simultaneous-count models to estimate abundance, the latter being equivalent to an N-mixture model with one site. We tested model performance with simulations over a range of detection probabilities, population sizes, growth rates, number of years, sampling occasions, and sites. We then applied our method to 3 critically endangered vulture species in Cambodia to demonstrate the real-world applicability of the model and to provide the first abundance estimates for these species in Cambodia. Our new approach works best when existing methods are expected to perform poorly (i.e., few sites and large variation in abundance among sites) and if individuals may move among sites between sampling occasions. The approach performed better when there were >8 sampling occasions and net probability of detection was high (>0.5). We believe our approach will be useful in particular for simultaneous surveys at aggregation sites, such as roosts. The method complements existing approaches for estimating abundance of unmarked individuals and is the first method designed specifically for simultaneous counts.

Modelos de Conteo Simultáneo para Estimar la Abundancia a partir de Conteos de Individuos No Marcados con Detección Imperfecta Resumen Desarrollamos un método para estimar la abundancia poblacional a partir de conteos simultáneos de individuos sin marcaje en múltiples sitios. Consideramos que en cada ocasión de muestreo los individuos de una población podrían ser detectados en uno de los sitios de censos o podrían permanecer sin ser detectados y usamos modelos de conteo simultáneo multinomial o binomial para estimar la abundancia, con el binomial como equivalente a un modelo de mezcla N con un solo sitio. Probamos el desempeño del modelo con simulaciones en un rango de probabilidades de detección, tamaños poblacionales, tasas de crecimiento, número de años, ocasiones de muestreo, y sitios. Después aplicamos nuestro método a tres especies de buitre que se encuentran en peligro crítico en Camboya para demostrar cuán aplicable es el modelo en el mundo real y para proporcionar las primeras estimaciones de abundancia para estas especies en Camboya. Nuestra nueva estrategia trabaja de mejor manera cuando se espera que los modelos existentes tengan un desempeño pobre (es decir, pocos sitios y una gran variación en la abundancia entre sitios) y si los individuos podrían moverse de un sitio a otro entre cada ocasión de muestreo. La estrategia tuvo un mejor desempeñó cuando hubo >8 ocasiones de muestreo y la probabilidad neta de detección fue alta (>0.5). Creemos que nuestra estrategia será especialmente útil para censos simultáneos en sitios de agregación, como los nidos. El método complementa las estrategias existentes para estimar la abundancia de individuos sin marcaje y es el primer método diseñado específicamente para conteos simultáneos.

Aves , Conservação dos Recursos Naturais , Animais , Camboja , Modelos Estatísticos , Densidade Demográfica , Probabilidade