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Microorganisms ; 11(8)2023 Aug 02.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-37630553


Phytophthora infestans is, worldwide, one of the main causal agents of epiphytotics in potato plantings. Prevention strategies demand integrated pest management, including modeling of beneficial microbiomes of agroecosystems combining microorganisms and natural products. Chitooligosaccharides and their derivatives have great potential to be used by agrotechnology due to their ability to elicit plant immune reactions. The effect of combining Bacillus subtilis 26D and 11VM and conjugates of chitin with hydroxycinnamates on late blight pathogenesis was evaluated. Mechanisms for increasing the resistance of potato plants to Phytophthora infestans were associated with the activation of the antioxidant system of plants and an increase in the level of gene transcripts that encode PR proteins: basic protective protein (PR-1), thaumatin-like protein (PR-5), protease inhibitor (PR-6), and peroxidase (PR-9). The revealed activation of the expression of marker genes of systemic acquired resistance and induced systemic resistance under the influence of the combined treatment of plants with B. subtilis and conjugates of chitin with hydroxycinnamates indicates that, in this case, the development of protective reactions in potato plants to late blight proceeds synergistically, where B. subtilis primes protective genes, and chitosan composites act as a trigger for their expression.

Front Microbiol ; 11: 569457, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33178153


Viral diseases and their damage causing significant loss to economically important crops have increased by several folds during the last decade. All the conventional approaches are not able to eradicate the viral infection. Therefore, there is a need to look for efficient and eco-friendly viral disease-preventive measures. The genomic material of the majority of deleterious viruses of higher plants is RNA. One of the possible measures to control viruses is the use of ribonucleases (RNases), which can cleave RNA in the viral genome. Based on this, we investigated the RNase activity of endophytic Bacillus spp., which can enrich in 103-105 colony-forming units per gram of wet mass of aboveground part of potato plants. A high level of RNase activity was observed in the culture medium of Bacillus thuringiensis B-6066, Bacillus sp. STL-7, Bacillus sp. TS2, and Bacillus subtilis 26D. B. thuringiensis B-5351 had low RNase activity but high ability to colonize internal plant tissues, Bacillus sp. STL-7 with high RNase activity have relatively low number of cells in internal tissues of plants. B. thuringiensis B-6066, B. subtilis 26D, and Bacillus sp. TS stimulate RNase activity in potato plants for a long time after application. Strains with high ability to colonize internal plant tissues combined with high RNase activity reduced severity of viral diseases symptoms on plants and reduced the incidence of potato viruses M, S, and Y. It is worth noting that Bacillus spp. under investigation reduced the number of Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say. egg clusters and larvae on treated plants and showed antifeedant activity. This results in increase of potato productivity mainly in the fraction of major tubers. B. subtilis 26D and Bacillus sp. TS2 combining endophytic lifestyle, RNase, and antifeedant activity may become the basis for the development of biocontrol agents for plant protection.

Plants (Basel) ; 9(6)2020 Jun 11.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32545338


The effect of endophytic Bacillus subtilis (strains 10-4, 26D) and their compositions withsalicylic acid (SA) on some resistance and quality traits of stored potatoes infected with Fusariumdry rot were studied. The experiments were carried out on hydroponically grown Solanumtuberosum L. tubers that were infected before storage with Fusarium oxysporum and coated with B.subtilis 10-4, 26D with and without exogenous SA, and then stored for six months. It has been shownthat 10-4, 26D, 10-4 + SA, and 26D + SA reduced in different levels (up to 30-50%) the incidence ofF. oxysporum-caused dry rot (with the highest effect for 10-4 + SA). SA notably enhanced the positiveeffect of 10-4, while for 26D, such an effect was not observed. All of the tested treatments increasedamylase (AMY) and AMY inhibitors activity in infected tubers, while decreased Fusarium-inducedprotease activity (except in the case of 10-4 + SA, which promoted a slight increase) was revealed.10-4, 26D, and their compositions with SA decreased (in different degrees) the pathogen-causedlipid peroxidation, proline, and reducing sugars accumulation in potatoes after long-term storage.It was also discovered 10-4 and 26D, regardless of SA presence, decrease pathogen-inducedglycoalkaloids α-Solanine and α-Chaconine accumulation and preserved increased levels of starchand total dry matter in infected stored potatoes. The findings indicate endophytic B. subtilis and itscompositions with SA is a promising eco-friendly and bio-safe approach to cope with postharvestdecays of potato during long-term storage; however, when developing preparations-compositionsit should take into account the strain-dependent manner of B. subtilis action together with SA.

Plants (Basel) ; 9(1)2020 Jan 07.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31936027


Postharvest diseases of potato lead to significant food and economic losses worldwide. The exogenous application of eco-friendly methods plays an important role in the control of postharvest decay. In this work the effects of endophytic bacteria B. subtilis (10-4, 26D) were studied in the context of two application parameters: concentration, with a range between 103-108 CFU/mL tested, and synergistic effects of the signal molecule salicylic acid (SA) (0.05 mM) on potato tubers' resistance to Phytophthora infestans and Fusarium oxysporum during storage. The experiments were carried out on hydroponically grown potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) mini-tubers. This study demonstrates the suppressive effect of B. subtilis (10-4, 26D) on diseases of potato during storage and reveals that this effect happens in a dose-dependent manner, both individually and in combination with SA. The most effective concentrations of B. subtilis for suppression of both Ph. infestans and F. oxysporum are 108 CFU/mL (10-4 and 26D), 107 CFU/mL (10-4 + SA) and 106 CFU/mL (26D + SA). The ability of B. subtilis (10-4, 26D) to effectively penetrate and colonize the internal tubers' tissues when applied immediately prior to storage, and the ability of SA to accelerate these processes, have been proven. B. subtilis (10-4, 26D), individually and in compositions with SA, increased ascorbic acid content and decreased pathogen-induced proline accumulation and lipid peroxidation in tubers. This indicates a protective effect conferred to cells against reactive oxygen and an extension of aging processes, manifested by a prolonged shelf life and extended preservation of fresh appearance.