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Plants (Basel) ; 12(6)2023 Mar 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36986995


Knowledge on reproductive traits of problematic invasive alien plants, such as the woody invasive shrub Pyracantha angustifolia of temperate Chinese origin, can help better manage invasive species. To determine factors contributing to its invasion, we investigated floral visitors and pollen loads, self-compatibility, seed set, seed rain, soil seed banks, and seed longevity in the soil. Generalist insects were recorded visiting flowers and all carried pollen loads of high purity (>70%). Floral visitor exclusion experiments showed that P. angustifolia can set seed (66%) without pollen vectors, although natural pollination resulted in higher fruit set (91%). Fruit count surveys and seed set showed an exponentially increased relationship between seed set and plant size with high natural seed yield (±2 million seeds m-2). Soil core samples revealed a high seed density of 46,400 ± (SE) 8934 m-2 under shrubs, decreasing with distance away from the shrub. Bowl traps stationed under trees and fences confirmed that seeds were efficiently dispersed by animals. Buried seeds survived for less than six months in the soil. Due to high seed production, self-compatibility augmented by generalist pollen vectors, and effective seed dispersal by local frugivores, it is difficult to manage the spread manually. Management of this species should focus on the short life span of seeds.

AoB Plants ; 14(1): plab078, 2022 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35079330


Schinus terebinthifolia is a problematic invasive alien plant (IAP) in South Africa that is a high priority target for biological control. Biological control has been implemented in the states of Florida and Hawaii (USA), where S. terebinthifolia is also an IAP. Phylogeographic work determined that there have been multiple introductions of two lineages (haplotype A and B) into the USA. Haplotype A was introduced to western Florida and Hawaii, while haplotype B was introduced to eastern Florida. Haplotypes A and B have subsequently hybridized in Florida, resulting in novel plant genotypes. Biological control agents in the USA are known to vary in efficacies on the two different haplotypes and hybrids. This study used molecular techniques to uncover the source populations of S. terebinthifolia in South Africa using chloroplast DNA and microsatellites. Populations from the introduced ranges in Florida (east, west and hybrids) and Hawaii were included (n = 95). All South Africa populations (n = 51) were found to be haplotype A. Microsatellite analysis determined shared alleles with western Florida and Hawaiian populations. The likely source of South African S. terebinthifolia was determined to be western Florida through the horticultural trade. These results will help guide a biological control programme to source agents that perform well on these populations in the USA. Furthermore, the presence of only one haplotype in South Africa highlights the need to ensure no further introductions of other haplotypes of the plant are made, in order to avoid similar hybridization events like those recorded in Florida.