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Neurol Sci ; 43(6): 3729-3735, 2022 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35001188


BACKGROUND: Physical activity and exercise are different constructs. However, professionals usually employ heterogeneous definitions for these distinct constructs, resulting in nonspecific and inaccurate assessments, which compromise clinical decision making. PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to verify if the levels of physical activity behave similarly between individuals with stroke and healthy-control individuals with the same levels of exercise. METHODS: Seventy-five stroke survivors and 75 healthy-control individuals matched by levels of exercise, age, and sex were evaluated. The level of exercise was classified as inactive, insufficient, and moderate/vigorous according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention criteria. The level of physical activity was assessed with the Human Activity Profile (HAP) and classified as "inactive," "moderately active," and "active." The physical activity level was compared between groups of subjects (stroke versus healthy-control) and subgroups of the level of exercise ("inactive," "insufficient," and "moderate/vigorous" level of exercise) (α = 5%). RESULTS: Stroke survivors had a significantly lower level of physical activity (HAP: 51 ± 22 and 71 ± 19 points, respectively). Only for individuals with stroke, a statistically significant difference was found in the levels of physical activity between subgroups of level of exercise, specifically between "inactive" and "moderate/vigorous" subgroups (HAP:47 ± 22 and 70 ± 8 points, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Physical activity behaved differently between individuals with stroke and healthy-control individuals with the same levels of exercise. Individuals with stroke had worse physical activity levels than matched controls. Furthermore, different from individuals with stroke, in healthy-control individuals with different levels of exercise, the level of physical activity was similar.

Exercício Físico , Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Nível de Saúde , Humanos , Comportamento Sedentário , Sobreviventes
Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 29(1): 22-28, jan.-mar. 2022. tab, graf
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375474


RESUMO Indivíduos acometidos pelo acidente vascular encefálico (AVE) se beneficiam de diferentes estratégias terapêuticas que apresentam comprovação da eficácia por meio da condução de ensaios clínicos aleatorizados (ECA) bem delineados. Compreender as etapas do estudo pode auxiliar os pesquisadores na realização de futuros ensaios clínicos. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o processo de recrutamento, retenção, presença e adesão na condução de um ECA realizado com indivíduos pós-AVE na fase crônica na cidade de Belo Horizonte (MG), Brasil, com o propósito de investigar a eficácia do treino específico da tarefa para membros superiores e inferiores na melhora do nível de atividade física e mobilidade. Nos resultados, foi observado que dos 674 potenciais participantes, não foi possível contatar 240; 384 não foram avaliados por não atenderem aos critérios de elegibilidade. Participaram da avaliação presencial 50 indivíduos e 14 não fizeram parte do estudo pelo mesmo motivo. Apenas 36 indivíduos iniciaram as intervenções (taxa de recrutamento de 5,3%). Uma taxa de retenção de 80,6% foi observada. Sete indivíduos abandonaram o estudo, principalmente por desinteresse pelas atividades. A taxa de presença foi de 80,9%, e o principal motivo para ausência nas sessões foi incompatibilidade de horário com as consultas médicas. A taxa de adesão foi de 82,7%, com 180 interrupções durante as sessões, sendo sair mais cedo o motivo mais comum. Esses resultados indicam algumas dificuldades no processo de condução do ECA com indivíduos na fase crônica do AVE envolvendo treino específico da tarefa. Apesar dessas dificuldades, a intervenção proposta pode ser considerada viável.

RESUMEN Las personas afectadas por accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) tienen a su disposición diferentes estrategias terapéuticas que muestran evidencia de eficacia a través de la realización de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados (ECA) bien diseñados. Conocer las etapas del estudio puede ayudar a los investigadores a realizar futuros ensayos clínicos. Así, el objetivo de este estudio fue describir el proceso de selección, retención, asistencia y adherencia de un ECA realizado con individuos post-ACV en fase crónica en la ciudad de Belo Horizonte (Brasil), para investigar la efectividad del entrenamiento específico de tareas para las extremidades superiores e inferiores en la mejora del nivel de actividad física y la movilidad. En los resultados se observó que, de los 674 potenciales participantes, no fue posible contactar a 240; y 384 no fueron evaluados por no cumplir con los criterios de elegibilidad. Cincuenta personas participaron en la evaluación presencial y 14 no formaron parte del estudio por la misma razón. Solo 36 personas empezaron las intervenciones (tasa de selección del 5,3%). Se observó una tasa de retención del 80,6%. Siete personas abandonaron el estudio, principalmente por falta de interés en las actividades. La tasa de asistencia fue del 80,9%, y el principal motivo de ausencia a las sesiones fue la incompatibilidad de horario con las citas médicas. La tasa de adherencia fue del 82,7%, con 180 interrupciones durante las sesiones, y la salida anticipada fue la razón más frecuente. Los resultados apuntan algunas dificultades en el proceso de realización del ECA con individuos en fase crónica del ACV con relación al entrenamiento específico de tarea. A pesar de esto, la intervención propuesta puede considerarse viable.

ABSTRACT Individuals who suffered stroke benefit from different therapeutic strategies whose efficacy has been proved by well-designed randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Understanding study steps may assist researchers in conducting future RCTs. Thus, the objective of this study was to describe the process of recruitment, retention, attendance, and adherence in conducting RCTs with individuals in the chronic phase of stroke in the municipality of Belo Horizonte/MG/Brazil, with the purpose of investigating the efficacy of specific task training for both lower and upper limbs in improving patients' physical activity and mobility. Results showed that, of the 674 potential participants, it was impossible to contact 240 individuals and 384 were excluded from our sample for failing to meet eligibility criteria. In total, 50 individuals participated in clinical evaluations and 14 were excluded from the study for the same reason. Overall, 36 individuals started the interventions, a 5.3% recruitment rate. An 80.6% retention rate was observed. In total, seven individuals left the study, mainly due to lack of interest in the activities. We found an 80.9% attendance rate, and the main reason for missing medical appointments was incompatibility with treatment schedule. We also observed an 82.7% adherence rate. Of these, 180 interrupted sessions were mainly due to patients leaving early. These results indicate some difficulties found in conducting RCTs with individuals in the chronic phase of stroke, especially regarding specific task training. Despite these difficulties, the proposed intervention can be considered feasible.

Fisioter. Mov. (Online) ; 35: e35102, 2022. tab
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364853


Abstract Introduction: According to studies from developed countries, post-stroke individuals commonly have a low level of physical activity. Considering the benefits of maintaining a good level of physical activity in these subjects, it is important to provide specific and complete information, based on the assessment of all dimensions of physical activity, which supports interventions. Objective: To compare the physical activity levels between individuals with stroke and matched healthy individuals that use the public health system in Brazil considering the different dimensions of physical activity. Methods: Individuals with stroke (n = 11) and matched healthy individuals (n = 11) were assessed. Physical activity levels, considering all dimensions -duration (> 3 MET), frequency (number of steps) and intensity (mean total energy expenditure per day) - were assessed using SenseWear® monitor for seven days. Descriptive statistics and between-groups comparisons were performed (α = 0.05). Results: The physical activity levels were significantly lower in individuals with stroke when compared to matched healthy individuals, considering all dimensions. The between-group differences in activity duration, frequency, and intensity were 74 minutes/day, 5,274 steps/day, and 2,134kJ/day, respectively. Conclusion: Individuals with stroke users of the Brazilian public health system have lower physical activity levels in different dimensions of physical activity than matched healthy individuals. The assessment of the physical activity level of post-stroke individuals is important for decision making in public health programs.

Resumo Introdução: De acordo com os estudos realizados em países desenvolvidos, indivíduos pós-acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) comumente apresentam baixo nível de atividade física. Considerando os benefícios desses indivíduos manterem um bom nível de atividade física, é importante fornecer informações específicas e completas a partir da avaliação de todas as dimensões da atividade física que guiem as intervenções. Objetivo: Comparar o nível de atividade física de indivíduos pós-AVC e saudáveis pareados, usuários do sistema público de saúde brasileiro, considerando as diferentes dimensões da atividade física. Métodos: Foram avaliados indivíduos pós-AVC (n = 11) e seus pares saudáveis (n = 11). O nível de atividade física, considerando as diferentes dimensões - duração (> 3 equivalentes metabólicos), frequência (número de passos) e intensidade (média do gasto energético total por dia) -, foi avaliado com o monitor SenseWear® por sete dias. Foram utilizadas estatísticas descritivas e comparações entre os grupos (α = 0,05). Resultados: O nível de atividade física foi significativamente menor nos indivíduos pós-AVC comparados aos seus pares saudáveis, considerando todas as dimensões. A diferença entre os grupos na duração, frequência e intensidade da atividade foi de 74 minutos/dia, 5274 passos/dia e 2134 kJ/dia, respectivamente. Conclusão: Indivíduos pós-AVC usuários do sistema público de saúde brasileiro têm menor nível de atividade física nas diferentes dimensões da atividade quando comparados aos seus pares saudáveis. A avaliação do nível de atividade física em indivíduos pós-AVC é importante para a tomada de decisões em programas de saúde pública.

Humanos , Prestação Integrada de Cuidados de Saúde , Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Terapia por Exercício , Exercício Físico
Fisioter. Pesqui. (Online) ; 28(3): 261-266, 2021. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350781


RESUMO Indivíduos acometidos pelo acidente vascular cerebral (AVC) tendem a manter um padrão sedentário de vida com nível de atividade física insuficiente, gerando limitações funcionais, restrição na participação e dificuldade de envolvimento em programas de exercícios. Compreender a preferência de exercícios desta população é importante para o entendimento dos fatores contextuais e a adequação de programas voltados à promoção de saúde e funcionalidade. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com amostra de conveniência, cujos objetivos foram identificar a preferência de exercícios de indivíduos na fase crônica do AVC usuários do Sistema Único de Saúde em Belo Horizonte, (MG), Brasil, e investigar a associação com o grau de comprometimento motor, velocidade de marcha, nível de atividade física e qualidade de vida. A preferência de exercícios foi avaliada pelo Questionário de Preferência de Exercícios(AVC)-Brasil. Foram entrevistados 24 indivíduos (59±15 anos) que reportaram preferência por exercícios realizados em ambientes controlados e ofertados em grupo. Os exercícios favoritos foram a caminhada e o treino de força muscular. Não houve correlação entre a preferência de exercícios e as variáveis investigadas. Identificar a preferência de exercícios desta população pode contribuir para uma melhor assistência à saúde fornecida pelos serviços públicos, além de aumentar a adesão desses indivíduos aos programas de promoção à saúde e funcionalidade.

RESUMEN Los individuos afectados por accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) tienden a mantener un patrón de vida sedentario con niveles insuficientes de actividad física, lo que resulta en limitaciones funcionales, participación restringida y dificultad para realizar programas de ejercicio físico. Conocer la preferencia del tipo de ejercicios en esta población es importante para entender los factores contextuales y la adecuación de los programas destinados a promover la salud y la funcionalidad de estas personas. Este es un estudio transversal, con una muestra de conveniencia, y sus objetivos fueron: identificar la preferencia de tipo de ejercicio de los individuos en fase crónica de ACV usuarios del Sistema Único de Salud en Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais, Brasil) e investigar la asociación con el grado de deterioro motor, velocidad de marcha, nivel de actividad física y calidad de vida. La preferencia del tipo de ejercicio fue evaluada por el Cuestionario de Preferencia de Ejercicios (ACV)-Brasil. Se evaluaron a 24 individuos (59±15 años) quienes informaron preferir ejercicios realizados en ambientes controlados y en grupo. Los ejercicios favoritos fueron caminata y entrenamiento de fuerza muscular. No se encontró correlación entre la preferencia de ejercicios y las variables investigadas. El conocimiento de la preferencia de ejercicio de esta población puede ayudar a una mejor asistencia sanitaria de los servicios públicos, además de incrementar la adherencia de estas personas a los programas de promoción de la salud y la funcionalidad.

ABSTRACT Individuals affected by stroke tend to maintain a sedentary lifestyle with insufficient level of physical activity, generating functional limitations, restricted participation, and difficulty in engaging in exercise programs. Understanding the exercise preference of this population is important to understand contextual factors and the adequacy of programs aimed at promoting health and functionality. This is a cross-sectional study with a convenience sample, whose objectives were: to identify the exercise preference of individuals in the chronic phase of stroke users of the Brazilian Unified Health System in Belo Horizonte/MG/Brazil and to investigate the association with degree of motor impairment, gait speed, level of physical activity, and quality of life. Exercise preference was assessed using the e Exercise Preference Questionnaire(stroke)-Brazil. In total, 24 individuals (59±15 years old) who reported a preference for exercises performed in controlled environments and offered in groups were evaluated. Favorite exercises were walking and muscle strength training. There was no correlation between exercise preference and the investigated variables. Identifying the exercise preference of this population can contribute to better health care provided by public services, in addition to increasing these individuals' adherence to health and functionality promotion programs.

NeuroRehabilitation ; 47(4): 451-462, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33136078


BACKGROUND: Impaired mobility is related to low physical activity (PA) levels observed after stroke. Therapeutic approaches, such as task-specific circuit training (TSCT), used to improve mobility in individuals with stroke, could also improve PA levels. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the efficacy of TSCT, focused on both upper (UL) and lower (LL) limbs, in improving PA levels and mobility (primary outcomes), as well as muscle strength, exercise capacity, and quality of life (secondary outcomes) in subjects with stroke. METHODS: A randomized controlled trial with 36 subjects with chronic stroke was conducted. Experimental group: TSCT, involving both UL and LL. CONTROL GROUP: global stretching, memory exercises, and education sessions. Both groups received 60 minute sessions/week over 12 weeks. Outcomes were measured at baseline, post-intervention and 16 week follow-up. RESULTS: No changes were found for primary and secondary outcomes (0.11≤p≤0.99), except for quality of life, which improved in the experimental group post-intervention and 16 week follow-up (p = 0.02). CONCLUSION: TSCT focused on both UL and LL was not effective on PA levels and mobility of individuals with chronic stroke, however, improvements in quality of life were observed. Since this is the first study to investigate this combined training aimed at improving PA levels, future studies are necessary to better understand the impact of this type of intervention.

Exercícios em Circuitos/métodos , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Limitação da Mobilidade , Desempenho Psicomotor/fisiologia , Reabilitação do Acidente Vascular Cerebral/métodos , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/fisiopatologia , Adulto , Idoso , Terapia por Exercício/métodos , Feminino , Seguimentos , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Força Muscular/fisiologia , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/diagnóstico , Resultado do Tratamento
NeuroRehabilitation ; 46(3): 391-401, 2020.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32250336


BACKGROUND: Individuals with stroke have low physical activity levels and spend high amount of time in low-energy expenditure activities. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effects of aerobic treadmill training on physical activity levels and time spent in low-energy expenditure activities (primary outcomes), as well as on cardiorespiratory fitness, endurance, depression, mobility, quality of life and participation (secondary outcomes) after stroke. METHODS: A randomized controlled trial, with 22 adults with chronic stroke was performed. Experimental group: aerobic treadmill training at 60-80% of heart rate reserve. CONTROL GROUP: outdoor-overground walking below 40% of heart rate reserve. Both groups: three 40 min sessions/week over 12 weeks. Outcomes were measured at baseline, post-training, and 16-week follow-up. RESULTS: No changes in the primary outcomes were found for any of the groups. The experimental group showed greater improvements in quality of life at 16-week follow-up (13 points;95% CI:3.5-23). Both groups improved depression (2.2 points;95% CI:0.01-4.3), endurance (Six-minute walk test:31 m;95% CI:5.6-57, Incremental shuttle-walk test:55 m;95% CI:3.8-107), and mobility (0.12 m/s;95% CI:0.02-0.2). CONCLUSION: Aerobic treadmill training improved quality of life. Aerobic treadmill training or outdoor-overground walking improved depression, endurance and mobility. Further studies are needed to clarify the effects of aerobic training on physical activity levels and time spent in low-energy expenditure activities after stroke.

Terapia por Exercício , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Reabilitação do Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/fisiopatologia , Adulto , Depressão , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Qualidade de Vida
Disabil Rehabil ; 42(7): 902-917, 2020 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30451539


Purpose: To identify interventions employed to increase post-stroke physical activity, evaluate their efficacy, and identify the gaps in literature.Materials and methods: Randomized controlled trials published until March 2018 were searched in MEDLINE, PEDro, EMBASE, LILACS, and SCIELO databases. The quality of each study and overall quality of evidence were assessed using the PEDro and the GRADE scales.Results: Eighteen studies were included (good PEDro and very low GRADE-scores). In seven, the experimental groups showed significant increases in physical activity (aerobics, resistance, and home-based training; counseling, aerobics, resistance, and home-based training; electrical stimulation during walking; functional-task training; robot-assisted arm therapy; accelerometer-based feedback, and physical activity encouragement). In seven, there were no significant between-group differences (physical activity plan; stretching, use of toe-spreaders, standard treatment; counseling; circuit video-game; functional-task; counseling and cognitive training). The combined experimental and control groups showed significant declines in physical activity in one study (aerobic training or stretching) and increases in three others (aerobic, resistance or sham resistance training; stroke-with advice or only stroke-counseling; aerobic training, educational sessions, standard treatment, and coaching, or mobilization and standard treatment). A meta-analysis could not be performed, due to heterogeneity.Conclusions: Some interventions improved physical activity after stroke. However, the interpretability is limited.Implications for rehabilitationIndividuals with stroke show low physical activity, which may compromise function and health.The use of interventions aimed at improving and maintaining physical activity of individuals with stroke are recommended.Some interventions, such as aerobic, resistance, and combined home-based training, electrical stimulation during walking, functional task training, and arm robot-assisted therapy, could improve the physical activity after stroke.

Reabilitação do Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Exercício Físico , Terapia por Exercício , Humanos , Caminhada
Braz J Phys Ther ; 23(6): 476-490, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30872006


BACKGROUND: Individuals with stroke demonstrate low levels of physical activity. Self-report measures of physical activity are frequently used and the choice of the best one to use for each purpose and context should take into account the measurement properties of these instruments. OBJECTIVE: To summarize the measurement properties and clinical utility of self-report measures of physical activity of post-stroke subjects and to evaluate both the methodological quality of the studies and the quality of the measurement properties. METHODS: Searches were made in MEDLINE, EMBASE, PEDro, LILACS, and SCIELO. Two reviewers independently screened studies that investigated measurement properties or clinical utility of self-report measures of physical activity in post-stroke subjects. The studies' methodological quality, quality of the measurement properties, and clinical utility were evaluated. RESULTS: From the 11,826 identified studies, 19 were included. Six self-report tools were evaluated: The Activity card sort, Coded activity diary, Frenchay activities index (FAI), Human activity profile (HAP), Multimedia activity recall for children and adults, and the Nottingham leisure questionnaire. The methodological quality of the studies ranged from "poor" to "good". Most of the results regarding the quality of the measurement properties were doubtful. None of the self-report tools had their content validity investigated. The FAI and HAP showed the highest clinical utility scores. CONCLUSIONS: Content validity needs to be better investigated to determine if the instruments actually measure the physical activity domain. Further studies with good methodological quality are required to assist clinicians and researchers in selecting the best instrument to measure physical activity levels.

Acidente Vascular Cerebral/fisiopatologia , Adulto , Criança , Exercício Físico/fisiologia , Humanos , Autorrelato , Inquéritos e Questionários
Braz J Phys Ther ; 23(3): 221-227, 2019.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30143356


OBJECTIVES: This study had three aims: (1) to evaluate the relationships between the paretic knee extensor muscle strength and global lower-limb strength in individuals who had suffered a sub-acute/chronic stroke, (2) to determine whether global lower-limb strength, sex, body mass index, or age could predict knee extensor muscle strength, and 3) to investigate whether the results obtained via a Modified Sphygmomanometer Test (MST) would be similar to those obtained using a hand-held dynamometer. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study, performed at a research laboratory, at participants' homes, or at outpatient clinics. Forty-two individuals with a sub-acute stroke and 45 individuals with a chronic stroke participated. Maximum isometric strength of the paretic lower-limb muscles (i.e. hip, knee, and ankle flexors/extensors, hip abductors) was measured using the MST and a hand-held dynamometer. RESULTS: Significant and high correlation coefficients were found between knee extensor muscle strength and global lower-limb strength as measured by the combined strength values of 6 lower limb muscle groups in individuals with sub-acute (0.81≤r≤0.88; p<0.05) and chronic (0.82≤r≤0.85; p<0.05) stroke. Step-wise multiple regression analysis revealed that only global lower-limb strength was retained in the model and accounted for 66-78% and 67-72% (p<0.001) of the variance in knee extensor muscle strength at the sub-acute and chronic phases post-stroke, respectively. The results obtained via the MST were similar to those obtained using the hand-held dynamometer. CONCLUSION: Paretic knee extensor muscles strength, assessed using a MST or a hand-held dynamometer, indicates global lower-limb strength in individuals with a sub-acute or chronic stroke.

Articulação do Tornozelo/fisiopatologia , Joelho/fisiopatologia , Extremidade Inferior/fisiopatologia , Amplitude de Movimento Articular/fisiologia , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/fisiopatologia , Estudos Transversais , Humanos , Força Muscular/fisiologia
PM R ; 11(4): 372-378, 2019 04.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30138719


BACKGROUND: The mean of 3 trials is commonly employed to report measures of muscle strength after a stroke. However, consistent and reliable results have been found for single trial dynamometric measures of grip, pinch, and trunk strength in individuals with stroke. Nevertheless, no studies were found that investigated whether only a single trial could be used for the assessment of the strength of both the upper and lower limb muscles. OBJECTIVE: To determine the best scoring method (one vs the means of 2 or 3 trials) to measure the strength of the upper and lower limb muscles in individuals with sub-acute and chronic stroke. DESIGN: Cross-sectional observational study. SETTING: Research laboratory, participants' homes, and community-based settings. PARTICIPANTS: Fifty-five individuals at the sub-acute (mean age: 61 ± 13 years; 3.7 ± 0.7 months poststroke) and 59 at the chronic poststroke phases (mean age: 57 ± 130 years; 90 ± 71 months poststroke). MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: Bilateral maximum isometric strength measures of the shoulder, elbow, and wrist flexors/extensors; shoulder abductors; hip, knee, and ankle flexors/extensors; and hip abductors were obtained with a hand-held dynamometer. METHODS: After familiarization, 3 trials of maximal isometric strength were obtained for all evaluated muscle groups. One-way analysis of variance was used to compare the results obtained with the first vs the means of 2 and 3 trials for all the assessed muscle groups. RESULTS: The values provided by the different scoring methods were similar for all evaluated muscle groups in individuals with sub-acute (.68 ≤ P ≤ .99) and chronic (.69 ≤ P ≤ .99) stroke. CONCLUSIONS: A single trial, after familiarization, may be used for measuring the strength of the upper and lower limb muscles with hand-held dynamometers in individuals with sub-acute and chronic stroke. This increases the clinical applicability of hand-held dynamometers for strength measurement, as it reduces the assessment burden placed on the participants and therapists. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: III.

Dinamômetro de Força Muscular , Força Muscular/fisiologia , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/fisiopatologia , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Estudos Transversais , Feminino , Humanos , Contração Isométrica/fisiologia , Extremidade Inferior/fisiopatologia , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Extremidade Superior/fisiopatologia
Trials ; 19(1): 446, 2018 Aug 17.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30119697


BACKGROUND: Post-stroke physical inactivity is explained by several factors related to the stroke, which have been suggested as the causes and consequences of functional declines and health problems. Therefore, it is important to increase physical activity levels and reduce the time spent in low-energy expenditure activities after a stroke. Since the maintenance of cardiorespiratory fitness is a significant predictor of physical activity levels post-stroke, it may be important to investigate whether aerobic training is effective in increasing physical activity levels and reducing the time spent in low-energy expenditure activities in this population. The efficacy of aerobic training on these variables is not well known. The primary objective of this trial will be to investigate the effects of aerobic treadmill training on physical activity levels and on time spent in low-energy expenditure activities in people with stroke. The secondary aim will be to evaluate the effects of the training on cardiorespiratory fitness, endurance, depression, mobility, quality of life, and participation. METHODS/DESIGN: A randomized controlled trial, with blinded assessments, will be performed in a community-based setting. Altogether, 22 adults with a diagnosis of stroke (>6 months) who are sedentary or insufficiently active will be included. Participants will be randomly assigned to either: (1) aerobic treadmill training (experimental group, at 60-80% of their heart rate reserve) or (2) walking outside (control group, below 40% of heart rate reserve). Both groups will attend 40-min training sessions, three times per week over 12 weeks, in groups of two to four participants, with a trained physiotherapist. Primary outcomes are physical activity levels and time spent in low-energy expenditure activities (Multi-sensor SenseWear Mini® and Human Activity Profile). Secondary outcomes are cardiorespiratory fitness (peak oxygen uptake VO2peak and ventilatory threshold), endurance, depression, mobility, quality of life, and participation. The effects of the training will be analyzed from the collected data using intention to treat. Between-group differences will be measured by two-way repeated measures ANOVA, considering the baseline, post-training, and 4-week follow-up. DISCUSSION: The results of this trial will likely provide valuable new information on the effects of aerobic treadmill training on physical activity levels and on time spent in low-energy expenditure activities of individuals with stroke, through changes in cardiorespiratory fitness. TRIAL REGISTRATION:, NCT02798237 . Registered on 13 June 2016.

Terapia por Exercício/métodos , Exercício Físico , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/terapia , Caminhada , Brasil , Aptidão Cardiorrespiratória , Protocolos Clínicos , Avaliação da Deficiência , Metabolismo Energético , Tolerância ao Exercício , Nível de Saúde , Humanos , Limitação da Mobilidade , Qualidade de Vida , Recuperação de Função Fisiológica , Projetos de Pesquisa , Comportamento Sedentário , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/diagnóstico , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/fisiopatologia , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/psicologia , Fatores de Tempo , Resultado do Tratamento
Acta fisiátrica ; 24(2): 56-61, jun. 2017. tab
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-906673


Indivíduos acometidos pelo Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) comumente apresentam um baixo nível de atividade física (AF), o que é fator de risco para recorrência do AVC, surgimento de outras doenças cardiovasculares e aumento das incapacidades. A manutenção de um bom nível de AF associa-se a uma melhora funcional e da saúde desses indivíduos. Objetivo: Comparar o nível de AF de indivíduos saudáveis e indivíduos pós-AVC usuários da atenção primária do SUS. Método: Todos os indivíduos pós-AVC (G1; n=37) usuários de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) da cidade de Belo Horizonte, MG com condições clínicas para responder a um questionário, e indivíduos saudáveis pareados (G2; n=37), também usuários da UBS, foram avaliados quanto ao nível de AF pelo questionário Perfil de Atividade Humana (PAH). Estatísticas descritivas, teste-t de student, teste qui-quadrado e teste de Mann-Whitney foram utilizados para as análises (α=0,05). Resultados: Os grupos foram semelhantes quanto à idade, sexo e nível de exercício físico (p>0,05). Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos para todas as variáveis do PAH (0,001≤p≤0,011). Conclusão: Indivíduos pós-AVC apresentaram piores pontuações ou classificações quando comparados a indivíduos saudáveis pareados para todos os desfechos do PAH relacionados ao nível de atividade física

Subjects with stroke have a low physical activity level which may lead to recurrence of stroke events, occurrence of other cardiovascular diseases and increase of disabilities. The maintenance of an adequate physical activity level is associated with improvements on functionality and health of these subjects. Objective: To compare the physical activity levels of subjects with stroke and matched healthy subjects from a Primary Health Care unit. Method: Subjects with stroke (G1; n = 37) from a Primary Health Care unit, with clinical conditions to answer a questionnaire, and healthy matched subjects (G2; n = 37), from the same unit, were assessed for physical activity level by the Human Activity Profile (HAP) questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, t-test student, chi-square test and Mann-Whitney test were used for analysis (α = 0.05). Results: The groups were similar in age, sex and exercise level (p>0.05). There was a significant difference between groups on HAP (0.001≤p≤0.011). Conclusion: Individuals with stroke are worse classified and have worse scores on physical activities levels of the HAP, when compared to matched healthy individuals

Humanos , Sistema Único de Saúde , Modalidades de Fisioterapia , Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Voluntários Saudáveis , Atividades Humanas , Atividade Motora
Phys Ther ; 97(6): 640-648, 2017 Jun 01.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28371936


BACKGROUND: The majority of people after stroke demonstrate mobility limitations, which may reduce their physical activity levels. Task-specific training has been shown to be an effective intervention to improve mobility in individuals with stroke, however, little is known about the impact of this intervention on levels of physical activity. OBJECTIVES: The main objective is to investigate the efficacy of task-specific training, focused on both upper and lower limbs, in improving physical activity levels and mobility in individuals with stroke. The secondary objective is to investigate the effects of the training on muscle strength, exercise capacity, and quality of life. DESIGN: This is a randomized controlled trial. SETTING: The setting is public health centers. PARTICIPANTS: Community-dwelling people with chronic stroke. INTERVENTIONS: Participants will be randomized to either an experimental or control group, who will receive group interventions 3 times per week over 12 weeks. The experimental group will undertake task-specific training, while the control group will undertake global stretching, memory exercises, and health education sessions. MEASUREMENTS: Primary outcomes include measures of physical activity levels and mobility, whereas secondary outcomes are muscle strength, exercise capacity, and quality of life. The outcomes will be measured at baseline, postintervention, and at the 4- and 12-week follow-ups. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this trial have the potential to provide important insights regarding the effects of task-specific training, focused on both upper and lower limbs, in preventing secondary poststroke complications and improving the participants' general health through changes in physical activity levels.

Exercício Físico , Projetos de Pesquisa , Reabilitação do Acidente Vascular Cerebral/métodos , Atividades Cotidianas , Brasil , Feminino , Humanos , Extremidade Inferior/fisiopatologia , Masculino , Limitação da Mobilidade , Força Muscular/fisiologia , Qualidade de Vida , Resultado do Tratamento , Extremidade Superior/fisiopatologia
BMJ Open ; 7(2): e012655, 2017 02 13.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28193848


INTRODUCTION: Self-report physical activity assessment tools are commonly used for the evaluation of physical activity levels in individuals with stroke. A great variety of these tools have been developed and widely used in recent years, which justify the need to examine their measurement properties and clinical utility. Therefore, the main objectives of this systematic review are to examine the measurement properties and clinical utility of self-report measures of physical activity and discuss the strengths and limitations of the identified tools. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: A systematic review of studies that investigated the measurement properties and/or clinical utility of self-report physical activity assessment tools in stroke will be conducted. Electronic searches will be performed in five databases: Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE) (PubMed), Excerpta Medica Database (EMBASE), Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO), followed by hand searches of the reference lists of the included studies. Two independent reviewers will screen all retrieve titles, abstracts, and full texts, according to the inclusion criteria and will also extract the data. A third reviewer will be referred to solve any disagreement. A descriptive summary of the included studies will contain the design, participants, as well as the characteristics, measurement properties, and clinical utility of the self-report tools. The methodological quality of the studies will be evaluated using the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) checklist and the clinical utility of the identified tools will be assessed considering predefined criteria. This systematic review will follow the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. DISCUSSION: This systematic review will provide an extensive review of the measurement properties and clinical utility of self-report physical activity assessment tools used in individuals with stroke, which would benefit clinicians and researchers. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: PROSPERO CRD42016037146.

Exercício Físico , Autorrelato , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/fisiopatologia , Bases de Dados Bibliográficas , Humanos , Projetos de Pesquisa , Revisões Sistemáticas como Assunto
BMJ Open ; 7(1): e012479, 2017 01 05.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-28057651


INTRODUCTION: Stroke is a leading health problem worldwide and an important cause of disability. Stroke survivors show low levels of physical activity, and increases in physical activity levels may improve function and health status. Therefore, the aims are to identify which interventions that have been employed to increase physical activity levels with stroke survivors, to verify their efficacy and to identify the gaps in the literature. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials that investigated the efficacy of interventions aiming at increasing physical activity levels of stroke survivors will be conducted. Electronic searches will be performed in the MEDLINE, Physiotherapy Evidence Database (PEDro), Excerpta Medica (EMBASE), Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS) and Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO) databases. Hand searches of the reference lists of the included studies or relevant reviews will also be employed. Two independent reviewers will screen all the retrieved titles, abstracts and full texts. A third reviewer will be referred to solve any disagreements. The quality of the included studies will be assessed by the PEDro Rating Scale. This systematic review will also include a qualitative synthesis. Meta-analyses will be performed, if the studies are sufficiently homogeneous. This review will follow the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) statement. The quality of the evidence regarding physical activity will be assessed, according to the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE). DISCUSSION: This systematic review will provide information on which interventions are effective for increasing physical activity levels of stroke survivors. This evidence may be important for clinical decision-making and will allow the identification of gaps in the literature that may be useful for the definition of future research goals and the planning of new trials. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: CRD42016037750.

Exercício Físico , Promoção da Saúde/métodos , Projetos de Pesquisa , Reabilitação do Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Humanos , Metanálise como Assunto , Revisões Sistemáticas como Assunto
Fisioter. mov ; 29(1): 193-208, Jan.-Mar. 2016. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-779102


Abstract Introduction: Weakness of the lower limb muscles, which are the main impairments after stroke, is associated with reduced mobility and decreased performance in functional tasks. Therefore, the assessment of strength of these muscles is necessary, which is commonly assessed with portable dynamometry. Aims: To perform a literature review regarding the methods used to assess lower limb strength with portable dynamometry in subjects with stroke and to describe its investigated measurement properties with this population. Materials and Methods: An extensive search was performed on the MEDLINE, SCIELO, LILACS, and PEDro databases, by combining specific key words, followed by active manual search by two independent researchers. Results and Discussion: Thirty studies were included, and the muscular groups of the knee (90%) were the most assessed, followed by the ankle (66.7%) and hip (63.3%) joints. In 5% of the studies, there were not reported any descriptions related to the positioning of the subjects and the equipment, neither regarding the stabilization procedures. Only 50% provided information regarding the number of trials and only 46.7% regarding the contraction times, being three trials and 5s the most commonly applied. Only 10% provided feedback and 23.3% demonstrations, prior to data collection. Only seven studies (23.3%) investigated the measurement properties of portable dynamometry and reported moderate to high reliability levels. Final Considerations: The protocols used for the assessment of the strength of the lower limb muscles with portable dynamometry in subjects with stroke were not standardized. Moreover, only one measurement property was investigated: the reliability, which was considered adequate.

Resumo Introdução: A fraqueza muscular de membros inferiores (MMII) é uma das principais deficiências do Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE), associada à redução da mobilidade e da execução de tarefas funcionais. Portanto, é necessária a avaliação da força muscular desses segmentos, o que é comumente realizado com a dinamometria portátil. Objetivos: Verificar os protocolos utilizados para a avaliação da força muscular de MMII com o dinamômetro portátil em indivíduos pós-AVE e as propriedades de medida investigadas. Métodos: Foram realizadas buscas nas bases de dados MEDLINE/SCIELO/LILACS/PEDro com combinação de termos específicos, seguida de busca manual ativa. Dois examinadores independentes analisaram os estudos e extraíram as informações. Resultados: Foram incluídos 30 estudos, sendo os grupos musculares do joelho os mais comumente avaliados (90%), seguido do tornozelo (66,7%) e quadril (63,3%). Em 5% dos estudos, não houve qualquer descrição do posicionamento dos indivíduos, do equipamento e nem da estabilização adotada. Apenas 50% relatou o número de repetições e apenas 46,7% o tempo da contração muscular, sendo três repetições e cinco segundos de contração os mais utilizados. Poucos relataram uso de feedback imediato e verbal (10%) e demonstração (23,3%) antes da coleta dos dados. Apenas sete estudos (23,3%) investigaram as propriedades de medida do dinamômetro portátil, sendo investigada a confiabilidade com resultados significativos, de moderada a elevada magnitude. Considerações finais: Não houve uma padronização clara dos protocolos utilizados na avaliação da força muscular de MMII com o dinamômetro portátil em indivíduos pós-AVE e apenas uma propriedade de medida foi investigada: a confiabilidade, com resultados adequados.

J Rehabil Med ; 47(8): 697-705, 2015 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-26035840


OBJECTIVE: To investigate the reliability (test-retest and inter-rater) and criterion-related validity of the modified sphygmomanometer test (MST) for the assessment of upper limb muscle strength in subjects with chronic stroke, and to determine whether the results are affected by the number of trials. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The strength of 11 upper limb muscle groups of 57 subjects with stroke was bilaterally assessed with portable dynamometers and the MST (measured in mmHg). To investigate whether the number of trials would affect the results, 1-way analysis of variance was applied. For the test-retest/inter-rater reliabilities and criterion-related validity of the MST, intra-class correlation coefficients (ICCs), Pearson's correlation coefficients, and coefficients of determination were calculated. RESULTS: Different numbers of trials provided similar values for all assessed muscles (0.01 ≤ F ≤ 0.18; 0.83 ≤ p ≤ 0.99) with adequate test-retest (0.83 ≤ ICC ≤ 0.97; p < 0.0001) and inter-rater reliabilities (0.79 ≤ ICC ≤ 0.97; p < 0.0001) and validity (0.61 ≤ r ≤ 0.95; p < 0.0001). The values obtained with the MST were good predictors of those obtained with portable dynamometers (0.60 ≤ r2 ≤ 0.86), except for pinch strength (0.39 ≤ r2 ≤ 0.54). CONCLUSION: The MST showed adequate measurement properties for the assessment of the strength of the upper limb muscles of subjects with chronic stroke. After familiarization a single trial provided adequate strength values.

Esfigmomanômetros/estatística & dados numéricos , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/complicações , Extremidade Superior/fisiologia , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Reabilitação do Acidente Vascular Cerebral , Extremidade Superior/patologia
Fisioter. mov ; 28(1): 169-186, jan-mar/2015. tab, graf
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS | ID: lil-742853


Introduction Clinical measurements of strength in stroke subjects are usually performed and portable dynamometers are one of the most employed instruments. Objective To verify the standardization procedures of the methods used to assess the strength of the trunk and upper limb muscles with portable dynamometers in stroke subjects, as well as to assess the psychometric properties which were already investigated. Materials and methods An extensive search was performed on the MEDLINE, SciELO, LILACS, and PEDro databases, by combining specific key words, followed by active manual searches by two independent researchers. Results and discussion Fifty-eight studies were included: three related to the trunk and 55 to the upper limb muscles, including handgrip and pinch strength assessments. The most investigated muscular groups were handgrip, elbow flexors/extensors, wrist extensors, and lateral pinch. Nine studies reported adequate reliability levels and the seated position was employed in the majority of the studies which assessed trunk, handgrip, and pinch strength, while the supine position was used for the other muscular groups. The number of trials most used was three, while the reported contractions and rest times were variable. Final considerations Most studies reported the positioning and/or the data collection protocols; however, there was no consensus on the standardization procedures. The only investigated psychometric property was reliability. Few studies evaluated the trunk muscles and other psychometric properties. .

Introdução A mensuração da força muscular em indivíduos acometidos pelo Acidente Vascular Encefálico (AVE) é comumente realizada na clínica, sendo os dinamômetros portáteis os instrumentos mais utilizados para tanto. Objetivo Verificar se há uma padronização dos métodos utilizados para avaliação da força muscular de tronco e membros superiores (MMSS) com o uso de dinamômetros portáteis em indivíduos pós-AVE, bem como verificar quais propriedades de medida já foram investigadas. Materiais e métodos As buscas foram realizadas nas bases de dados MEDLINE, SciELO, LILACS e PEDro com combinação de termos específicos, seguidas de busca manual ativa. A seleção dos estudos e a extração das informações foram realizadas por dois examinadores independentes. Resultados e discussão Foram incluídos 58 estudos (três de tronco e 55 de MMSS, incluindo preensão manual e pinça). Os grupos musculares mais avaliados foram preensão manual, flexores de cotovelo, extensores de punho, extensores de cotovelo e pinça lateral. Nove estudos reportaram confiabilidade adequada do método. A maioria dos estudos que avaliaram os músculos de tronco, de preensão manual e de pinça utilizou a postura sentada, enquanto o decúbito dorsal foi mais utilizado na avaliação dos demais músculos. O número de repetições mais utilizado foi três, já o tempo de contração e o período de repouso variaram entre os estudos. Considerações finais A maioria dos estudos relatou o posicionamento e/ou o protocolo de coleta, porém não houve uma padronização. A única propriedade de medida investigada foi a confiabilidade. Poucos estudos avaliaram os músculos de tronco e as outras propriedades de medida. .

J Rehabil Med ; 46(7): 620-8, 2014 Jul.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24849895


OBJECTIVES: To investigate the criterion-related validity, test-retest and inter-rater reliabilities of the modified sphygmomanometer test (MST) for assessment of the strength of the trunk and lower limb muscles in subjects with chronic stroke, and to verify whether the number of trials affected the results. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fifty-nine subjects with stroke (mean age 57.80 years; standard deviation 13.79 years) were included in the study. Maximum isometric strength was assessed with a hand-held dynamometer and the MST. To investigate whether the number of trials affected the results, one-way analysis of variance was applied. For the criterion-related validity, test-retest and inter-rater reliabilities of the MST, Pearson correlation coefficients, coefficients of determination, and intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) were calculated. RESULTS: Different numbers of trials provided similar values for all assessed muscles (0.003 ≤ F ≤ 0.08; 0.92 ≤ p ≤ 1.00) with adequate validity (0.79 ≤ r ≤ 0.90; p ≤ 0.001), test-retest (0.57 ≤ ICC ≤ 0.98; p ≤ 0.001), and inter-rater reliabilities (0.53 ≤ ICC ≤ 0.97; p ≤ 0.001), except for the inter-rater reliability of the non-paretic ankle plantar flexors. The values obtained with the MST were good predictors of those obtained with the hand-held dynamometer (0.57 ≤ r2 ≤ 0.79). CONCLUSION: In general, the MST showed adequate criterion-related validity, test-retest and inter-rater reliabilities for the assessment of strength of the lower limb and trunk muscles in subjects with chronic stroke. For the majority of the assessed muscles, only one trial, after familiarization, provided adequate strength values.

Extremidade Inferior/fisiopatologia , Força Muscular/fisiologia , Acidente Vascular Cerebral/fisiopatologia , Tronco/fisiopatologia , Adulto , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Feminino , Humanos , Masculino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Reprodutibilidade dos Testes , Esfigmomanômetros , Reabilitação do Acidente Vascular Cerebral
Fisioter. mov ; 26(2): 437-452, abr.-jun. 2013. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-679297


INTRODUÇÃO: O Teste do esfigmomanômetro modificado (TEM) tem potencial de ampla aplicação clínica para mensuração da força muscular. OBJETIVO: Realizar uma ampla revisão da literatura para descrever como o TEM vem sendo utilizado para avaliação da força muscular, bem como suas propriedades de medida. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas buscas nas bases de dados MEDLINE/LILACS/SciELO/PEDro com combinação de termos específicos, sem restrições quanto ao idioma e publicados até novembro/2011, seguida de busca manual ativa. Todos os estudos encontrados foram analisados por dois examinadores independentes. RESULTADOS: Dos 24 estudos incluídos, 11 investigaram alguma propriedade psicométrica (validade de critério concorrente e confiabilidade) e reportaram resultados adequados. O TEM já foi utilizado para avaliação da força muscular de crianças, adultos e idosos, saudáveis ou acometidos por alguma condição de saúde; doenças reumáticas e dor lombar foram as mais comuns. Já foi utilizado para avaliação dos músculos do tronco e membros; os membros superiores foram os mais avaliados (79,16%), principalmente os preensores palmares. Todos realizaram adaptação no esfigmomanômetro, a maioria utilizou contração muscular por 5 segundos, pré-insuflação do equipamento de 20 mmHg e não foi reportado o tempo de repouso nem o número de repetições. CONSIDERAÇÕES FINAIS: Apesar de apresentar adequadas propriedades de medida e ampla aplicabilidade clínica, o TEM ainda é pouco utilizado para avaliação da força muscular e não foi empregado em estudos com indivíduos em que este desfecho é comumente avaliado. A falta de padronização e/ou descrição dos procedimentos adotados dificulta a replicação dos métodos para utilização do TEM na prática clínica.

INTRODUCTION: The Modified Sphygmomanometer Test (MST) has potential for wide clinical applications for the assessment of muscular strength. OBJECTIVE: To perform a literature review to describe how the MST has been employed for the evaluation of strength and its psychometric properties. MATERIALS AND METHODS: An extensive search was performed with the MEDLINE, SciELO, LILACS, and PEDro databases, by combining specific keywords, without language restrictions, and published until November/2011, followed by active manual search. RESULTS: Out of the 24 included studies, 11 investigated criterion-related validity and reliability with adequate results. The MST has been applied for the evaluation of strength in different populations, such as children, adults, and elderly, healthy or with some health conditions, been the rheumatic diseases and low back pain the most common. It has been applied for the assessment of trunk and limb muscles, mainly for the upper limb muscles (76.19%), principally handgrip. All of the studies performed some adaptations in the equipment and the majority used 5s of contraction, equipment pre-inflation of 20 mmHg. None reported the resting time neither the number of trials. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: Despite the clinical applicability of the MST and the adequate psychometric properties, this test is still little used for the evaluation of strength and was not applied in subjects with important strength impairments. The lack of standardization and/or description of the adopted procedures hinder the MST replication in clinical contexts.

Humanos , Força Muscular , Esfigmomanômetros , Especialidade de Fisioterapia