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Phys Rev E ; 106(3-1): 034301, 2022 Sep.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-36266883


We study influence maximization on temporal networks. This is a special setting where the influence function is not submodular, and there is no optimality guarantee for solutions achieved via greedy optimization. We perform an exhaustive analysis on both real and synthetic networks. We show that the influence function of randomly sampled sets of seeds often violates the necessary conditions for submodularity. However, when sets of seeds are selected according to the greedy optimization strategy, the influence function behaves effectively as a submodular function. Specifically, violations of the necessary conditions for submodularity are never observed in real networks, and only rarely in synthetic ones. The direct comparison with exact solutions obtained via brute-force search indicates that the greedy strategy provides approximate solutions that are well within the optimality gap guaranteed for strictly submodular functions. Greedy optimization appears, therefore, to be an effective strategy for the maximization of influence on temporal networks.

Nat Commun ; 13(1): 1308, 2022 03 14.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35288567


Statistical laws of information avalanches in social media appear, at least according to existing empirical studies, not robust across systems. As a consequence, radically different processes may represent plausible driving mechanisms for information propagation. Here, we analyze almost one billion time-stamped events collected from several online platforms - including Telegram, Twitter and Weibo - over observation windows longer than ten years, and show that the propagation of information in social media is a universal and critical process. Universality arises from the observation of identical macroscopic patterns across platforms, irrespective of the details of the specific system at hand. Critical behavior is deduced from the power-law distributions, and corresponding hyperscaling relations, characterizing size and duration of avalanches of information. Statistical testing on our data indicates that a mixture of simple and complex contagion characterizes the propagation of information in social media. Data suggest that the complexity of the process is correlated with the semantic content of the information that is propagated.

Mídias Sociais , Humanos
Phys Rev E ; 103(2): L020302, 2021 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33736024


We investigate how the properties of inhomogeneous patterns of activity, appearing in many natural and social phenomena, depend on the temporal resolution used to define individual bursts of activity. To this end, we consider time series of microscopic events produced by a self-exciting Hawkes process, and leverage a percolation framework to study the formation of macroscopic bursts of activity as a function of the resolution parameter. We find that the very same process may result in different distributions of avalanche size and duration, which are understood in terms of the competition between the 1D percolation and the branching process universality class. Pure regimes for the individual classes are observed at specific values of the resolution parameter corresponding to the critical points of the percolation diagram. A regime of crossover characterized by a mixture of the two universal behaviors is observed in a wide region of the diagram. The hybrid scaling appears to be a likely outcome for an analysis of the time series based on a reasonably chosen, but not precisely adjusted, value of the resolution parameter.

Phys Rev E ; 102(4-1): 042307, 2020 Oct.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33212670


We consider the optimization problem of seeding a spreading process on a temporal network so that the expected size of the resulting outbreak is maximized. We frame the problem for a spreading process following the rules of the susceptible-infected-recovered model with temporal scale equal to the one characterizing the evolution of the network topology. We perform a systematic analysis based on a corpus of 12 real-world temporal networks and quantify the performance of solutions to the influence maximization problem obtained using different level of information about network topology and dynamics. We find that having perfect knowledge of the network topology but in a static and/or aggregated form is not helpful in solving the influence maximization problem effectively. Knowledge, even if partial, of the early stages of the network dynamics appears instead essential for the identification of quasioptimal sets of influential spreaders.

Entropy (Basel) ; 20(10)2018 Oct 12.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33265871


We present a new metric estimating fitness of countries and complexity of products by exploiting a non-linear non-homogeneous map applied to the publicly available information on the goods exported by a country. The non homogeneous terms guarantee both convergence and stability. After a suitable rescaling of the relevant quantities, the non homogeneous terms are eventually set to zero so that this new metric is parameter free. This new map almost reproduces the results of the original homogeneous metrics already defined in literature and allows for an approximate analytic solution in case of actual binarized matrices based on the Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) indicator. This solution is connected with a new quantity describing the neighborhood of nodes in bipartite graphs, representing in this work the relations between countries and exported products. Moreover, we define the new indicator of country net-efficiency quantifying how a country efficiently invests in capabilities able to generate innovative complex high quality products. Eventually, we demonstrate analytically the local convergence of the algorithm involved.