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Animals (Basel) ; 12(1)2021 Dec 22.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-35011119


We assessed the effects of high-intensity and low-frequency (HILF) vs. low-intensity and high-frequency (LIHF) grazing on herbage production and performance of beef cattle grazing sorghum pastures. The experimental design was a complete randomized block with two treatments and four replicates (paddocks), carried out in 2014/15. The management target of 50 and 30 cm for pre- and post-grazing, respectively, a LIHF grazing management strategy oriented to maximize beef cattle herbage intake per unit time, was compared with a HILF grazing management strategy of 80 and 20 cm for pre- and post-grazing, respectively, aiming to maximize herbage accumulation and harvest efficiency. Sixteen Brangus steers of 15-month-old and 265 ± 21 kg of live weight (LW) were randomly distributed to paddocks (experimental units). The LIHF resulted in shorter rest periods when compared with the HILF. The greater leaf lamina mass in LIHF allowed greater sward light interception at post-grazing, resulting in greater total herbage production than HILF (7581 and 4154 kg DM/ha, respectively). The average daily gain (ADG) of steers was greater for the LIHF than for the HILF treatment (0.950 and 0.702 kg/animal, respectively); however, even with a greater stocking rate in the HILF, there was no difference for LW gain per ha, with an average of 4 kg LW/ha/day. Our findings demonstrated that the LIHF strategy that is based on offering to the animals an optimal sward structure to favor the maximum herbage intake rate fosters greater herbage production, harvesting efficiency, and ADG without compromising LW gain per area of beef steers, despite the lower herbage harvested per stocking cycle.

Ciênc. rural ; 41(8): 1459-1465, Aug. 2011. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-596946


A intensidade de pastejo e suas alterações ao longo do tempo podem afetar a composição botânica e a estrutura do pasto. Este trabalho buscou avaliar o efeito de distintas ofertas de forragem (OF) sobre a dinâmica populacional de espécies de uma pastagem natural dos Campos Sulinos. As avaliações da composição botânica foram realizadas em 12 de janeiro e 17 de julho através do método BOTANAL. Os tratamentos constaram de diferentes OF (kg MS 100kg-1 de peso vivo dia-1): 8, 12 e 16 durante todo ano e diferentes combinações de sequências: 8 na primavera e 12 no resto do ano (8-12); 12 na primavera e 8 no resto do ano (12-8); 16 na primavera e 12 no resto do ano (16-12). O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com duas repetições. A oferta de forragem provocou alterações na composição botânica da vegetação. A manipulação da OF na primavera alterou a composição botânica da vegetação e apresentou maior impacto nas menores OF.

Grazing intensity manipulation can affect structure and botanical composition of the pasture. The objective of this research was to evaluate the effects of different forage allowances and different seasonal sequences of forage allowance (FA) on the species population dynamics in the rangelands of Campos Sulinos. The botanical composition evaluations were made in January 12th and July 17th, using BOTANAL method. Treatments were of different FA (kg DM 100kg-1 of live weight day-1): 8, 12, 16 all around the year; and different sequences of FA: 8 on spring and 12 at the rest of year (8-12); 12 on spring and 8 at the rest of year (12-8) and 16 on spring and 12 at the rest of year (16-12). The statistical design used was randomized blocks with two replications. The forage allowance led to changes in botanical and structural composition of vegetation. It can be inferred that the forage allowance variation on the vegetation had higher impact on smaller forage allowances.