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Eur J Psychol ; 16(2): 193-209, 2020 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33680178


Recent studies have examined the argumentative strategies used by young children in everyday situations as well as in experimental settings. However, differences in argumentative production as a function of Socio-Economic Status (SES) have been minimally explored. This study aims to analyze eventual differences regarding social group in the use of argumentative strategies and connectors marking causal and adversative relationships within these strategies. The corpus is 615 disputes occurred during play situations in the homes of 39 4-year old children living in Buenos Aires, Argentina: 453 of mid SES children and 162 of low SES. Argumentative strategies were codified using a system of inductively derived categories: a) the reiteration of the child's point of view; b) the narration of previous experiences; c) the anticipation of courses of action; d) generalization; e) the description of the characteristics of an object, event or internal state; f) referencing authority; g) the mitigation of the point of view; h) providing an alternative proposal. Results show that in both social groups the use of an argumentative strategy to sustain the point of view predominates over merely stating the point of view. Additionally, we found significant differences in a) Reiteration strategy, with the low SES group showing a greater use of this strategy and b) Generalization and Description strategies, with the mid SES children employing these ones more frequently. Regarding the connectors, significant differences were only detected in the use of consecutive and adversative markers. The mid SES group showed a greater use of these particular connectors.

Rev. Costarric. psicol ; 36(2): 83-103, jul.-dic. 2017. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS, Index Psicologia - Periódicos | ID: biblio-1091934


Resumen En el presente estudio se analizan situaciones de alfabetización entre díadas de niños de 12 años, que asistían a la escuela primaria y niños de 5 años de jardín de infantes generadas en el marco del programa de niños tutores en alfabetización "De niño a niño" (Rosemberg y Alam, 2009) orientado a promover el aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura de niños, quienes viven en poblaciones urbano marginadas de Argentina. El análisis se focaliza en las secuencias de intercambio en las que los niños mayores (tutores) explican palabras poco familiares a los niños pequeños (aprendices) durante dis tintos tipos de actividades: lectura de cuentos y actividades focalizadas en el sistema de escritura y el vocabulario. Durante el año escolar, se llevaron a cabo 7 sesiones y las sesiones de 8 díadas fueron filmadas y transcriptas. Se identificaron 89 secuencias donde el tutor explicaba una palabra al apren diz. Para el análisis, se elaboró una categorización que da cuenta de la estructura conversacional de las secuencias de explicación -modalidad monologal o dialogal- y del tipo de información empleada -estrategias que recurren a aspectos semánticos y de contextualización. A fin de comparar cómo se despliegan estas secuencias en cada tipo de actividad, se emplearon pruebas estadísticas no paramé tricas. Los resultados mostraron una preeminencia de la modalidad monologal y un mayor empleo de estrategias que recurren a aspectos semánticos en las situaciones de lectura. En las otras actividades de alfabetización, prevaleció la modalidad dialogal y el empleo de estrategias de contextualización.

Abstract: This study analyzes literacy situations between dyads of 12-year-olds attending primary school and 5-year-old kindergarten children generated in the framework of the "De niño a niño" program (Rosemberg & Alam, 2009). The goal of this program is to promote reading and writing learning among children living in urban-marginalized populations in Argentina. The analysis focuses on the interventions used by older children (tutors) to explain un familiar words to younger children (apprentices) in the context of different types of activities: reading stories and activities focused on the writing system and vocabulary. During the school year, 7 sessions were held. The tutoring sessions of 8 dyads were videotaped and transcribed. Eighty-nine exchanges in which a tutor explained a word to the apprentice were identified. For the analysis, a categorization was elaborated focusing on the conversational structure of the explanation sequence modality - monologal or dialogal - and the type of information used for the explanation -strategies that resort to semantic and contextual aspects. In order to compare how these sequences were deployed in each type of activity, nonparametric statistical tests were used. The results showed a pre-eminence of the monologal modality and a greater use of strategies that resort to semantic aspects in reading situations. In the other literacy activities, the dialogal modality and the use of contextual aspects prevailed.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Pré-Escolar , Criança , Vocabulário , Escolas Maternais , Ensino Fundamental e Médio , Fatores Sociológicos , Alfabetização , Argentina , Área Urbana , Interação Social , Linguística/educação