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Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract ; 13(2): 147-52, 2009.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-24916734


Objective. We examined figure preferences of 26 schizophrenic patients and a control group of 53 controls (university students). Methods. Figures utilized included a square and six different rectangles of equal area (26 cm(2)). The schizophrenic patients and normal university students were asked to draw either a horizontal or a vertical line to divide each rectangle at the most aesthetically pleasing location. Results. Both the schizophrenic patients and the normal university students tended to divide the rectangles into symmetric parts. This finding suggests that both groups prefer symmetry, in accordance with the Gestalt of Pragnanz, which states that symmetrical figures represent regularity and simplicity, and that people tend to prefer "good figures". Compared with normal university students, however, schizophrenic patients preferred extremely symmetrical figures to asymmetrical figures. Conclusion. We suggest that schizophrenic patients' extreme preference for symmetry reflects their generally static stances and poor flexibility, as well as a defect in their ability to synthesize a whole object from its parts.