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Gastroenterol. latinoam ; 23(2): 76-83, abr.-jun. 2012. tab, graf
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-661595


The information on health available, is increasing in the Internet and the number of people with access to the web and patients is growing. In general, celiac patients seek information on the web regularly. Objective: To assess the content of the web pages that our celiac patients check, when looking for information Material and Method: In 3 search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing) 12 terms were entered that are related to celiac disease, such as “Celiac disease symptoms”, “Celiac disease treatment”, “Gluten free diet”, among others. From the first page of every search engine the first 10 websites are considered, with a total of 360 websites. From these, 56 are repeated and 53 appear only once, resulting in 109 sites eligible for this evaluation. The authors applied a commonly agreed scale assigning 0 to 2 points to the following items: general information on the disease, symptoms, diagnostic, treatment and up-to-date information. The minimum would then be 0 points and the maximum 10. Results: 22 of 109 pages were ruled out because they were videos, research studies, clinical guidelines, Twitter and Facebook. The remaining 87 pages were evaluated: 7 (8 percent) are not recommendable due to conceptual errors; 44 (50.6 percent) had less than 8 points or lacked a full item; and 36 (41.3 percent) got high score, thus were recommendable for celiac patients. Conclusions: This is the first national-level research on the assessment of websites on a specific disease. Results show that only 4 out of 10 websites are recommendable for celiac patients. We consider that the treating doctors must advise their patients, for them to get good quality information.

La oferta de información sobre salud se multiplica a diario en Internet y el número de personas con acceso y, por ende, los pacientes, es cada día mayor. Los enfermos celíacos en general consultan con frecuencia en la red. Objetivo: evaluar el contenido de las páginas web a las que consultan nuestros pacientes celíacos. Material y Método: en 3 buscadores (Google, Yahoo y Bing) se usaron 12 términos relacionados con enfermedad celíaca tales como “Celiac disease symptoms”, “Celiac disease treatment”, “Gluten free diet” entre otros. De la primera página de cada buscador se obtienen los 10 primeros sitios web, sumando en total 360 direcciones. De ellas, se repiten 56 y 53 aparecen sólo una vez, quedando finalmente 109 sitios para evaluar. A cada sitio se le aplicó una tabla de evaluación consensuada por los autores que asigna de 0 a 2 puntos a cada ítem: generalidades de la enfermedad, sintomatología, diagnóstico, tratamiento y grado de actualización. El mínimo será por lo tanto de 0 y el máximo de 10 puntos. Resultados: 22 de las 109 páginas se descartaron por ser videos, trabajos de investigación, guías clínicas, Twitter y Facebook. Las 87 páginas web restantes fueron evaluadas: 7 (8 por ciento) no son recomendables debido a errores conceptuales; 44 (50,6 por ciento) sumaron menos de 8 puntos o les faltaba algún ítem completo y 36 (41,3 por ciento) obtuvieron puntaje alto, considerándose recomendables para los pacientes celíacos. Conclusiones: Este es el primer trabajo nacional en abordar el tema de evaluación de sitios web de una patología determinada. Los resultados nos indican que sólo 4 de cada 10 sitios son recomendables para los pacientes celíacos. Consideramos que los médicos tratantes deben orientar a los pacientes, con el fin de que obtengan una buena calidad en la información que buscan.

Humanos , Doença Celíaca , Internet
Rev. méd. Chile ; 131(1): 31-36, 2003. tab
Artigo em Espanhol | LILACS | ID: lil-342220


Background: The diagnosis of celiac disease is based in clinical features, serology and intestinal biopsy. There are recent reports that antiglutaminase antibodies have a good correlation with anti endomisial antibodies. Aim: To assess the sensitivity and specificity of antitransglutaminase antibodies in the diagnosis of celiac disease and their correlation with antiendomisial antibodies. Material and methods: Forty nine patients with celiac disease (mean age 30 years, 12 male) were studied. Thirty were symptomatic and 19, asymptomatic. As controls, 34 subjects (mean age 27 years, seven male), with normal duodenal biopsies, were studied. Sera was processed for the determination of antigliadin IgA by ELISA, antiendomisium IgA by indirect immunofluorescence, and antitransglutaminase IgA by ELISA. Results : Antigliadin antibodies had a sensitivity of 73 percent, a specificity of 96 percent, a positive predictive value of 93 percent and a negative predictive value of 82 percent for the diagnosis of celiac disease. Antiendomisium and antitransglutaminase antibodies had a specificity and positive predictive value of 100 percent, sensitivities of 89 and 92 percent respectively and negative predictive values of 92 and 94 percent respectively. No significant differences in the diagnostic yield of antiendomisium and antitransglutaminase antibodies, were observed. Conclusions: In this group of patients, antitransglutaminase antibodies had a high concordance with antiendomisium antibodies, for the diagnosis of celiac disease. Considering that the determination of antitransglutaminase antibodies is of lower cost and less complicated than antiendomisium antibodies, it is a useful tool for the diagnosis and follow up of patients with celiac disease

Humanos , Masculino , Adolescente , Adulto , Feminino , Pessoa de Meia-Idade , Transglutaminases , Especificidade de Anticorpos , Doença Celíaca/imunologia , Estudos de Casos e Controles , Glutens , Intolerância à Lactose , Formação de Anticorpos/imunologia