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HSS J ; 16(Suppl 1): 56-63, 2020 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32868977


Background: Up to 36% of patients admitted to the ICU for COVID-19 require tracheostomy. While the literature recommends the use of multidisciplinary teams in the management of patients with tracheostomy for other diseases, little is known on the collaborative administration of physical therapy and speech language pathology services in the COVID-19 population. Purpose: We sought to determine the outcomes of a collaboration between physical therapy (PT) and speech language pathology (SLP) in the treatment of patients who underwent tracheostomy placement as part of their treatment for COVID-19 at our facility. Methods: We conducted a retrospective case series on patients with COVID-19 who had a tracheostomy. We included patients who had undergone mechanical ventilation for 14 days or longer, had a surgical tracheostomy, been discharged from intensive care to a medical unit, and received PT and SLP referrals. We compiled retrospective data from electronic medical records, analyzing days from tracheostomy to achievement of PT and SLP functional milestones, including mobility, communication, and swallowing. Of six critically ill patients with COVID-19 who had tracheostomy placement at our facility, three met inclusion criteria: patient 1, a 33-year-old woman; patient 2, an 84-year-old man; and patient 3, an 81-year-old man. For all patients, PT interventions focused on breathing mechanics, secretion clearance, posture, sitting balance, and upper and lower extremity strengthening. SLP interventions focused on cognitive reorganization, verbal and nonverbal communication, secretion management, and swallowing function. Intensity and duration of the sessions were adapted according to patient response and level of fatigue. Results: We found that time to tracheostomy from intubation for the three patients was 23 days, 20 days, and 24 days, respectively. Time from tracheostomy insertion to weaning from ventilator was 9 days for patient 1, and 5 days for patient 2 and patient 3. Regarding time to achieve functional PT and SLP milestones, all patients achieved upright sitting with PT prior to achieving initial SLP milestone of voicing with finger occlusion. Variations in progression to swallowing trials were patient specific and due to respiratory instability, cognitive deficits, and limitations in production of an effortful swallow. Patient participation in therapy sessions improved following establishment of oral verbal communication. Conclusion: Interdisciplinary cooperation and synchronized implementation of PT and SLP interventions in three COVID-19 patients following prolonged intubation facilitated participation in treatment and achievement of functional milestones. Further study is warranted.

HSS J ; 16(Suppl 1): 64-70, 2020 Nov.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32837409


Background: Guidelines for physical therapy management of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 recommend limiting physical therapists' contact with patients when possible. Telehealth has been viewed as "electronic personal protective equipment" during the COVID-19 pandemic; although telerehabilitation has been shown to be effective with outpatients, it is unknown whether it is a viable option for hospitalized patients. Purpose: Our facility developed an algorithm for the use of a physical therapy telerehabilitation program for inpatients with COVID-19. We sought to investigate the safety and viability of the program. Methods: We conducted a retrospective chart review of patients admitted with a diagnosis of COVID-19 who received either telerehabilitation only or a combination of telerehabilitation and in-person rehabilitation. Based on the algorithm, COVID-19 inpatients were selected to receive telerehabilitation if they could ambulate independently, could use technology, had stable vital signs, required minimal supplemental oxygen, and were cognitively intact. We analyzed data of inpatients who received telerehabilitation only, which included patient education, therapeutic exercises, and breathing techniques. Results: Of 33 COVID-19 inpatients who received telerehabilitation, in-person rehabilitation, or a combination of the two, 12 patients received telerehabilitation only (age range, 33 to 65 years; all but one male). They demonstrated independence with their individualized home exercise programs in one to two sessions, did not require an in-person rehabilitation consultation, did not require increased oxygen, experienced no exacerbation of symptoms, and were discharged home. Conclusions: Inpatient telerehabilitation appears to be a viable option for selected hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and may be a safe way of delivering inpatient rehabilitation to isolated or at-risk populations. At our hospital, the use of inpatient telerehabilitation reduced staff exposure while providing important education and services to patients. To our knowledge, no studies have investigated the use of telerehabilitation for hospitalized patients, including those with COVID-19. Our findings suggest that this innovative approach warrants further study.

Int J Sports Phys Ther ; 11(3): 423-35, 2016 Jun.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27274428


BACKGROUND: The incidence of patellar subluxation or dislocation has been documented up to 43/100,000 with females more prevalent then males. There are many contributing factors involving the hip, knee, and ankle that lead to patellar subluxation. A patellar position of lateral tilt with lateral glide may indicate weakness of the vastus medialis oblique (VMO) and adductors, increased tightness in the iliotibial band, and overpowering of the vastus lateralis. Patella alta can predispose an individual to lateral dislocation due to the patella placement outside of the femoral trochlear groove with a disadvantage of boney stability. Other factors that may cause the patella to laterally sublux or dislocate during a functional activity or sporting activity include a position of femoral external rotation, tibial internal rotation, and excessive contraction of the vastus lateralis. The medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) aids in the prevention of a lateral patellar subluxation or dislocation. In cases where there is recurrent subluxation/dislocation and Magnetic Resonance Imaging confirms a MPFL tear, a reconstruction may be the treatment of choice. PURPOSE: The purpose of this case series is to describe the post-surgical physical therapy management of MPFL reconstructions, outcomes using the Modified Cincinnati Knee Outcome Measure (MCKOM) and to propose staged physical therapy interventions for this pathology in the form of a treatment progression. METHODS: Post-operative management data and outcomes were retrospectively collected using a detailed chart review methodology from seven subjects who underwent MPFL reconstruction. FINDINGS: The Modified Cincinnati Knee Outcome Measure (MCKOM) was analyzed for each participant in four sections that were most important to the return and maintenance of participation in sport. At follow-up the mean scores for the seven subjects in Section 3 (instability) was 19.3/20, Section 4 (overall activity level) was 17.3/20, Section 7 (running activity) was 4.5/5, and Section 8 (jumping and twisting) was 4.3/5. Overall all subjects scored over an 80 which indicated excellent results for return to activity/sport. CONCLUSIONS: In this case series, seven subjects after MPFL reconstruction returned to sport or functional activity following a physical therapy treatment progression including proprioceptive-focused, and dynamic rehabilitation, along with a home exercise program. Based on these positive results and a review of relevant literature regarding MPFL rehabilitation, a rehabilitation progression was presented. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Level 4- Case Series.