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Aging Male ; 23(5): 865-872, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-31251097


Men ignore self-care, displaying low frequency in health services. Aging increases the prevalence of LUTS and BPE, impacting the quality of life. The objective is to understand how the advancement of age can be determinant for men's health in Natal, Brazil. Then, 503 men aged between 43 and 83 attended the Blue November Campaign of 2015. All subjects were submitted to anamnesis, clinical and laboratorial evaluation including measuring their blood pressure, waist circumference, glucose, total cholesterol, HDL-C, LDL-C, triglycerides and BMI was calculated. In addition, IPSS, PSA, IIEF-5 and DRE data were collected. The mean IPSS presented an increase with age, 43-59 years (6.28 ± 6.02) and 70-80 years or more (8.65 ± 5.80). PSA dosages increase with aging (adult group 1.63 ± 2.70), being more accentuated in the older group (4.66 ± 5.70), while the mean IIFE-5 showed a decrease with aging in 43-59 years (21.79 ± 4.67) and an important decrease at 70-80 years or more (16.24 ± 6.71). The number of DRE > 30 g showed significant growth in the older group. All presented statistical significance (p < .05) and were associated with aging. The Blue November Campaign creates an annual self-care opportunity for aging men as their health is gradually affected.

Envelhecimento Saudável , Hiperplasia Prostática , Idoso , Idoso de 80 Anos ou mais , Humanos , Masculino , Prevalência , Qualidade de Vida , Autocuidado
Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes ; 11: 401-408, 2018.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-30122967


BACKGROUND: Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is an aggregation of risk factors associated with increased incidence of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and all-cause mortality. Information on MetS prevalence is scarce in the northeast region, Brazil. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of MetS according to different diagnostic criteria in a community sample of men during the November Blue Campaign living in the metropolitan area of Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. METHODS: This is a cross-sectional study on 500 men aged 40 years or older invited by the Blue November Campaign of 2015, an awareness program aimed at the prevention of male diseases. The evaluation included blood pressure, anthropometric measurements (weight, height, and waist circumference), fasting blood glucose, and blood lipid profile. The diagnosis of MetS was made according to the criteria of International Diabetes Federation (IDF)/American Heart Association (AHA)/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), IDF, and National Cholesterol Education Program's Adult Treatment Panel III (NCEP-ATPIII). RESULTS: The prevalence was high by considering the following three criteria: IDF/AHA/NHLBI (66.8%), IDF (60.0%), and NCEP-ATPIII (46.4%). Concordance between diagnostic criteria measured by the kappa statistic (k) was excellent between IDF/AHA/NHLBI and IDF (k=0.85, P<0.0001) and moderate between IDF/AHA/NHLBI and NCEP-ATPIII (k=0.59) and IDF and NCEP-ATPIII (k=0.54). CONCLUSION: Prevalence of MetS in the male population was high using the three diagnostic criteria. IDF/AHA/NHLBI and IDF criteria have a high level of agreement, but NCEP-ATPIII criteria identify a lower number of MetS cases.

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 22(64): 141-152, jan.-mar. 2018.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: biblio-893458


No contexto do HIV/AIDS, estratégias comensais são acordadas pelas famílias para reduzir riscos. Com o objetivo de identificar percepções de risco nos convívios comensais desenvolveu-se estudo qualitativo com jovens órfãos pela AIDS. Os dados foram obtidos durante entrevista com questões sobre o cotidiano. Utilizou-se a proposta de Wright Mills do artesanato intelectual, na qual os sujeitos são considerados atores históricos e sociais. As estratégias mediante a percepção de risco ao HIV/AIDS foram consideradas acordos pactuados pela família para assegurar a interação social. Foi possível observar que as estratégias incluem a restrição do toque e do contato corporal; separação de utensílios e inutilização da comida tocada por soropositivos. A percepção de risco pode ser decorrente da inconstância dos achados científicos e de crenças que reforçam o processo de estigma e discriminação.(AU)

En el contexto del VIH/SIDA, las familias acuerdan estrategias comensales para reducir riesgos. Con el objetivo de identificar percepciones de riesgo en las convivencias comensales se desarrolló un estudio cualitativo con jóvenes huérfanos debido al SIDA. Los datos se obtuvieron durante entrevista con preguntas sobre el cotidiano. Se utilizó la propuesta de Wright Mills de la artesanía intelectual, en la cual los sujetos se consideran actores históricos y sociales. Las estrategias mediante la percepción de riesgo del VIH/SIDA se consideraron acuerdos pactados por la familia para asegurar la interacción social. Fue posible observar que las estrategias incluyen la restricción del toque y del contacto corporal, separación de utensilios e inutilización de la comida tocada por personas que son seropositivas. La percepción del riesgo puede ser consecuencia de la inconstancia de los hallazgos científicos y de creencias que refuerzan el proceso de estigmatización y discriminación.(AU)

Within the HIV/AIDS context, commensal strategies are agreed upon by the families aiming to reduce risks. With the objective of identifying risk perceptions in the commensal meetings, we developed a study with youth orphaned by AIDS. Interviews produced data through questions regarding daily life. The Wright Mills' proposal about intellectual craftsmanship was used for analysis. In this approachsubjects are considered historical and social actors. The strategies used from risk perception of HIV/AIDS were assumed as agreements by the families to ensure social interaction. It was observed that strategies include restrictions for touching and body contact; separation of dishes and disposal of food touched by the HIVpositive. The risk perception found may be due to variability of scientific findings and beliefs, thus reinforcing the process of stigma and discrimination.(AU)

Humanos , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida/transmissão , Crianças Órfãs/psicologia , Ingestão de Alimentos , Relações Interpessoais , Fatores de Risco
Interface comun. saúde educ ; 16(42): 651-664, jul.-set. 2012. ilus
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-651753


O "monopólio da cozinha", histórica e culturalmente, é atribuído às mulheres, mães. Para cuidar da família, elas elegem alimentos, compram, cozinham e os servem. Sustentam a comensalidade. Em contextos de HIV/Aids, onde há perda da mãe, as filhas tornam-se responsáveis por esses cuidados. O que pensam as meninas do papel de cuidadoras com o qual, prematuramente, deparam-se? O que dizem seus irmãos sobre isso? Realizamos entrevistas semidirigidas com 14 jovens órfãos. Os dados foram analisados pela proposta de Mills (2009). As jovens não demonstram insatisfação por executarem novas tarefas, mas deploram o fato de impedirem o estudo e a vida além-casa. Seus irmãos entendem a lida da cozinha como coisa de mulher e, por isso, dificilmente colaboram. Essas jovens necessitam de cuidados direcionados à situação vulnerável em que vivem. As políticas de Saúde Pública poderiam pleitear macroestruturas que atuassem sobre essa demanda.

"Monopoly of the kitchen" is historically and culturally attributed to women and mothers. To care for their families, they select and buy food, and cook and serve it. They sustain commensality. In contexts of HIV/AIDS, when mothers die, the daughters become responsible for such care. What do the girls think of the caregiver's role that they prematurely have to face? What do their brothers think about this? Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 14 young orphans. The data were analyzed as proposed by Mills (2009). The young women did not show any dissatisfaction with the new tasks that they were doing, but deplored the fact that this impeded them from studying and having a life beyond the home. Their brothers viewed dealing with the kitchen as women's business and rarely collaborated. These young women need care directed towards the vulnerable situation in which they live. Public health policies could seek macrostructures that would act on this demand.

Histórica y culturalmente, el "monopolio de la cocina" se atribuye a las mujeres, a las madres. Para cuidar de la familia eligen los alimentos, los compran, los cocinan y los sirven. Mantienen la comensalia. En el contexto del VIH/SIDA, cuando la madre muere, las hijas se hacen responsables de dichos cuidados. ¿Qué piensan las niñas del papel de cuidadoras? ¿Qué dicen sus hermanos al respecto? Realizamos entrevistas semi-estructuradas con 14 jóvenes huérfanos. Los datos fueron analizados por la propuesta de Mills (2009). Las huérfanas no mostraron descontento por desarrollar nuevas tareas, pero lamentaron el hecho de que esas tareas les impiden de estudiar y vivir una vida más allá del hogar. Sus hermanos conciben la cocina como cosa de mujeres y casi nunca colaboran. Estas jóvenes necesitan de atención por su situación de vulnerabilidad. Las políticas de Salud Pública podrían reclamar macro-estructuras para cubrir esa demanda.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Adolescente , Adulto , Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida , Crianças Órfãs/psicologia